My Little Pony Friendship is Magic My Little Pony: Portals Are Magic

NaomiWinx posted on Jul 25, 2013 at 07:47PM
(Isn't exactly the same as portals but a twist. :D)

It's the year 4002. Everything is run by technology, and everything is futuristic. Everyone obeys the new queen. Queen Nano. But she has some other intentions...

Ponies that don't obey Queen Nano are locked up is cells. Each of these ponies are injected with some kind of disorder that hopefully will kill them off if injected with an overdose. Or make them live in a life of "un-purity". Yet some ponies think otherwise. A few have gathered together, each having one of their little special disorders have gathered together.

In hopes they can turn back time and defeat Queen Nano. With their own special futuristic weaponry, they face challenges. Going through different paths in life trying to earn their desire.

GLaDOS hopes she trains these ponies well.


(Please don't use your average pony! Create a new one and give it a futuristic twist!)

How He/She Got Locked Up:

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 209 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 209

over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Hm...We need to change the way we look...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: That is just one thing. We have to find a way to play out the retina scanners, because those can identify us even if we're disguised. Oh... and we definitely need new, more advanced weaponry.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Yeah but where are we gonna get that? And how exactly do we change our whole DNA and stuff?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: There are ways around it. The scientist were close to that at my time. I'm sure you have the the technology now. The bigger problem is how do we access it? I assume every major facility which produces advanced technology is under Queen Nano's control.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: What if I pretended that you were my prisoner and that I surrendered? I mean I am still in her family and she's been waiting FOREVER for me to be in her army.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Yes there's a chance that might work... But Queen Nano is smart... it will be difficult to get her to bite on the hook.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: It just might work if I convince her enough. As long as something works. *gets up to clean plate off*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: All right. But I'll still need that upgrade.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: I'm sure she'll have all those in some place in her palace. I mean that place is huge.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Okay. So I take you know where her palace is.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: It...depends. I was pretty young when I visited the place...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Well, it worth a shot. Let's go check it out!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Alrighty then! *heads out the door and down the block* Hm...If I remember correctly it's....North, west....something and something...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: I feel a little exposed here...
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: It will be all right. That is if you aren't dancin--like those cute baby ducks! Aw! *heads over to a lake of swimming baby ducks*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Um, Portal! Stay focused, remember?!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Huh? Oh! Right, right! *heads back to the side walk* Such cute things... Anyways let's take a left here...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: That's better. *follows*
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: And a right....

10 Minutes Later...

Portal: And I believe...We are here! *stands in front of a huge palace area with some guards walking by the door and others around the perimeter and heads over to a bush pulling her over* Geez, it's more guarded then before...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Queen Nano must be afraid of something if she heightened the security this much. But it's not us, that's for sure.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Okay so the game plan I pretend I give up, and I'll offer you as a prisoner but your not. And that's how far I got in the idea...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Let's think it through then, before we jump into it. What's gonna happen IF we get inside?
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Um...*thinks* The guards will probably lead us to my aunt. And then we carry on from there?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Fine. But know this: If anything goes wrong, I will not go back to the cryo again. With these new combat energy cells, I have the power to self-destruct. And I will initiate the sequence without hesitation if our plan does not work out. Do you understand?
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: How would you rebuild yourself if you blew up?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Nohow. If I self-destruct, my existence will come to and end. It's a last resort. But the explosion might take out Queen Nano as well.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Nu-uh, no way. I would rather have you still alive and Queen Nano setting her stupid rules then having you dead just to kill Queen Nano in the process
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: As I said: This is just the last resort. I do not wish to die, but I also won't be Queen Nano's frozen prisoner again.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: But there's always another way.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Like?
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: L-like....Um. *thinks* Aha! Ripping Time Portals.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: *raises a brow* Time portals?
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Trust me on this. Just carry out with the plan. But don't explode, alright?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: You've trusted me before... I trust you now. Let's do it.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: *nods and stands up from bush*
Guard 1: Hey! It's the pony that escaped the facility!
Portal: Wait! Aunt said you can imprison me, but you can't kill me if I ever decided to join.
Guard 2: *whispers* She is kinda right, and I ain't loosing this job...
Guard 1: Prove it!
Portal: Um...*holds up Hi-Tech* Prisoner?
Guards: *whisper*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: *pretends she's unconscious, but sees everything well*

