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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Question

For you teenagers out there like me, how did your parents react to your being a brony/pegasister?

For, example, my dad didn't know what the problem was, but my mom banned me from watching it ever again. Kinda backwards to me but, yeah... anyway. After I got caught watching PMVs on Fanpop, :), I can finally watch it again, Yeah, that's the short version. Anyways, answer away!
Damn, people are still commenting on my question from 3 years ago? Wow.
triq267 posted over a year ago
 triq267 posted over a year ago
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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Answers

Soarin2995 said:
I don't understand it. My parents are trying to ban me from watching My Little Pony. They tell me its for litltle girls repeatedly. Yes I know I'm 18 but this show has become a part of my personality. I think its awesome and I've watched all 3 seasons. I've downloaded over a hundred pictures and every time I leave my phone somewhere, my mother snoops into my phone and deletes all my pictures and everything involved with MLP. She's asked me if I was gay, which pissed me off(I am straight btw) and afterwards, she starts shouting at me about how it's time to grow up! I'm sick and tired of this. I can't wait to get out of the house to live on my own so my parents will stop bugging me. This is MY life and for once, I've found something that interests me and my parents won't accept it.
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posted over a year ago 
My goodness dude, I feel your pain. I'm 21 and I'm in college but my parents don't approve of it either. Sucks doesn't it?
PinkiePie3U posted over a year ago
That sounds like a harsh experience...but good luck to whatever comes next to the both of you
izfankirby posted over a year ago
Dude, that is so true. But seriously, what is it with parents these days!?! It's like, they don't want us to have a life. I mean, c'mon, it's OUR lives. Yeah thanks for bringing me into this world but, it's my body, I control it, not u dad.
Gamerboy117 posted over a year ago
Canada24 said:
I am a Brony in secret..

My parents and friends probably won't care, I'm not the obsessive or creepy kind.
But I still don't like OPENLY revealing to it, I am very sensitive to teasing
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posted over a year ago 
this is the best way to tell them: BEST WAY- go into where ever u watch it and leave my little pony on the tv. eventually when ur parents finnally see it ussually they wont really care and just shrug and walk away. its much better than just going MOM IM A BRONY-A WHAT?-A BRONY-WHATS DAT?-A BOY WHO WATCHES MLP-UR FREAKIN GAY eyup
Bro_Ny posted over a year ago
so just dont hide it but do hide it
Bro_Ny posted over a year ago
I drew pictures of the main six and Spike. Even took on Celestia and Applebloom! Yep, that says I'm a brony, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
no1BOLTfan said:
My parents are used to me and my sister acting like weirdos so they didn't really mind. At first my friends kind of made fun of the show, but now they're used to it and one of them even watches it, but isn't exactly a brony. And I'm proud to tell people I'm a brony, I even found a couple at school :)
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posted over a year ago 
If just WATCHING as a show, dosen't make a full Brony, then, I guess I'm not
Canada24 posted over a year ago
Well if I love, watch it, talk it with my friends, we are bronies :D
thehumphrey posted over a year ago
I wish I could tell my friends I like My Little Pony, but that's a little too risky! Facebook is the danger zone for telling secrets!
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
Fan_McFanFace said:
Y'all niggas gay
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posted over a year ago 
Pikachufan25 said:
well I told my mom that I was a brony and she didn't really care but I didn't tell anyone else yet I'm still waiting to tell them :3
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posted over a year ago 
I'll be back to post later results :3
Pikachufan25 posted over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 said:
Well, my dad was a brony before me, so when I told him, he kind of accepted it. My brother, though, was a little more skeptical about it at first, but I guess he likes it too :3
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posted over a year ago 
The reason I think it's backwards that my dad was fine with it is because he's not a brony, but he doesn't care if I watch it.
triq267 posted over a year ago
Tawnyjay said:
My dad thinks I'm crazy and my mom thinks it's cute.
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posted over a year ago 
Exactly the same as with me!
BillyTheShark posted over a year ago
@BillyTheShark: Yeah, they don't take ponies seriously enough. :(
Tawnyjay posted over a year ago
XxXLolaXxX said:
I'm so wierd that they don't care any more. XD
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posted over a year ago 
StarWarsFan7 said:
I'm turning thirteen in March so I guess I'm, technically, a teen.

