Random RP Inspiration

Shebird posted on Apr 24, 2010 at 11:59PM
I was thinking that we could start an rp out of sheer inspiration. With characters created from favorite songs, dreams, poems, memories, or even objects of value. There will be far different countries and exotic lands and perhaps these characters will meet up while journeying for a certain goal. This idea was inspired by a wonderful movie called The Fall. That movie made me cry <3

Rules: Please follow all the rules made by Vampyre chick
I will encourage you not to use unoriginal character species (i.e. Vampires, werewolves, etc.) They are allowed but I don't encourage it :-/. I'd rather you make up a sort of species if you must. If you get too controlling I will give a warning before kindly asking you to leave because it's just not fun for the others. The password for joining is "Googly googly googly be gone!" Just make sure you at least read the rules.

Oh and here's a tip to make things more fun. Don't post any excess info before roleplaying. Make your character somewhat vague showing only expressions and appearances, because really the other characters shouldn't somehow know all that by their first meeting. It's better for everyone just to figure eachother out by getting to know them...just like in reality!
last edited on Apr 25, 2010 at 01:22AM

Random RP 101 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 101

over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Ok, I will join. I just have to think up a character first. =D

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shebird said…
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Ok I got it.

Name: Momo
Age: 18
Personality: Secretive. Afraid of new people, She doesn't like to befriend others, but if she has to she will. Emotionless.
Other: She has long black hair, and green eyes. Most commonly known for the way she can manipulate people by just looking at them, then having them do all the dirty work for her and she gets the prize. She carries around two daggers that she calls the twins, each dagger has an untold power, that only she knows of.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shebird said…
Pretty cool, pretty cool!
over a year ago Shebird said…
Only you forgot the rule password. I mean I put that there so people wouldn't skip over the rules and ruin it for everyone else :} You have to say no matter how humiliating it may seem.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Ok.... "Googly googly googly be gone." I said it. =D
over a year ago Shebird said…
The sun was hot, as suns naturally are. Upon the dried grass, Garlam felt like he was roasting away. A man of small staure thin, and with semi-dark skin. His eye popped with vibrant colors of greens and yellows, the other being concealed by a patch of gray cloth. He had removed a good portion of clothing only wearing slacks and nothing else, as it had gotten too sticky. An elaborate tattoo of an exploding snake stretched over his belly and chest. He rubbed his long fingers over his cleanly shaved head and closed his eye...the repetitive landscape had begun to wear on him. He felt as though he was losing his mind in this giant desert of a feild. He gotten used to being by himself, but the heat never got old.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Looking down at the male before, she laughed. "Thank for doing this for me, but now I'm afraid you time is up." With a quick snap of her wrist, his head was severed from his body by a sword. Placing the sword back in its holder, she picked up the brown sack the man had brought. Moving a piece of coal black hair from her view, she peered inside. A few coins and a pearl necklace lay inside. "Its not much but it'll do."
over a year ago Shebird said…
Garlam jerked upward with a gasp, from his pores squeazed cold salty prespiration. He panted, his eye wide in delusional fear, looking over the still landscape on which he was stranded. "I must have dozed off...the heat is getting to me. Keep moving, Garlam, keep moving." He slowly came up, picking up his clothing and proceeded to replace his shirt and shoes.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Momo placed the sack into her backpack, and with a last look at the beheaded body, strolled off in the opposite direction. Coming out from the woods and into a field. The sun bore its hot rays onto her petit form, and after onlya seconds she started to sweat. "God its so hot." She wiped the back of her hand across her perspirating forehead.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shebird said…
Garlam laggardly reached for his water pouch and lifted it to his lips, taking small gradual sips from the limited supply he now had. Was it just him, or did this field seem to go on for miles? He turned back and saw nothing but more grass. No longer, could the man see the forest he parted from. Turning precisely on his hill without a second thought he continued his exhausting journey.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
She continued walking onto the field. Looking around she saw. "Nothing. This place is nothing but grass." She kick at a wad of grass by her foot. "What a great place to be stuck at." She sighed and continued her walking.
over a year ago Shebird said…
As Garlem carried on, with his water supply diminishing slowly, he felt himself languishing away into nothing. The sun burned his scalp and left him dry. He felt he would have collapsed if it weren't for the unintended nap he took. Garlam stared upward, the sun should have at least moved position by now...but no...there it was staring back down at him. He rrubbed his eyes and then pinched the bridge of his nose.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
(I think more people should join. ^^)

Momo walked on, slowly her body started to scream with dehydration. She stopped and took a water bottle from her bag and took a few sips. Letting the moisture sooth her dried throat.
over a year ago alucard768 said…
can i join ???? Googly googly googly be gone
over a year ago Shebird said…
(I do too, could you help out on that?) Hours grew on him and his body began to giv in to exhaustion. Finally his knees buckled and the wight of his body could no longer be supported. Garlam fell, he lay face down with the dry itchy grass tickling his cheeks.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
(Yeah sure. Yay alucard768 wants to join!)

