Paramore Family

Clavicula posted on Oct 30, 2011 at 09:23PM
We are the fans, we are the ones who support Paramore in good and in bad times. We are one big family <3
So I thought we need a forum, where we can discuss things, where we can become friends and where we can welcome new fans and do stuff like that^^
But I need all your help to keep this thing active, so start writing and never stop xD

We are the fans, we are the ones who support Paramore in good and in bad times. We are one big family
last edited on Nov 13, 2011 at 01:54PM

Paramore 251 replies

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over a year ago Clavicula said…
My family knows that I have a crush on harry potter series xD I can talk about it forever^^oh of course doctor who ;D
I play the piano and last year Istarted to learn to play accoustic guitar (I'm not very good it in xD)

btw I probably shouldnt lie in the grass and go on fanpop when I'm supposed to work xD that's why my response isn't very long because I really have to go back to work now ^_^ see ya later alligator (don't know why Iwould write that... xD)
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
Cool! and thats okay!

Next year I'll have to start playing something else.
I'm thinking to play clarinet, but only because of Squidward from Spongebob.
I have a huge addiction to Spongebob... lol.
over a year ago Clavicula said…
Clarinet would be really awesome ;D though I would never play it xD i played flute for a while but I don't like instruments I have to breath into^^ Also my teacher gave me only the second best note and that was the first time (I was pretty young xD) I didn't get the best note xDD
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
I'm having thoughts, I'm not the best person to hold my breath [or however you spell it]
So thats why I picked up bass. I didnt have to breath into it, I just have to get used to my skin getting ripped the ends of my fingers because of the way you play bass.

Sorry my replys so short.

I havent been sleeping allot because I watch so much paranomal stuff.
I really need to stop.
I get so scared I can't sleep, then a couple of days later I'm fine. I'm not scared or anything.
But then, I can't help myself by watching more. It's really weird, and I know I should stop, but I dont... I find it a really weird thing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Clavicula said…
I'm SO SORRY for not being here for such a long time ;O
I've been busy with work and still trying to use the bit of time I'm not at work^^ It's really annoying... I'm looking forward to go to school because it's waaay easier than working xD I hate it. Siriusly. It sucks. And I probably should stop writing seriously the way I do, because nobody would know that my mind's gone totally harry potter again xD I love the books freaking much. *O* I'm sirius (I can't stop, even though I know it's not funny anymore xDD)
Yeaah... I could keep talking about hp for an hour but I'll stop now because it's probably really annoying for you (it's annoying for most of my friends xD they sigh when the hear me saying "doctor who" or "harry potter" or "emma watson" or anything else I'm currently fangirling ^-^

I think it's weird that for the last weeks I've had the strange desire to watch horror movies or something like "Supernatural" (I freaaking love it but we're missing the last dvd of the fourth season... -.- that sucks...^^ I need to see more or Castiel and Dean *O*) but I didn't watch the movies from my sister because I know that afterwards I would be scared like hell xDD maybe I'll read a thriller (I have one on my wish list ;D) but I'll have to read it in one bit or else I wouldn't find any sleep xDD
over a year ago Clavicula said…
and I'm saying it again, I'm REALLY sorry for leaving you alone ;O
over a year ago Clavicula said…
btw when I was at work today, it was really weird because I couldn't stop thinking in english (I was so bored...) and I did my work while imagine a trailer for an english film xD I someway want to see that film I made up but it was strange^^ something about a mother and her daughter and a lot of secrets and the daughter is accused of murder but she tells her mother that she only witnessed it and her mother believes her and tells the police that she did it because she loves her daughter so much even though they don't have much contact. Then the mother can escape from prison under strange circumstances and she wants to find out the truth about her daughter's life and yeaah... the trailer didn't say much more^^
I was thinking of writing a story about that but it wouldn't be as cool as it was in my head^^

I probably confused you now.... xDD
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
And don't worry, its fine. Take your time.

Sounds cool that trailer.
My friends having fangirl moments all the time. She likes this guy that we are great friends with. She she thinks he hates her. BUT HE DOSNT.
Argh so much 'drama' in my life. And not good 'drama'

I've turned into liking this whole 'scene' thing.
Next year I'm getting hair like this {below} but dyed bright red.
I'm sure people arn't gonna like it, but eh, I want it. lol.

But anyway, how ya going?
And don't worry, its fine. Take your time.