My mom reacted very calmly and she decided to give the show a try. She really likes it but doesn't watch it very often.

My dad, well, let's just say that I tried to turn him into a brony but he refused.

Same with my brother. He believes in Bigfoot (very stupid in my opinion) and he gave the show a chance. Twice. And he lied about liking the show. TWICE. And now, he did it again. My little brother is only nine years old but acts like a non-caring teenager.

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posted over a year ago 
At least your family gave it a chance. My little sister promised to give it a try over a month ago and still hasn't. Then she found out some of her older friends who are actually my age are pegasisters so she pretended to like it, but afterwords, started making fun of me for liking a "girly" show, even after I told her some of her favorite voice actors/actresses are in it.
triq267 posted over a year ago
@triq267: My little brother did that to me too!
StarWarsFan7 posted over a year ago
cool! my mom thinks is childish and my dad doesnt care but he is okay with that!
rawr1cat posted over a year ago
btflash said:
Well, I haven't told my mom yet. I told my two brothers, and they just rejected the show altogether. Neither of them will even bother to watch it. One of them (who is also my twin, mind you) insults me about it without even giving the show a try. The other one, who is two years older than me, doesnt really care.
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posted over a year ago 
Akiko_the_Cagon said:
Well, considering my mom, she doesnt really care, as long as i dont hurt other people and such. My step-dad. idk. They probably dont know what they are.
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posted over a year ago 
dancergirl78 said:
I'm not a teen but I will be next month. But anyway my mom was like um why are you watching a kids show but I was like it's not a kids show. But my dad actually enjoys MLP:FIM.
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posted over a year ago 
SaveWord_Apples said:
My dad doesn't really care and my mom ... I think she's just glad that I don't watch gory movies so she's ok with it
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posted over a year ago 
Colonelpenguin said:
My mom thinks I'm a little to old for MLP but, she says I can watch it!!! :D
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posted over a year ago 
whiteclaw said:
My mom thinks it`s kinda feminine but she`s fine with it. My sister is okay with it, in fact, she watches it with me I`ve converted her...kinda.
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My mom thinks it`s kinda feminine but she`s fine with it. My sister is okay with it, in fact, she watches it with me I`ve converted her...kinda.
posted over a year ago 
thunderslasher said:
everyone laughted so thats why i watch them on youtube
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posted over a year ago 
SymmaGirl2 said:
They don't have a clue.
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posted over a year ago 
InvaderRena said:
well my family doesn't watch mlp:fim,well i'm not starting to like my little pony anymore,it
seems kinda boring to me.
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posted over a year ago 
Blasphemy! MLP:FiM is one of the best shows ever! I'm sorry but that just makes me sad.
triq267 posted over a year ago
i don't know thats just me no offense
InvaderRena posted over a year ago
besides i prefer older shows,i don't like little kids shows anymore.
InvaderRena posted over a year ago
BillyTheShark said:
At first, I watched it in secret, but finally I told my family about it... My dad was really confused, and my mom was surprised, but thought it's kinda cute. Recently I got my mom to watch a few episodes with me. She actually kinda liked it! But she still doesn't understand why I'm so obsessed with it. My dad, on the other hand, cannot stand anything to do with MLP, so I sing songs like "Cupcakes" just to tease him. XD
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posted over a year ago 
With the singing thing, I do the same thing to my sister. Best way to bug her.
triq267 posted over a year ago
Haha, awesome. Yeah, everyone gets annoyed since I sing pony songs all the time.
BillyTheShark posted over a year ago
same i sing while playing games online, they either mute me or rage so hard that they suck and i get easy kills.
DE4DLIESTP0NY posted over a year ago
frosnaver said:
They think I'm psycho
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posted over a year ago 
mariofan14 said:
They-a thought it was-a O.K. One time, my mom and-a I watched an episode or two together. I think it's-a O.K. to-a be a brony-a.
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posted over a year ago 
lol u typed an Italian accent MARIO
DE4DLIESTP0NY posted over a year ago
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
shadirby said:
My parents find it weird, but they deal with it. I mean, based on how I am they didn't really find it a surprise.
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posted over a year ago 
KJBiggestFan said:
My mom doesn't seem to mind at all. She even watched an episode with me and thought it was adorable. XD
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posted over a year ago 
firefly_demon said:
well my dad is ok with it, actually he bought me a fluttershy toy but my mom :I yeah she's not... but my grandmother told her all people are kids at hearts soooo about 50-50 with my family
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posted over a year ago 
sniffy194 said:
I watch in secret and when they come in and see it on then i pretend to be on the nintendo ds and just dont wanna turn the tv off :) and i watch it on youtube a lot and quickly switch the tab when they start coming down the hallway
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posted over a year ago 
i hope you get the courage to tell them, its so funny to see peoples reactions to it. I tell almost everyone about it
DE4DLIESTP0NY posted over a year ago
OmegaWolfShadow said:
i haven't told my parents lol don't think i will any ways not much of a brony more a furry but i enjoy whaching my little pony :3
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posted over a year ago 
-BelovedRobin said:
My mom doesn't care, she just writes it off as another one of my crazed shows. I mean she does watches anime with me, so this is really nothing to her. However, she does watch it with me every now and then. My step-dad is the same.

