Reddxx1 Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 19

Rouxx said …
I am thinking of making another club since i can't even edit this one anymore. BUT not sure if its even worth it...hmmm. Posted over a year ago
Rouxx said …
***ATTENTION*** This is my new account. i am no longer ReddXX1. i am now Rouxx. Posted over a year ago
sentinelwolf said …
well, why not, if no one really seems to give a shit, ill still stand up for friends, theres limits, but, this member, n' friend, has never really came close to really doing anythig to out of line, i can name a few better, n a couple hundred not ever worth, or worthy of bieng here,theres a difference, from a troll crap disturber, n smeone thats independent, dont take crap from no one, and, is misunderstood, peple will see through you not into you. go past the surface, you may think differnt. ^^ Posted over a year ago
sentinelwolf said …
visit ^^ Posted over a year ago
Rouxx commented…
Hey! :) over a year ago
sentinelwolf said …
link my version....

link your version.... Posted over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
well, now u know. over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
watch both to the ends.... after the blood, after the war, after the tears, after the faer... comes reality, and that is, a fairwell, with the best wishes, that you find, n keep, what you seek, and prosper, no matter the cost. over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
ReddXX1 said …
Lets play a little game for those who seem to want to speak your word!
Comment what you think about me and what you think of me!
You can say ANYTHING!!!! Mean or nice i will take itall. I wanna know what you REALLY think of me. Have fun and play wiith no mercy. ;P >][e* Posted over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
really? fine... so, how ya been? no,... seriously? over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^read up ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
think your really a great person, with issues n problems, like the rest of us, i was pretty close to you, and know a bit more than most, and still, think your a real bitch, if someone pushes you, but, who isnt, you wimp out, or stand n fight, you, stand ground, n kick ass, thats great, on other levels, you are unique, n pretty smart, but not nerdy smart, the fun type, n ah shit, ill cut it to point, yur pretty freakin awsome, and i really just think pretty highly, n respect you, after i set personal feelings aside, n base my answer on fact, not my unstable emotions. ^^ :) over a year ago
ShadowAlphaWolf said …
hey, you still have a mate? i dont..... hmmm Posted over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
Dont care. Your a player dont try to play games with me. im not up for shit. im not here to play family with low lifes ike you. over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
hee, that shit is funny, epic slam... lolol over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
*bows* thank you. Thank you! *bows again* over a year ago
sentinelwolf said …
i love that book you told me to grab if i could get my hands on it!! Posted over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
best ive ever read, the drama, romance, passion, action, love, humor and random plot twists are so much like reality, everytime you run your fingers down its spine, you know once you touch it, your seduced into opening it to do it again,.. open the cover, and as your hand touches the inside, you cannot help to hold onto each page,.. as your hand n fingers glide across each one, grip it to turn it not to miss a single scene, one you see and feel, like your living it, and after the hours it takes, each time the ending comes, its the same, but feels different, the climax at the end, leaves you breathless, best ever, hope they make a couple sequels! thanks, the book even fits in my hands, so laying it down n spread open on the table, or holding it close when in dim light, its so perfect, ive read many but the pages just spring to life, and it dont dissapoint like most, so its a keeper, one ill always have! over a year ago
big smile
ShadowAlphaWolf said …
hi! im Devon, or Dev. i see you have a club, i joined, hope you fan me back! thx! I like your name, it is a nice name. Devon. Posted over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
Thanks! :) I like your name aswell. Its a strong name. If you ever make a club for yourself id be more then happy to join just send me the link. over a year ago
sentinelwolf said …
we have friends, n they have clubs, then join our friends clubs,.. n visit or post once, twice, then,... who? club? wat club? open a store that has stuff all your friends need, like n want, at a price of just your time, walk in get a thing or two, n then pass it, every day, n dont even come in to say 'hello', then go n hang out somewhere else, n not even visit. Posted over a year ago
sentinelwolf said …
KIKAZZZZZ place ya gotz!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Lonewolfxx1 commented…
DAMN RIGHT!!! ;P over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
XXSMILESXX over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
lol :P over a year ago
James115 said …
We be PARTYIN!!!!!! ;P YEA SON!!! ][e* that how it go down with ReddXX1. lol
-i be Grinch'in. Posted over a year ago
biggamehunter75 commented…
YEA SON!!!! ;P over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
Hell YEA!!! over a year ago
Demon_Werewolf commented…
oh god... both of the Sarah clan gone wild xD over a year ago
sexyomega commented…
xD over a year ago
sexyomega said …
Gues who this bitch is ME! Lol that's gr8 but nope redxx1 is still some1 else......................................................................................... I ADDED! LAWL! Posted over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
lol Your crazy dude!!! lmao. Thanks for joining. =P over a year ago
sexyomega commented…
i loves waffles! over a year ago
sexyomega commented…
yeah me go duh lots lol over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury said …
Hello :P Posted over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
Ello! :P THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR JOINING!!! :) lol over a year ago
Alphaman said …
Guess who joined Posted over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
lol Thank you. <3 over a year ago
ReddXX1 said …
link Posted over a year ago
hotlia commented…
add me over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
added you :) over a year ago
ReddXX1 said …
***HELP*** Please report: link
If you have any questions message me. Posted over a year ago
ReddXX1 said …
My club:
If your my friend please join! ;P
-thanks dudes. Posted over a year ago
ReddXX1 said …
Thank you soooo much Andrew for My Club. <3 Posted over a year ago
gaaralover101 commented…
how sweet over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
*hugs S-Omega* HUG PARTY!!! lol over a year ago
ReddXX1 commented…
Dont be sorry over a year ago