Sakura x Kakashi 4ever Wall

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big smile
Sakura4life said …
I am glad you think me and Kakashi is a good couple. Posted over a year ago
SayuriKanashimi said …
Even though I'm SasuSaku and KakaRin, I find them making a fine couple. So what the heck, I'll join. :)
Things would be less complex if only Sakura-chan was older or at least Kakashi-sama was younger. Then I think they would make a GREAT couple. ^^ Posted over a year ago
mirafan said …
well i guess dey do make not a bad couple, though i'm still sasusaku... btw da banner is very cute! ;) Posted over a year ago
AliceSakura commented…
why thank you mirafan!!! over a year ago
AliceMasky88 said …
SakuraxKakashi 4ever!!!!!!!
Sasuke can go die!!! (sorry) Posted over a year ago
flaming-wave666 commented…
It's ypour option, but it's hard to respect such a rude comment to Sasuke. He has many fans (I'm one of them) so be polite please. over a year ago
mirafabia commented…
Yeah I agree.I'm a Fan of Him too.....i respect it too I understand...^_^ i know you apologize but i think the other ppl mistake you... over a year ago
BryanDD commented…
no sasuka can go hump a tree and then die and i'm not sorry over a year ago
flaming-wave666 commented…
Yeah, you do that ;P over a year ago
AliceSakura said …
Please join my club!!! PLEASE!! <33 Posted over a year ago
mirafabia commented…
i join it because of you!You are one of my friends...but sorry im a sasusaku Fan..(like AliceXAnubias Fan club i joined for AliceMasky):) i hope you understand it. over a year ago
flaming-wave666 commented…
I also joined this club for you AliceSakura. I'm a fan of SasukexSakura like mirafabia. =] over a year ago
flaming-wave666 commented…
Well no one asks you to join, you're welcome if you want. And why don't you tell this to all the KakaSaku fans? -.- Like if you even seen InuYasha there are many fans of SesshomaruxRin and he is like 1000 years older than her and is an immortal demon, and she is like 9 years old mortal... So KakaSaku isn't anywhere near as strange as SesshomaruxRin. I can get along with this KakaSaku very well. -.- over a year ago