However, my friends thinks it strange and weird but my boyfriend is a brony.
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posted over a year ago 
Dewheart said:
My parents said I was just liking it for "shock value". They are also not the most accepting or understanding people out there, so they probably think it's weird. I did manage to convert both my brother and sister though.
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posted over a year ago 
DE4DLIESTP0NY posted over a year ago
typo : well done
DE4DLIESTP0NY posted over a year ago
SpencerDash said:
Well, I'm going to tell my mum ASAP, how does this sound? By the way, I'm just gonna say what my mum will probably say...
Me: Hey mum, I'm a brony!
Mum: What's that?
Me: It's a guy who likes and watches My Little Pony.
Mum: Why would you watch that, it's a show for little girls! (stereotype)
Me: Well, would you rather I go watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre or something like that?

Me and my mum hate real gory films, so I'll have to wait and see what happens. (mwah hah hah!)
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posted over a year ago 
look on her face will be PRICELESS, it always hilarious.
DE4DLIESTP0NY posted over a year ago
Squared said:
My dad didn't even give it a chance, so you're ok there. My mom on the other hand is completely fine with it, she used to watch boy cartoons all the time she told me. She's ok with it as long as I don't turn out as a gay. My siblings are siding with my dad here, all four of them. And I'm the youngest, so I have power here.
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posted over a year ago 
On the outside they appear okay with it, but inside they both want to say something but they know if they do that I WONT GIVE A DAMN!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
clancker1223 said:
Well my dad thought there was something wrong with me, so he decided to have a long talk with me. He kept asking me why I like that show. But he decided to ask me something that pissed me off: "Are you watching that show because your still sad that mom died?" I just yelled back at him saying "NO! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MOM! I WATCH MLP:FiM BECAUSE I LIKE THE SHOW!" Then i told him about the brony fandom, and he was a little more calm. We talk more and then we finally stopped and he was ok about me being a brony. My sister, who has down syndrome, however, greatly rejected me saying, "YOUR NOT WATCH PONIES, THATS FOR GIRLS NOT BOYS!" But I decided not to argue with her. So yeah thats my story.
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posted over a year ago 
armaniarden said:
My mom and dad thinks I'm not a little girl anymore so I made a deal with them, if I get A's and B's or higher then I get a my little pony doll (fluttershy).
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posted over a year ago 
lol,Mlp made me understand the magic of friendship,i was an anti-social/forever alone before (yes,exactly the same as Twi,thats why shes my fav.) and just seeing the first ep. (my cousins were watching on you tube and i joined them) i loved it! soon after i had friends cause of this awesome school! i cant believe im saying yhis but i love school! and having friends made it an awesome experience and the unexps
alinah_09 posted over a year ago
*unexpected happened..i gained the Top 2 position,omg! and got A's! and i plan to keep it that i have a good future..Mlp rocks! (the grades thing is 100% true!! i swear!!)
alinah_09 posted over a year ago
xDark_Angelx said:
My mother pretty much discovered suddenly while I was out of school (she found my Brony bracelet hidden in my room while cleaning), so I don't really know her instant reaction. However, she acted like it was okay with her, like it wasn't a huge deal. I mean, at least I don't still watch Dora or whatever, you know? XD

