My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Cyristal Empire Returns RP! ( 3rd to nmm's back. )

carlie445 posted on Jun 14, 2013 at 09:37PM
Basicly, The crystal empire returns, and with it new foes! anyone can join in at any time! :)

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 255 replies

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over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: I know.... anyways, what were you saying snow flake?
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: well,remember what you said about alicorns? well i thought that,you know..might become one
???: hey,there!
Snow Flake: huh? *looks to the left but when she saw who that is she hugged him* hey,Orion! how's it going BBBFF?
Orion: fine,just fine!
Snow Flake: i thought you were stationed at Canterlot?
Orion: yeah,but i had some business to talk to Shining Armor about...Royal guard business,protection and all..balance in Royal Guards here and back at what are YOU doing here?
Snow Flake: Princess Celestia sent us *looks at companions*
Orion: glad to see you again Phinox,its been long since i saw you *reaches out hoof* oh,and a new friend,i see..and er..what happened to your head?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: No idea... I just woke up with it.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Orion: okay..? well,i'm going now...bye! *waves goodbye*
Snow Flake: see ya! *waves*
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: ( walks left )
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: *follows* so,why did the Princess sent us here in the first place? she didnt really say why
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: No Idea... I think it's something about... ( when we get to the town center, 2 sides are arguing. one side wants no more festivals, the other does. ) that....
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: okay
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Kimmy: yeah
over a year ago carlie445 said…
( Phinox walks between them )

PHinox: anyone got a megaphone? ( pulls one out ) nevermind. ( turns it on ) ATTENTION EVERYPONY! YOU DO KNOW THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO AATEEND THE FESTIVAL IF YOU DON'T WANT TO, RIGHT? ( turns it off )

( everypony just walks away together )

Phinox: easy.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: problem solved..?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: I think so... OWE!!!! ( falls over and can't get up. )
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: whoa! you okay? *tries to help her*

(Somehow what i just said sounds familliar...oh,yeah Equestria Girls)
over a year ago carlie445 said…
( I love that movie :P )

Phinox: ( the bump is bleeding ) i'm ok.. ( gets up )
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: we should really cover that up with bandages but cleaning it before that first,of course..
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: ok. Let's get back to camp. ( walks over to camp, and this plays from my I-Pony )
last edited over a year ago
alinah_09 commented…
i watched that on TV! over a year ago
carlie445 commented…
I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!! over a year ago
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: nice tunes...c'mon *goes inside and starts cleaning her wound*
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: thanks...
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: no prob,what are friends for...? *finishes* soo,since the 'problem' was finished..what do we do now?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: Maybe we should just stay here for a while.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: sure..okay,so we go back to Canterlot? or Explore the Crystal Empire?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: I don't really know... OWE!
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: i'll just play music then.. *makes an ice acoustic guitar and plays a song*

( i like the Going Bulilit version too! its a show we watch during sundays..oh,and this song is here in our country,Philippines..of course in our language and i understand the lyrics xP) link
carlie445 commented…
over a year ago carlie445 said…
( you won't understand this, i think.... )

Phinox: Nice song... I perfer this though. ( plays this song on my i-pony )
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(I pretty much understand everything though...its in English,and i understand english..sing it my other classmate who likes singing..we learn both English and Filipino here but most of my classmates are not that good in english,i either correct them or translate their answer for them..i AM talking to you in english right now..aand corrected you at the beggining with spelling...i like and know english more than Filipino...its like im part American,Korean & skin is whiter than most of the students,i have eyes like a korean most people say that and they say that i dont look like my family,can speak and good at English,and can speak and know a bit of not lying)

Snow Flake: cool...i wanna read a book while listening to music
carlie445 commented…
( Oh, sorry. Just that... I never talk to people around the world... over a year ago
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: good enough. ( takes out a paper and looks at it )
Phinox: good enough. ( takes out a paper and looks at it )
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(The internet is an amazing thing ;)

Snow Flake: whats that?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
( Ik, right? )

Phinox: it's just this picture I found.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: looks like a weird creature? they look like they have hooves though

over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: I heard that they appear randomly... ( the middle one, ethan , appears behind me )
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: O_O...i-ts here..?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: ( looks behind I and fall on the ground. ) HOLY CUPCAKES!!!