Sounds cool that trailer. 
My frie
over a year ago Clavicula said…
My day was really crazy... I can't say if it was good or bad^^
work was not that bad today, it was actually quite interesting, I got to work another person and she was amazing and nice and we went for lunch together and later she sent me to buy some cake and ice cream for all the other people working at the place (there are not many^^) and she payed for it ;D after work I went straightly to see my friends and that was when my mood began to chance a bit because I have one friend who is sometimes ashamed of being around me (at least i have the feeling) cause I can be really unusual and crazy sometimes xD the day before yesterday I dyed my hair red so she seemed a bot cold and like she was making fun of me... i don't know how to explain it, it was weird...^^
in the evening I wanted to write with my long time internet friend (we had some troubles the last months, she's going through a pretty hard time and our friendship really suffers under that. :/) I don't want to explain all the details but the talking kinda went wrong and I was pretty upset... she had to go and after I calmed down I wrote her a very long message and I think it's kinda the last chance I wanna give her to try and understand me... ://
You see, I also got a bit of drama in my life xD

the hair is greaaat ;D I'd really like to see a picture of you with red hair *-* bet it'll look great ;D
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
Damn drama. Its horrible. {Most of the time. lol}
Drama happens at school for me.

I always get teased, bagged {whatever word you want to use} for my hair or music.
It drives me crazy. Honestly, my hair isn't out there. {It will be one day X'D} Its just my natural hair with a strip of red. But to people thats TOO diffrent. My mum and dad love how diffrent I am and their damn proud. I ask to dye my hair and their all like ''SURE!" Their proud that ever since a younge age, I've always been diffrent. BUT the people at school are so accepting.

My music aswell. I listen to punk, metal and all that kind of stuff. And the kids at school think that as a VERY weird thing. Once again, my mum and dad think its amazing.

Argh. Don't ya love life?
I'm addicted to 'Wife Swap'
When they get two family 100% diffrent from eachother. And they swap the wifes for 2 weeks.
It's such a funny show. I love watching people fight X'D
over a year ago Clavicula said…
Really you get teased? It's funny that I don't get teased except for a bit of bitching with another girl from my class who thinks she's so much better but I don't give a fuck^^ I hardly ever care what other people think^^ None of my friends likes my hair cut, nobody wanted me to get my piercing (I definitly have to get a new one ;O) and what I absolutly don't understand is that they don't understand why I wouldn't take the money from my grandmother that she wanted to give me to take out my piercing^^ it was a lot but anyway I'll never take money from my grandmajust because she doesn't the way I dress xD

There's a similar german show (we in Austria watch all the german shows xD) but I hardly ever watch it^^
over a year ago Clavicula said…
We can't I stop fangirling so hard? ;OO
Today I started watching Torchwood ( a spin-off series from Doctor Who) and at first I thought it wasn't that good (I watched the first two episodes in german cause I was too stupid to find them in english xD) but when I watched the third episode in english, the awesomeness was overwhelming ;O and the fourth episode was just EPIC ;O (and my fucking internet was so slow that I had to pause every few minutes which drove me really crazy. I thought I was gonna freaking die ;O and everytime the girl said "Jack" with her british accent, I was just like omg xDD
over a year ago Clavicula said…
I need more british accent right now or i'm definitely gonna die of lack of british awesomeness ;O
over a year ago Clavicula said…
I mightfreak you out a bit cause I behave strange xD but I'm not always like this, only when I watched too much british series like Torchwood or Doctor Who^^
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
I've got used to teasing.
Honestly, it's not a good thing. But I'm the best person when it comes to standing up for myself.
As long as my family dosn't think bad of my hair, I honestly don't give a fuck what others thing of hair.
I'm allowed to get a piercing at 18. I'm sure that will freak ALLOT of people out.

Im still very crazy about the Simpsons.
I brought season 6 when I was like 7. The last episode of te whole season was "Who Shot Mr Burns? Part 1. My mum and dad knew who it was {Maggie} and everything. I wen't crazy that I couldnt find out. So I went and got season 7. Found out it was Maggie and kept buying more.
Same with Spongebob. If I missed it, I would be crying and everything {I'm talking like 2 years old here}
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
I'm sure my mum wouldnt allow some things that I wanna do with myself.
Like dying my hair and getting a piercing she's fine with.
Like, if I saw My Chemical Romance live, she would wait around all night with me just so I could get a photo with Gerard Way <3
over a year ago Clavicula said…
I don't even think we had a tv when I was seven xD
and if we had, then it was only a tv with two chanals^^
The neighbourgirl had a tv with a lot of chanals and that's why I loved to go to her house xD She had a lot of things that we hadn't yet *-* I don't know where her family had the money from^^ but now we have of course a tv and a lot of computers and internet and smartphones, no, we're not poor, we were just late xD

You're lucky with your mum ((: mine doesn't really like the way I like my hair and my piercing but she wouldn't forbid it me either cause she believes that everything forbidden is even more interesting for us children^^ My father likes how I try out more things than my sisters but that's about it^^Still, I always try to make my daddy proud ;D
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
I think you always want to make my parents proud.
My mum said she will always love me. But I have the feeling if I killed someone she might wanna take back what she told me.