Momo keeps on walking, hours pass by when she comes upon a form laying in the grass. She kneels down by the form and finds out its a person. Looking around she finds a tree off to he right. "Its not that far maybe I can him there?" She looks down and studies him.
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! even more yaaay!!! Of course you can!))The man laying before Momo was covered in sweat. His body lay still as if dead, but there was still breath and a pulse. Exhasution and heat and rendered him to a near-unconciousness...his eys were still open, but rolling around like a mad animal. Clutched under his arm, was a bag and a dusty black coat.
over a year ago alucard768 said…
thx ok character
personality:was kind but lost emotions because of event in past now hides how she feels but is acctualy just waiting for acceptence
things to know:dark long orange hair left eye is blue right eye is green kills with guns that she has has more than 5 guns
over a year ago alucard768 said…
You know i'm going to kill you just come out already yelled kerrin pulling out one of her guns looking till she spotts a man their you are said kerrin. As she shoots him through his stomach she searches through his bag and takes out a note it reads a code she pulls out a collection she was saving bye bye no please you got what you needed please help me.No chimmed kerrin without a second glance.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Momo gently placed her arms under his body and with all her strength lifted him, and carried him under the shade of the tree. She pours a few drops of water into his mouth.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shebird said…
Garlam groaned, his voice slurring incoherently. He choked and coughed on the water lifting his head slightly. He squinted and asked a question that could not be understood, and then his head fell.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Momo backed away slightly from the man. "Ar-are you ok?"
over a year ago alucard768 said…
lets see where should i go said kerrin as she walked around aimlessly. oh well i'll just walk till i come accross something who knows mabey it'll be fun. as she looks around she spots two people a girl and a guy what are they doing said she muttered
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
((is it too late to join?? "googly googly googly be gone"))
over a year ago Shebird said…
big smile
((It's never too late! Oh and Alucard, maybe you could use some quotation marks, please. It's hard to understand your posts.Ad another thing about your post..I don't want to whine but keep the roleplay at a slowish pace don't just throw your characters at other chaacters-That post is fine but I just want to put that out there.Ie. They treked for hours before coming upon civilization-not Suddenly they found a village.))Garlam's eyes opened and took in a sweet vision. He gawked, having had not much of any human contact in a while. "I'm...." He averted his eyes trying to concentrate on where he was. "I'm-How did you get here?"
over a year ago Kanji said…
can i join googly googly googly be gone
over a year ago alucard768 said…
(ok its because i"m sorta lazy and rush things )"well it's none of my buissness i sould just continue ,"said kerrin.As she continued thought's came to her mind she walked away with dout in her mind.

over a year ago Shebird said…
((Of course you can join, Kanji! I understand, alucard, I just don't want this rp to totally suck :D))
over a year ago alucard768 said…
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
"I was walking when I came upon you. I'm sorry if I scared you, by pour that water in your mouth."
over a year ago Kanji said…
personality:has trust issues good hearted
other:kills with blades has black hair and brown eyes
lol sorry to start so late i was afk
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alucard768 said…
"when will i find my brother "thought kerrin " how did they even take him?""lets see i know that he's 16 now hmmm where would they even take him?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kanji said…
"damn where is she i know i was lost when i was little but shouldn't she have found me by now it was when i was 7 how come she hasn't found me littrly i escaped by myself is she even looking for me?" questioned kenji As he searched for his sister kerrin.
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
Name: Tessa
Personality: kind at times, doesn't talk much, secritive, strong willed.
Other: long red hair, violet eyes, tall. mature for herage, she's runaway from an orphanage in NYC.
over a year ago Shebird said…
"So you are real...but what are you doing out here? A girl like you...I don't even where here is. I got lost trying to find someone and ended up in this cazy place."
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
She closes her eyes tightly and counts to ten. When she opens her eyes again she looks at him contently. "I was out on business. I had someone to meet in the Canon forest." She points in the direction of which she came. "Over there. This is plain on which we are in, is a dry plain, it has no name."
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Damn it..Canon forest. It's far from where I wish to go. It'll take at least a month to get there on foot..." He muttered to himself, claculating distances in his head. He sat up and studied her. "You have blood on your breast," He simply stated out of bluntness.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
She looks down at her breast. "Damn it, I thought I go it all off." She looked up at him. "Would you mind turning around so I can change my shirt." She said sweetly.
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
Tessa was walking through some weird grassy desert for hours looking for any type of civilization, or at least some water. She was so thirty her lips were cracking, and she could barley keep her eyes open in the bright, hot, sunlight.
over a year ago Shebird said…
"...Huh?...Oh, pardon me." Garlam scooted around and stared downward at his hands. "What's your name?" He asked while waiting.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
She removed her backpack and pulled off her bloodied shirt. "Momo. Whats yours?" She asked taking out a clean white shirt, and placing the dirtied one in the bag. She pulled the shirt over her head, smoothed it out and smiled.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shebird said…
Garlam twisted his head around, giving a quick peek. "It's Garlam. Where are you coming from?"
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
"You can turn around now Garlem." She sat on the ground and took a sip from the water bottle. "Not really coming from anywhere. I'm more of a traveler."
over a year ago Shebird said…
He turned and faced her. "Same here. It's been a while since I've been able to talk to someone."
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
After her continued walking for about an hour or two she saw the figures of two people starting to form in the distance. She walked, or more stumbled, toward them.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
"Yeah I know what you mean." Forcing herself to look away from him, she looked out over the plain. "Hey does that look like a person to you?" She asked pointing in the directionnof Tessa.
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Could be just the sun...I'm not going out there to find out though. I have a feeling if I try, I'll just end up getting sick this time." Garlam squinted with just one eye towards the approaching figure, the image quivering underneath heatwaves.
over a year ago alucard768 said…
"oh well i'll find him besides i haven't found all of these for nothing,"said kerrin as she slowly walked pulling out the collection of codes that shes collected."but where and why did they take him."
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
as she came closer to the figures of Momo and Garlem, Tessa was able to make out that it was a boy and a girl. "hope i'm not interupting" she said to them in a low voice, not sure weither or not they could even hear her.