Ethan: ( smiles and holds out his hand )
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: uh...w-what are you doing here?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: ( gets up ) Thanks, but i'm fine...

Ethan:........... ( doesn't talk, and shows picture again )
Phinox: ( gets up ) Thanks, but i'm fine...

Ethan:........... ( doesn't talk, and shows picture ag
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: were gonna ask you? about what?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Ethan: ( face palms and points and the soul keeper part. not the ask. )
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: yeah,so you're Ethan,one of the soul keepers...what about it?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Ethan: ( rolls eyes and then another one appears )

Adiline: Hey! He doesn't really talk much. I"m Adiline.
alinah_09 commented…
i thought his name (3rd in the pic) had 2 E's? over a year ago
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: gah! what is he trying to say?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
( srry, i just put an i. )

Adeline: He's trying to say that he was assigned to phinox.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: yeah,and?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Adeline: I think if i'm correct.. ( reads paper ) yep! I'm with you snow flake!
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: cool,well who's with the other one?...oh,and why are you here in the first pace anyway? something to say other than that?
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Adeline: NONONONONO! you don't want to meet her!
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Snow Flake: why? is she dangerous?..well,if i cant..then bohoo i going for i stroll *gets out*
Snow Flake: *takes flowers that a crystal pony gave her* thanks kid! *pets head* now,run along now *walks* cool...
???: *is watching her*.....*lands in front of her* crrr!
Snow Flake: what?! i taught you guys were defeated!
~~~ ~~~
Orion: so,we need to boost the protection here too?
Shining Armor: yes...we received threats from them..and we need to keep this kingdom safe as well as the one in Canterlot..Flash will lead them
Orion: hmm..yes,he IS responsible..and you got a point..all right..i'll send guards immediately
Shining Armor: thank you
over a year ago carlie445 said…
( so, who are you talking about? )
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Changeling 4: hi..pathetic ponies!
Snow Flake: were not pathetic! *charges up powers but another changeling went from behind and bit her absorbing he powers*
Changeling 10: ha!
Snow Flake: only feed on..l-love..ow!..and how did you get here without anypony noticing!?
Changeling 7: *laughs* were changeling,remember? we shape shift either into the ponies we see!
Snow Flake: *sight gets blurry* brother got some before too..i might change into one of them..
Changeling 32: bingo! indeed you WILL turn into one of us..and not just by one we will infect parts of Equestria..and maybe the entire world! our queen will be really happy if that happens
Snow Flake: grrr..*uses last of her lightning powers and makes fireworks that looks like a scene of attacking of changelings*
Orion: *walking through the hallway..and sees fireworks through the window* cant be..guards! tell Shining Armor of the attack! pronto! *runs to tell the others*
Crystal guard: yes sir! right away!
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: ( runs out with a neck brace on and grabs my bazooka. ) ALRIGHT CHALENGINGS! LET'S PARTY! ( fires nyan cats to kill all of them. all but one is left ) Dang it! out of ammo!
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Royal guards: *fighting changelings with spears*
Orion: Shining Armor,sir! are we going to call the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony?!
Shining Armor: yes,we should..but with this crisis,i dont think they'll make it in time..
Orion: so we fight them on our own?!
Shining Armor: seems so..*puts on armor* lets go,Cadence is coming too
Orion: yes sir! *runs outside*
???: Snow Flake! *uses water powers to make a giant tidal wave aimed at the changelings* take that! *runs towards and carries her*
Snow Flake: that that you..Paladin?
Paladin: yup..i'll take you to your brother
Snow Flake: thanks..
Paladin: what are friends for?
alinah_09 commented…
(cross overs/references/characters from the previous/present RP's i joined :P) over a year ago
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Phinox: ( walks into tents, and comes out with magic blasters straped onto me )