My dad doesn't know, and quite frankly, I'd rather he didn't. I can't imagine his reaction... while it's probably more awkward for guys to deal with their father knowing, it'd be pretty weird for me for him to find out.
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posted over a year ago 
electron15 said:
Mom found out. She never watched it. She called it satanic and was trying to convince me that I was brainwashed. She only saw the "Welcome to the Herd" meme with pinkie pie. She genuinely believes that the only reasons you would like the only reason you would like the show is if you are gay, a rapist, a child molester, or little girls. She says satan is smart and looks to catch us in something harmless... Soooooooo Satan wants to turn people evil by watching ponies who learn about friendship and/or love. She says "you don't like that show anymore" just that. She decided for me. She doesn't remember, Satan brings short lived pleasure, but when I hear Pinkie Pie sing I feel good for the rest of the day. When I smile through the halls of school, people give me weird looks like "what is he so happy about?" And sometimes I make them happy. I keep on meeting new bronies and pegasisters everyday and they look as happy as I do.
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posted over a year ago 
you should tell your mom to fuck off with that orthodox bullshit. There's nothing wrong with it. In fact if you can put her on the computer so I can tell her myself.
DE4DLIESTP0NY posted over a year ago
Hairity said:
My mom still says it's for little girls and she tries to make me stop watching it. But my dad did just normal about it and he even looks when it's on tv! I think he's secretly a brony.
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posted over a year ago 
TakerTV1 said:
My mom thinks im a freak my dad is mixed my brothers make fun of me except for one my grandma is worried for me
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posted over a year ago 
kfcnyancat said:
My brother keeps raging about it and saying "OMG BRONIES HAVE NO JOB OR LIVES" when he wastes MORE time watching anime. (Especially FullMetal Alchemist, a show with the opposite message.) And he has no friends.

My mom likes the show, but doesn't like my involvement in draining the hater community.

Haven't told dad yet, but I can imagine the response: A series of (Jewish, although i'm Prodistent- Christian) gay "Cures" that all end in "I'm not gay."
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posted over a year ago 
you should tell thay brother of yours to GET A LIFE!!!
alinah_09 posted over a year ago
ChibiEmmy posted over a year ago
kattbrony123 said:
my mom reacted completly fine, she watches the show with me, buys me the figures when shes out and everything, my dad kinda likes it, my best friend is also a brony and no one teases me thankfully :)
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posted over a year ago 
gabbyg27 said:
I was watching it and my parents didn't really say anything
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posted over a year ago 
Snickerz911411 said:
My parents were pretty chill with it, they even were about to get me some MlP shirts but I said no and got a movie instead. It sucks your mother banned you from watching the show though.
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posted over a year ago 
RawrMonster123 said:
My parents are totally fine with it. My dad doesn't know what MLP is and my mom likes their colors.
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posted over a year ago 
laura199627 said:
My mom saw me watching it and she told me that why I was watching that? and I told her it was a great show! and she just told me ok...
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posted over a year ago 
mrzacjac said:
My mom thinks its kinda weird but now she strangly wants to take me to the pink section in ToysRus, and then my dad thinks that I'm a weirdo or something ...But still *Brohoof*

