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What phobia are you?



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2719 said:
You Are Necrophobia
You are the fear of death.
You are type of person who doesn't fear much... even if you are scared of dying.

Unlike most people, you truly understand that you will die one day. Even if it terrifies you!
You try to face your fears and live in the moment. As long as you don't die, you'll be okay.
posted over a year ago.
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ecpjll said:
You Are Agoraphobia
You are the fear of leaving your house.
The outside world is overwhelming and even a bit terrifying for you.

Your home is your sanctuary, and you don't feel truly comfortable in the outside world.
You try to venture out as much as you can, but you definitely have hermit tendencies.
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Mysophobia
You are the fear of germs or dirt.
It's easily for you to get grossed out or freaked out. You especially can't stand other people's messes.

You are a bit of an obsessive compulsive type. It bothers you to see things out of order.
You only feel comfortable when you are in charge. You admit that you are a control freak.

Well i don't get grossed out easily...but everything else is spot on :p
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Acrophobia
You are the fear of heights.
It's likely that you expect bad things to happen to you. You often feel unlucky.

It would be just your luck to fall from a high spot... and you're not going to chance it.
You tend to be pretty risk adverse. You rather be safe than sorry.

Somwehat accurate. I'm not a big risk-taker.
posted over a year ago.
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isabellam said:
You Are Claustrophobia

You are the fear of enclosed places.
You demand a lot of freedom in your life. It freaks you out to have too many restrictions or limits.

You don't really seek out responsibilities or commitments. You like to keep your life spontaneous.
It's easy for you to feel smothered. A lot of relationships and situations make you feel claustrophobic.

posted over a year ago.
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xangelx said:
You Are Agoraphobia
You are the fear of leaving your house.
The outside world is overwhelming and even a bit terrifying for you.

Your home is your sanctuary, and you don't feel truly comfortable in the outside world.
You try to venture out as much as you can, but you definitely have hermit tendencies.
posted over a year ago.
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emmett said:
You Are Mysophobia
You are the fear of germs or dirt.
It's easily for you to get grossed out or freaked out. You especially can't stand other people's messes.

You are a bit of an obsessive compulsive type. It bothers you to see things out of order.
You only feel comfortable when you are in charge. You admit that you are a control freak.
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Acrophobia
You are the fear of heights.
It's likely that you expect bad things to happen to you. You often feel unlucky.

It would be just your luck to fall from a high spot... and you're not going to chance it.
You tend to be pretty risk adverse. You rather be safe than sorry.
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Arachnophobia
You are the fear of spiders.
You have a heightened intuition, and you usually rely on it to guide you.

If something freaks you out or bothers you, you figure there must be a reason for it.
Your fears may be unfounded, but you don't try to fight them. There's something primal about being afraid.

And strangely, I'm not even afraid of spiders, I'm afraid of clowns.
posted over a year ago.
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OwlEyes12 said:
You Are Claustrophobia
You are the fear of enclosed places.
You demand a lot of freedom in your life. It freaks you out to have too many restrictions or limits.

You don't really seek out responsibilities or commitments. You like to keep your life spontaneous.
It's easy for you to feel smothered. A lot of relationships and situations make you feel claustrophobic.

wich is true I am also arachnophobic i am afraid of many types of bugs, clowns tight spaces, hights, it doesn't help that i am very parinoied and pessamistic (did i spell those right?)
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Agoraphobia

You are the fear of leaving your house.
The outside world is overwhelming and even a bit terrifying for you.

Your home is your sanctuary, and you don't feel truly comfortable in the outside world.
You try to venture out as much as you can, but you definitely have hermit tendencies.

True-I HATE going out! I mostly just go out to work.
posted over a year ago.