> Threat assessment...
> Targets acquired
> Standing by...
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Guard 2: Hm...Seems dead or unconscious...
*the guards clear a path*
Portal: *whispers* Great job Hi-Tech *and walks past the guards*
Guard 3: No funny stuff...
Queen Nano: Who's here to interupt my day....
Portal: Auntie, I've surrendered and want to be in your army.
Queen: Hm...Proof?
Portal: I brought back someone who escaped. *shows Hi-Tech*
Queen: I'm not a fool. Guards!!
Portal: *eyes widen* Well then my plan will have to come in faster! *takes out portal gun* Hi-Tech try your best to keep the guards off!
Guard 2: Hm...Seems dead or unconscious...
*the guards clear a path*
Portal: *whispers* Great job H
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: You got it! *opens eyes and the old gun emerges from hoof*

> Targets acquired!
> Diagnostics...
> Rounds fired: 8, Casualties: 3, Wounded 2, Health 100%, Standing by...
> Error! Primary weapon ammo: 00

Hi-Tech: I'm out of ammo!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Guards: *start shooting*
Portal: Take out one of them and take their gun!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Good idea! *throws the empty gun at the head of one guard, who immediately collapses. Hi-Tech runs to his body, evading a few blasts and grabs the weapon* Mmm, this is more like it!

> Synchronizing with device... sync complete
> Database updated: NL-1000 Thermo-blaster
> Threat assessment: Minimal
> Targets acquired!

Hi-Tech: Come on you filthy pigs!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Queen: Take them down! Now!
Guards: *start firing at Hi-Tech*
Portal: *dodges the hits the guards shoot* First one....*shoots a blue portal at the top of the room and shoot a orange one diagonal from the blue one* Oh darn it! Forgot that the other portal gun in still in this palace!
Queen: Come back here! *runs after Portal and shoots beams of magic at her*
Portal: *runs* Gotta find it...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Hey where are you going?! *shoots at the guards but they just keep coming* There are too many! I can't hold them of any longer!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Here! *throws her the portal gun* I have to get the other one! Shoot some portal to travel around the palace and find some better weaponry or hide! *runs down the palace's hallways*
Queen: Get her!!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: Go then!

> Database updated: Portal Gun

Hi-Tech: Let's see how this works!

> Calculating angles...

*shoots a portal to the floor and another one to the ceiling, trapping the guards in an everlasting fall, then shoots a portal through the nearest wall and just escapes the Queen's magical blast*
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
(Lol, the classical Portal fall xD)
Queen: Grr! You babbling idiots! *shoots a beam at the ceiling* I'm make it harder then! *monster come from the ground*
Portal: Holy moly! *gets a bit distracted and starts to slow down eye the monster* No...I can't get distracted...Focus Portal, focus. *heads up the stairs resisting the urge to skip the second one and breaks down the door to where the weapons are* Ah-ha! *finds a portal gun that looks like the other but glows with the colors red and purple*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(Yeah I don't know many portal moves/tricks, just the one's I saw in Two Best Sisters play Portal 4. :)

Hi-Tech: *stays in motion using the portal gun but ends up in a dark room. She turns on the lights and a devious grin expands on her face* Ha ha ha! Finally! The weapon storage *green tendrils come out of her wings, mane and tail and each attaches to a different weapon*
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
(Hehe I've seen that before. Love it)
Portal: Let's do this...*powers up the portal gun and runs the other direction*
Guard: Take them!! *runs in the direction of Portal and pin her down*
Portal: *bucks some of the guards but more come* Get the heck off of me!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Suddenly, a laser blast incinerates the guard who was forcing Portal to the ground*

Hi-Tech: *now looks more like a machine, fully armored and entire body filled with different weapons* Now you guys are in real trouble!

> Accessing Volcano-5000 Minigun...
> Accessing V-1500 Plasma Disruptor
> Accessing Neo-RPG 4x4 Rocket Launcher...
>Targets acquired!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Portal: Thank Hi-Tech *heads off down back to the throne room* Okay focus..the 2 portals are there. Don't get distracted...
Queen: What are you doing! Give me that! *uses magic to snatch the portal gun away*
Portal: No! *holds onto the end of the portal gun with her mouth* You're....not...getting...away....with....­.th­is.­...­.*h­old­s onto the gun with her mouth*
Queen: Yes I am!
Portal: Alrighty....then...*lets go of the portal gun and it hits her straight in the face*
Queen: Ouch! Why you little! *charges after her*
Portal: Ready to say bye! *grabs the gun with her magic and shoots a purple portal and a red one making the overlap the blue and orange and they mix together forming a black hole*
Queen: Nooooo!!!!!! *gets sucked in and so do some of the guards*
Portal: Let's get outta here Hi-Tech!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Hi-Tech: You don't have to ask me twice!