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The meaning behind Paramore's Ignorance official music video?

I saw this on Wikipedia today...

"The music video was filmed on July 23rd, 2009.It was released to the public Thursday, August 13th, 2009 at 7:00 AM on AMTV, as well as all MTV platforms, networks, and websites.The full video leaked at midnight on August 13th, 2009.

The video shows Williams being singled out and ignored by the other members of the band. A single light bulb shines throughout the video and it is constantly on her, no matter how hard she tries to stretch the wire and shine it on the other members. The video cuts between the band preforming in a cramped little room, a larger performance area and Williams being laid bare in white clothes, hair pulled back etc. The video ends with the other members of the band being able to wrap the light bulb wire around Williams, showing how the spotlight is only on her and never on the other band members."

What do you think?

Oh and I've got another question. Do you think there's any meaning behind the scene in the video where Hayley was dressed in white and she was 'dancing' about in a blueish-tinted room?

Thoughts, opinions and comments, please. :)

The meaning behind Paramore's Ignorance official music video?
 rachaelwsz posted over a year ago
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Paramore Answers

JessicaLouise50 said:
In a recent interview, Hayley said that the song was about how she was "judged, singled out, and betrayed" by her bandmates. But the video is also on how the press and media always seem to focus on Hayley and no one else in the band! The lightbulb is the press and shes trying to shine it on the other members of the band and not just her. The press seem to forget about Josh, Jeremy, Zac and Taylor and focus on her so basically the video has 2 sepoerate meanings. the song is talkinga bout how she felt with the band member and how theyve sorted it but the video is showing this and also that she wants them to have as much fame as she does.
Hope this helps :)
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posted over a year ago 
jemini0812 said:
I noticed that the usage of the small crammed room in the video shos the part when they started out small. That the spotlight was evenly shared among the band. And as the scene moved to a bigger room, showing their momets on the "big scene," the spotlight that Haley held can't extend to the other bandmates. It somehow showed how Haley wanted to still share the spotlight to her band. The part when she was dancing in the blue room might be a little confusing and unrelated but I think it also has something in relevance to the message. As I rsearched, the color blue means freedom, strength and new beginnings. Blue is also the color of loyalty and faith. And as you will notice, Haley's white clothing (symbolizing neutrality and peace) was with black stripes, which might have meant fear or emptiness. It somehow shows what Haley is feeling inside. My comment is just a guess. :P I loved the video though. :]
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posted over a year ago 
Mouxritsa96 said:
The bolb represents all the spotlights are on Hayley, and the other band members are "ignored".I've got no idea what the blue room dancing means, and I'm actually preety curious about it...Well it might be there just to fill the time left of the video...who knows???It's a great vid, with an awesome meaning, cause usually in bands, the only one who everyone knows is the singer, and all the other members are unknown...<3 Paramore(every single one of them, and not only Hayley)
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posted over a year ago 
victorimore said:
hmmm i never saw it that way.
i thought the light bulb was her shining a light on all of their internal problems that they'd been ignoring, trying to confront them about everything that was going wrong. at the end when the rest of the band wrapped her in the wire it was symbolizing her feeling trapped and them ignoring her trying to fix their problems and judging her.
with the dancing in the blue box, she felt trapped in a band with so many problems and vulnerable to them judging her and hurting her.
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posted over a year ago 
lololoparamore said:
well i agree with everything but you know how theres mirrors in the blue room? ok well anyways i think it might have something to do with being confused... then again every music video has to have some sort of weird part in it :P hahaha well anyways thats just my guess
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posted over a year ago 
Selendris said:
Well, I exactly get what you mean about the other parts. About the blue room...well, first, I don't think that they had meant it to be blue. As you can see, there are mirrors and It seems like only a coupe of them are blue, and very faintly. I think the meaning in that part is hidden with the mirrors and it seems how she is dressed rather bizzarely considering how she looks throughout the rest of the video. I think it represents how she seems trapped inside the spotlight and the mirrors are all turned on her. The mirrors seem to be representing the press somewhat and how no matter what she does the fame and spotlight always reflects upon her. But it seems in the video she is actually talking in the other band member's perspectives because it says things like: "You treat me just like another stranger." and also it says "Nice to meet you, sir. I guess I'll go, I must be on my way out." which my represent how Josh and Zac were leaving the band because the press is treating them like "Any other strangers.". Hope this helps. Just wanted to add a bit.
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posted over a year ago 
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