Pound Puppies (2010) Epasoude Ideas

anna447 posted on Mar 10, 2011 at 04:05PM
I've been thinking of news epasoude ideas and this is the idea I came up with:
when a princess look alike to cookie arives to the pound and is dognapped by a man wanting jane's(the princess)money cookie must play princess untill jane is found.

tell me your ideas for new epasoudes

Pound Puppies (2010) 4 replies

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over a year ago anna446 said…
oh pritty good anna447 I must say but this is good:
when a puppy stombles into the pound and cliams to be cookie's long lost sister cookie must bond ties with her long lost sis and with lucky in tow
over a year ago Luckyfan2011 said…
Cool, but what would be even cooler is if Cookie's "sister" was really Zoltron in disgiuse, and they teamed up against Milton Feltwaddle!
over a year ago FanFreak12 said…
i wud like this ep!!
over a year ago FanFreak12 said…
my ep ideas is for ep 1, there's a boy (me) that discovers that the dogs could talk and sends it to the news people and their secret gets out. you can look at the script on my youtube account. just type in Pound Puppies S3 Ep1 script!!