I'm late.
My house we have 3 TV's and 1 computer.
My friends all had Wii's when they were like... 8 or 9. I got mine a year ago or so. I had the first DS model. But a 'friend' broke it. So I had to buy a new one. Sucks, cause I hate all the new models. I wanted a Lite but I got one with a camera.
I only got my iPod last year. But all my friends got them when they first came out.
They always go crazy at me because I'm not 'up' with the new technogly.
Honestly, I don't see why we need an iPad 2... My schools really lucky. Apple gives us things to try out, once we try them out, we get to keep them. We have 10 iPads and 20 laptops per 2 grades.
over a year ago Clavicula said…
I don't really want to make my mum proud^^ I don't know... it's more important to me, that my dad is proud xD

I only got an iPod because my sister bought a new one and she gave hers to my older sister and my older sister gave her old one to me but I hardly ever use it^^ When I want to listen to music, I use my phone or my computer (though I got the old computer from my mother and I'm not allowed to have internet on that one... I will change pretty soon, cause with the money I got from work I want to buy a laptop ;DD)

Maybe I write more later, but I'm actually really in a hurry ^___^
over a year ago almostonMars said…
big smile
Well, I am bored, so I think I am gonna do this [ and stop Lidi from spamming you all]
Hi; I am Melanie but everyone calls me Mel or Mella and I prefer my nicknames. :3
I am from Austria [like Lidi :D] and 17 years old.
And I am really into editing pictures/ grafic design, music and writing. Yeah, these are actually my big passions ;) I am not gonna describe the editing, design and writing part because we are here for music, right? so.
I know Paramore because of a friend and twilight (don't blame me but I've been a twihard - I HAVE BEEN. it's over now) and without twilight i probably wouldn't know paramore, so i am thankful. I can't really remember what song i heard first but i think it was decode.
My first album was brand new eyes [ugh, i love this album so much.] and my favorite song is BBBB [Brick by boring brick] because i can really relate to it.
Okay, I think that's it for now. :3
Oh, and I CAN'T wait for the new album *--* I am actually really excited.
so, i'll leave you with a picture of me, pretending to be a cat.
Byyyyyyyyeeeeeee :D
Well, I am bored, so I think I am gonna do this [ and stop Lidi from spamming you all]
Hi; I am Mela
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
Wow! Yay! Another person to join!
Anyway, nice to meet you! I'm not saying my first name, but you can call me Geeby. And it's no where near my real name! But I hate saying any of my names online.
Well, Mella. Anyway, whats some other kind of music you listen to?
But, anyway, hope we can become great friends! ^^
I love editing pictures as well {I'm not the greatest at it!}

P.S {Cute as hell picture <3}
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago almostonMars said…
hello Geeby c:
well, it's your choice how much you say on the internet so..
well I listen to; 30 seconds to mars, Nirvana, Good Charlotte, Sleeping with Sirens, Chemical Romance, Muse, Queen, Ed Sheeran, and much more but they are my faves.
what about you?
people say i am good at editing, but i am not always sure. :')

& thanks! :3 ♡
over a year ago Clavicula said…
MEL *-*
Finally xD I wondered when you'll write something here^^
you are great at editing ;D I love your edits <3
btw we are not here because of the music, we are here so I can spam you all xDDD *evil laugh*
I should be in bed by now cause I have to wake up pretty early, but I can't sleep cause I just watched this really exciting episode of Torchwood ;O It was way too thrilling to fall asleep right after it^^ I know it's my fault I watched it.... xD

Did I mention that I ate crocodile yesterday? I have to tell everyone cause I think it's funny xDD I mean I don't eat crocodile every day so it's kinda special ^____^
over a year ago Clavicula said…
big smile
I'm definitely going crazy now...^^ I just saw the green light on Geeby's profile picture (it was tiny on my computer) and I was like: omg yeeaah it's the doctor's sonic screwdriver! when I realized that it's Gerard Way live xD (it is Gerard, isn't it? I'm not sure...^^)
better go to bed now so I don't write more shit here xDD
over a year ago Clavicula said…
I knew I always called you Coffie and not Geeby^^ Geeby felt weird xD
Is it okay that I still call you Coffie? ö_Ö
over a year ago almostonMars said…
LIDI *-*
Yeah, didn't felt like talking the past days so...but here I am :D
naw, thanks c:
I see, but you are not the only one who loves to speak, me too, well if i am in the mood to. you know.
WELL, I can't sleep because I slept till 3 p.m. because my kitties woke me up early the last day. sigh.
so I am not really tried right now.. ;)
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
Pfthh! I don't mind what you call me.
My friend have started to call me Geeby... Weird. But, eh.