Also all my friends think im kinda gay but whatever
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posted over a year ago 
tinkerbell66799 said:
My parents are completely fine with it! :)
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posted over a year ago 
When i told my dad he was just fine with it, I explained why generation 4 doesn't go for the girly stereotypes and that its not uncommon. My mom on the other hand said that's "weird" and walked away, she is more judgmental and does not want to hear reason.
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When i told my dad he was just fine with it, I explained why generation 4 doesn't go for the girly stereotypes and that its not uncommon. My mom on the other hand said that's "weird" and walked away, she is more judgmental and does not want to hear reason.
posted over a year ago 
Zuu said:
My mother thinks the show is rather clever and watches it with me often, but she's still not too keen on the fact grown men love the show. She's actually very disturbed/disgusted by such lol. As for my older sister, she's entirely against the fact I'm a brony, saying I need to grow up. But she doesn't seem to care about me expressing my passion for the show, as long as it's not around her. And my father? I have no idea what he thinks..he just stays quiet most of the time. Welp, at least my mom supports me somewhat on my love for ponies.
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posted over a year ago 
EmberBolt said:
XD i told my mom first and she was like, " OH MY GOD I USED TO LOVE THAT!!!" then she watched like 10 episodes and is still watching it XD ive told everyone else i know but my dad and the only problem with him was i brought up the subject and he said, " oh you mean those gay people on the internet?" and that completely shut me down XD
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posted over a year ago 
I hope i have a child who like a continuation of this version! Or, if it's a new generation guess thats fine too. XD
KuriYorokobi posted over a year ago
whoa thats awesome!! xD
alinah_09 posted over a year ago
Tsunami_Rain said:
I told my mom, and her response was,

"Okay, you know you had my My Little Ponies when you were a baby, right? So you've kinda liked them a lot longer than you realized..."

I was a little flabbergasted at that point but thought it was pretty cool.

My dad is homophobic, though he won't admit it, and I have been looking for a way to tell him that also explains bronies a bit. If I have backup information on the fact that bronies are in fact, normal, he won't have a problem with it. Just the way he is...
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posted over a year ago 
KuriYorokobi said:
I wanted to start watching it really! xD I halfway don't want to tell my mom because of her might saying "Yeah but, dont you think it's a little girls show only? I'll watch them on my phone anyway. I drew fluttershy afew months ago. And once she saw it, she didn't say anything. My oldest brother though, gets annoyed of them abit. So, once he saw it he said "God! Why did you draw one of those Ponys? I thought you grew up more than that. q.q I figured it's okay. I meen atleast it's not a bad show filled with cussing, etc. I am a girl after all ! I dont see how it matters p. o My mom and me walked down a toy section in Walmart, and they had them and she said "Haha! Every time i see those i'm going to think of that one you drew." Doesen't sound like "your too old" she didn't seem to mind much. o. o about 2 years ago, i talk about the winx to her and she did say that it seems for younger girls. But i started watching it and she didn't say a thing. xO i also watched a gothic cartoon called "Ruby Gloom" around then that my dad shown me. I was afraid she'd say it again but she didn't. Maybe afew weeks ago i mentioned how i never finished watching it. She said well, why don't you watch it over? I would say it's not that known but, i imagine it's originally built same age for MLPFIM, Their are women who've watched Ruby Gloom. I'm Fiftteen btw. xD Any opinions? :0
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posted over a year ago 
LiptonGold said:
The first time I told my mom, she didn't really believe me. A couple days later, though, while she wasn't home I was watching it on Netflix and she came home early and ''caught me''. She gave me a "look." She doesn't approve. My father doesn't know, but he wouldn't either.

