Random RP They Live

axemnas posted on Jul 24, 2012 at 09:51PM
Alright, i was watching John Carpenter's film They Live and i thought, it would make an interesting idea for a rp those of you that haven't seen the movie, here's a brief overview of the idea. Our world has been invaded by aliens but, we can't tell them from anyone else without a special type of glasses or the signal is disrupted. The movie itself takes place in Detroit but, i'm thinking we could make it a sort of spin off so, yeah. The aliens are just as vulnerable as humans but, have more advanced technology like a watch that is a communicator that can also teleport them in a case of a emergency. So what will you be a alien, part of the human resistance, a innocent bystander, a sell out, a double agent?
If you haven't decided yet as far as if your a human then you will have time to because most members of the resistance found out by stumbling across the weird glasses. The glasses look like weird Rayvans the sort of 80's blues brothers/men in black style ones.
The way they cover for you attacking their race is they say your a terrorist. They have drones and all the cops out to get you the upper class is controlled by them they control your paycheck and they are ready to rob our planet of its jobs and resources till they feel its time to move out. It's your choice so will you try on the glasses and ignore it, submit to them, resist them or pretend to do one and do the other.

For the quote see-ers: link
the video will show you a clip from the movie that will give you a general idea of what you see when you put on the glasses as well as give you an idea of what the aliens look like when they aren't cloaked.
Not all of the aliens will die.

-no bunnying without permission
-general terms of service
-no killing without messaging the person first and asking for permission
-no major limit on characters just as many as you can handle
-as far as sex fade out
-try to keep fowl language to a minimum but, its aloud
-Don't get angry if someone doesn't reply to you, just bring the person's attention to it or repost your response cause posts can be missed especially if the person is just skimming
-Respect other users

Character sheet:

occupation(if they have/had one):
group:(civilian/alien/rebellion/sell out)

Random RP 1 reply

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over a year ago axemnas said…
Name:Edward Dillinger
race/species(human/alien):human, Caucasian
appearance:tall about 5'8", thin, muscular,brown cruecut,blue eyes, wears a black or brown fedora, usually wears a trenchcoat over whatever he's wearing that's usually something professional except on his days off, intimidating posture
personality:reserved,He's a bit sentimental at times it has been his flaw since he first entered the academy the academy didn't think he'd make it at first combining his history with it and his vengeful spirit. He gets along best with animals and can sometimes be considered a hard nose by the new recruits and his fellow cops, but the older scuttle butts understand his reasoning.
occupation(if they have/had one):Detective
group:(civilian/alien/rebellion/sell out)rebellion
Background:After loosing his family to the mob when he was 12 Edward wanted to avenge them. When he was old enough he became a cop and worked his way up the latter. One day when he was out on a undercover mission some of the guys that had come to trust him gave him the sunglasses to try on and his eyes were opened to the truth. Now he works undercover for the rebellion.
other:Has a german shepard dog named Coach