<3 Yeah! Gerard Way <3
Love that man. Lidi, sure you know what.

@almostonMars: Well. I have the same taste aswell! XP!
My Chemical Romance is by far my favorite. As well as Paramore {duh}, Green Day, 30STM, Black Veil Brides and allot more. I'm into all that 70's, 80's heavy metal as well. My dad's fault. X'D

Been sick allot latley. Staying home today and my dad's taking care of me.
He got me Mc Donalds and Mentos: Raind for breakfats ^^'
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago almostonMars said…
OH fuuu...i forgot Green Day :x how can i forget them?!
oh and I also have a weird's Mehl and this actually means 'flour' in German, but yeah. Friends ^^

Having holidays so i am actually doing nothing productive...just sitting in front of my pc, blogging, editing, being on the internet, listening to music and watching loads of TV shows ^-^
oh, and get well soon!
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
Hey Hey! Thankies! :)) Means allot.
I ate flour once {teaspoon} It like cloged my mouth up. Smartest idea I've ever freaken had.

My next holidays start in September.
I can't wait. My birthdays the 20th... Yay! The holidays start on the 21st. X'D
over a year ago almostonMars said…
ahahaha...the most stupid idea i had (in eating) was dog food. seriously, it smells better than it tastes :x
mine go until Sept. 3th :D
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
How long do your holidays last for?
Mine are like 2 weeks. The one at the end of the year is 6 or 9. I'm pretty sure it's 6. Hm.
My dad ate dogs food when he was little. He did really weird things... he still does.
Dog food does smell nice. I hate dogs... so whenever I go to my friends house I bascily inhail dog food. I did I once... I don't think I'm gonna do it again X'D
over a year ago almostonMars said…
my summer holidays last for 9 weeks (hyeeeeees) i am doing weird stuff too, idk, i like to try things, i don't want to ask myself my whole life how things are, so i just try them.
really? i love dogs, okay i love like every animal but, yeah. and before you ask i used to have a dog but now i have just two cats and two baby cats :3
me neither xD

oh and i'll go to bed now it's half past 2 a.m. and i am pretty nocturnal but i need to go to bed.
see yooou ~
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
Seee yooouuu. Have a good sleep.
Its 10:46AM for me! Lol. See both of you in the morning ;)
over a year ago almostonMars said…
Heeey, sorry that i didn't write anything yesterday, i just wasn't in the mood to and actually nothing interesting happened.
but i am looking forward to tomorrow because I'll see Lidi. whooO being social again. (i am not really social in my holidays) and yeah i am just happy to see her again :)
and what about you Geeby?
over a year ago Clavicula said…
big smile
Yaay I'm alsoo happy to see Mel ;DD
I was a bit depressed the last days, so I didn't want to write anything, but an amazing person helped me ;)) Thanks again Mel <3
Today I passed my driving test (theory, not practice) and I'm so happy ;DD at first I couldn't believe that I really did it!
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
I'm so happy for you!!!
Have fun on the roads! I have to wait a while till I start driving. How old do you have to be to start driving in Austria? Australia it's18.
Have you got your own car? If so, whats it look like?
over a year ago Clavicula said…
There are three different types of driving tests. The first type is quite expensive, but you can start driving at the age of 16, but you have to drive 3000 km with your parents next to you and you can take the test at your 17th birthday. The second type (which I take^^) is the cheapest one, you have to be 17 1/2 years old to start driving with your parents and you have to drive 1000 km with them and you can take the test when you're 18 years old. The third type is also expensive, this is the type where you only drive with a driving instructor and you can take the test after you turned 18.