I don't get it. We could be watching porn or some gruesome show. :P
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posted over a year ago 
BigT96 said:
First I wanna say I have been a brony for about a month now my parents don't know I like the show and like 5 or 6 of my friends know. So what I'm asking is was it hard to tell your parents and how should I tell them?
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posted over a year ago 
alinah_09 said:
it went well actually .they even like the songs.they even asked us to sent my bro cousin BBBFF song cause its his b-day and he loved it and was even touched by it.they also asked us to sing the song while they video yeah i can say that they accept us for who we are and what we like which is awesome ;P

p.s.we watch MLP on the computer in the living room and sometimes sing the songs so they already know we watch MLP and they dont even mind .they even like the songs =)
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posted over a year ago 
flyboys106 said:
I am 13 years old i have been watching mlp fim for a little more then 6 months now my friends know that i'm a brony so does my older brother(i converted him XD)but my parents don't know i don't know how my mom would react but i know my dad wouldn't give a buck because my dad doesn't care about me anymore:( (i never talk to him)
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posted over a year ago 
skitty159 said:
I actually love my little pony friendship is magic but I'm afraid that my little sis will make fun of me but I lie and watch it with her saying there's nothing on tv. I am a major pegasister I'm also hide it from my friends
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I actually love my little pony friendship is magic but I'm afraid that my little sis will make fun of me but I lie and watch it with her saying there's nothing on tv. I am a major pegasister I'm also hide it from my friends
posted over a year ago 
Bro_Ny said:
well i watch it secretly on my i-pad, but im way scared to tell my parents and need help, because i read this thing on how to know if ur child is a brony and stuff. i told my sis and she calles me gay so im scared how my parents will react, especialy my dad he wants my to be 110% sports non-girly dude

