"Oh Shit" Moments Club
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Wan't to know what ALL my "OH SHIT" moments are? Well, you can find it on many clubs! If you can list them, you'll get a surprise...

Last night I was taking a pizza outta the convection oven, when I yank my arm out. Bob the oven left a little friend on my arm named Bernie! Boy is Bernie HOT!

GlitterBunny, a Fanpop user, shoved some sausage in my microwave. She went to the upstairs bathroom, leaving me watching the microwave as I yelled about the entrance hall bathroom. Suddenly, there's a crackling noise, and I think Bill the microwave is sparkin' at me again. Bill starts flickering and stuff,...
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Have you ever been in a situation when something comepletly disasterous happens and you say "OH SHIT!" well, when a moment like that happens, you cant stop it from happening. when there is an "oh, Shit" moment, well you say oh shit because you cannot believe what is happening, and also believe that there is no way of stopping it. when a bull jacks its horns right into your sensitive area, well it just happens so fast that you cannot believe it. and when a boat turns over, you cannot stop that,OVERBOARD!!!! When things like that happen, and worse, well its just at that moment or witnessing it, that you say, OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)
this is an "o shit" moment
this is an "o shit" moment