I don't have my own car...sadly^^ not enough money and my parents don't want to buy me one (especially because the insurance isn't very cheap...)
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
I would be scared to drive...
But my mum says its really worth it.
Why do you two see eachother in real life?
Or am I just not understanding.
Lol. If so, thats so cool! Theres so many people on Fanpop I would like to meet in real life...
over a year ago Clavicula said…
Do you remember, when I told you about missing my Netlog page? I met Mel there and she doesn't live far away from me, so we can see us in real life ;DD She's the only friend that can go with me to a bookstore and stay there about 2 hours xDD

Driving isn't that bad^^ I was scared at first, but it's actually not difficult ;)
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
So lucky!
All my friends online live in American or some other place {thats not Australia}.
So I can never meet them. And now that Mebo's gone, I cant talk to them live.
Sucks in ways.
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
I've got the most horrible pain in my right hand.
Kinda sucks since I write with that arm. I got a school play coming up, as well. And all the dancing reall isnt helping it. Whenever I do something with my right hand, all the pressure kills me. It kinda sucks cause I can't even cut food without feeling some pain. And I love to eat, lawl.
over a year ago almostonMars said…
Oh gawd. I hope it's gonna be okay soon. c:
but i know how you feel I hurt my ankle (again) and i don't even know what happenend, it just hurts like hell when i step on it. sigh.
oh and sorry that i didn't write anything the past days but i am having a down again - life is a bitch ._. i am sorry that i have to say that but, it's true for me.
even tho i am trying to think positive and push the bad shit away from me (you have no clue how hard this is for a pessimist like me. hehe :') ) but okay don't want to bore you with all my shit :3

gonna leave you with a pic of Hayley I made today. whooo (/^-^/)

Oh gawd. I hope it's gonna be okay soon. c:
but i know how you feel I hurt my ankle (again) and i do
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
Thats pretty cool! I like it. I've been getting into icons lately. I've always been into make them, but I've REALLY got into it now.
I've really got into the band 'Short Stack'
I'm not too sure if you've heard of them, but their amazing. I love that their from Australia {like me ^^}
I've always liked them, but my friend was talking about them... then I got obessesed.
Anyway, how you going? ^_^
over a year ago almostonMars said…
I like making icons, but i can't be as creative as in graphics :3
No i never heard of them, to be honest and at the moment i am wasting my time with TV shows *sighs*
Music isn't that important right now ( i mean i am listening to it everyday but random - if you know what i mean :P)
Well, today went pretty good and i hope it keeps going like that.
what about you? (:
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
I'm fine.
Someone in my family passed.
Its a bit hard. But Y'know. It's gonna happen, and we can't stop it happening.

The hardest thing for me with the icons is making all of them the right shape and size. Not making one bigger and the other one really small. ^^
over a year ago Clavicula said…
Hey guys, what's up ;D
sorry for not being here for days, had a bit of a though time lately and didn't really know what to write^^ But I hope that all the quarrels and stuff with my friend ended yesterday xD
over a year ago DecodingRomance said…
Hey Lidi!
No problem. Its fine.
Lawl. Your our convosation starter.
over a year ago almostonMars said…
big smile
SO hey again.
the past day's haven't been that interesting (that's why i didn't post anything) and today is basically the same, but i want to write something so here comes the random post :'D
School starts in 6 days and I am not sure if I want, or not, I mean yeah I am back in Vienna and I'll see my friends again, but i also won't have that much time for editing/reading/watching my shows :/
and a weird thing is: I'll hear loads of German again (i don't like german and I watch shows just in english - except what's on the TV ofc.) and I even talk in English to myself xD is this weird, or isn't it?
and sometimes i don't know what it means in German and then I am always like..'i can tell you what it is in english, but WHAT is the German word?!' (happens pretty often lately)
Oh and back to school, you know what it's awful? the most people won't be that good in english that means the teacher will probably start all over again ~.~ and i'll sit there crying and don't know what to do with my life (happened to me last year, - you should see my book it's full of drawings and quotes)
okay enough of the rant and i already have a novel here so yeah...
well how have you been? and maybe you want to know that Lidi is at vocation right now :D
over a year ago Clavicula said…
big smile
thanks Mel, I totally forgot to mention that I went away xD
Well, I'm back now ;D
and it was awesome ((: loved it <3 being away for a while was the thing I needed^^
I'm feeling fine fine fine and I'm excited for school to start again, excited and afraid at the same time because it's my last year and because I'll see some people I REALLY DON'T wanna see eveer again in my whole life xD
omg it's so good to write english, the last days were full of german... xD yees, I have kinda the same problem as Mel and there REALLY are words in english you can't say the same way in german... eg. obsession, fuck, seriously, random, but mostly obsession^^ I'll kiss anyone who can tell me a german word for "obsession" which sounds as great xD
over a year ago almostonMars said…
hahaha how about 'besessen'?