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posted over a year ago 
im also a brony :D
Bro_Ny posted over a year ago
Hey, me too!
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
Just cuz you like the show doesn't meant your gay bro it means you have good taste in animation, plot lines, and music. So if they have a problem with it they can take it up with the brony army behind me
suzyisbrute posted over a year ago
Dragon-88 said:
They don't know yet, yet I watch it on youtube. It would be very embarrassing if they find out!
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posted over a year ago 
I recently told my parents as of the year 2015, which is the current year and when I made this comment below my main one. They were OK with it. I was scared about talking about it when they found out I was talking about My Little Pony on Facebook. Not the best place to do that, but all went well.
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
DerpyHooves1234 said:
Well my parents found out before i could tell them becuse they where on netflix and i had watched it so they called me out and said what is this so i told them blah blah in the end they dident care
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Well my parents found out before i could tell them becuse they where on netflix and i had watched it so they called me out and said what is this so i told them blah blah in the end they dident care
posted over a year ago 
Why is Fluttershy a Nazi?!
Seanthehedgehog posted over a year ago
Nazi... Fluttershy? O.o
AmyRosefan4eva posted over a year ago
StormSpectrum said:
My dad thinks the show is annoying, but my mom sort of likes it. Neither of them really cared that I was a pegasister, and they have no problem letting me express it. They have even bought me mlp merch with their own money, and practically everything I got for Christmas and Easter was mlp stuff. My parents are awesome! :D
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posted over a year ago 
FluttershyIsShy said:
My mom just sat on the couch and watched it with me.
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posted over a year ago 
Seanthehedgehog said:
My parents don't know, even though my Mom saw me writing a MLP fanfic. I told her that I watch the show, but I think she forgot. My mom is like Derpy.
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posted over a year ago 
AmyRosefan4eva said:
They don't seem to care. They suspected it for a while, but I hid it. Then I came out of the pony closet, and they accepted it. c:
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posted over a year ago 
Nice, my parents would never accept that
Seanthehedgehog posted over a year ago
They just think it's weird. XD
AmyRosefan4eva posted over a year ago
ShyAndTheStrong said:
I'm very lucky. Both of my parents support my Bronydom. Well, my father all-out supports me and my creative ideas for the show, and my mom doesn't care at all. My brother can be a butt when he teases me about it, but that's just him. :)
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posted over a year ago 
bronyblabba said:
I emailed my mother but she used it as a weapon so when we argued she would hum the theme tune
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posted over a year ago 
suzyisbrute said:
Im teased by my parents about it -.- they don't get that this generation of mlp is different from what I used to watch when I was like 9
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posted over a year ago 
TheViolistBrony said:
So, I gradually became a brony, but my dad is pretty cool and didn't care. He actually encourages all the weird stuff I do, as long as I don't let anyone tell me it's wrong. He even gave it a chance by watching it and thought it was alright. (I guess he thinks Applejack is hilarious...) Like my fanart, he never tries to say I should put my talents to use elsewhere. Heck, he didn't even care that my little brother watches it with me! (Sorry this was so rambly)
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posted over a year ago 
TheWrangler said:
My dad (who, I should probably mention, is 44 years old, Christian and ex-Navy), walked through the living room and saw it on, my brother said it was a good show, and he said "I'm sure it is" in a non-sarcastic way.
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posted over a year ago 
Sapling132639 said:
My mom knows, but I don't think she really cares, I don't think my dad knows, but if he does, then he's not paying any mind to it. I'm trying to get my younger brother to watch the show, but he keeps refusing. I have no idea if my older brother knows, either, but he also probably doesn't care.
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posted over a year ago 
amtjarvi77 said:
I told my mom I was a brony and she didn't seem to approve but I think she'll come around. My friends at school don't care. I have no siblings and I won't tell my dad. I play hockey as a bit of an enforcer. I am a tough guy so people should know not to tease me. I find it hilarious to start punching someone in hockey with a My Little Pony bracelet on by wrist. I used to be very shy and easily embarrassed. This summer I started watching MLP FIM and it made me happier. I now get better grades in school thanks to the show (and Sean Avery ) I no longer care what people think of me and I am a much happier person. That is why I'm a brony.
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posted over a year ago 
neatwolf2 said:
I haven't told my mom but i told my sister because i trust her she teased me a little until i showed her some episodes and some catchy songs and she said they were good and i told her i haven't watched all of the seasons when i have but shes the only person ive told because im afraid to let it slip out when i am talking to my friends i know one that will tease me and one that wont so im a secret pegasister and i hope one day i wont have to tell them and i will eventually get over it and so thats what i do and i tell my sister everything about it she doesnt really listen but i feel like someones listening.
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posted over a year ago 
the_one_15 said:
Wow I envy everyone who is open about it. Here is my situation: I am a brony, though not the crazy, obsessing, life-revolves-around-MLP kind. I have a brony friend who is "trying" to turn my into a brony, but he doesn't know that I already am. I have other friends who are not, and just kinda don't care about bronies, and just go on with their lives (If they knew I'm a brony, they might actually care, though). I also have a few friends who would stab me to death and/or give me crap about it for the rest of my life if they knew. My parents would think I am going insane and would put me through therapy. No one that I know in person knows that I'm a brony. However, I fear that one of my friends is on to me, and if he knows, then it is only a matter of time before everyone does.
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posted over a year ago 
ThE-dOcTeR209 said:
Telling people a full grown man likes MLP is like walking blind-folded through a minefield
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posted over a year ago 
meliblack said:
Seriously is it really that weird! I didn't know!!!! well I didn't even care if anyone knew i'm a brony or not and never been embaressed by it but after seeing this question i'm not gonna tell my real age just saying i'm not a teenager anymore and i'm a brony plus nobody ever made fun of me because of that!! Not my family nor my friends ....
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posted over a year ago 
slendermane123 said:
My parents kicked me out then did owned me but I'm in collage now no thanks to them
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posted over a year ago 
Rainbow_Dash20 said:
I was a pegasister in secret, then I told my brother, my brother told my mom, my brother told my cousins and if he tells one of my older cousins named Erick, I'm cooked! FOREVER! I can imagine all the name calling! Then I'll be 20 percent dead by then!
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I was a pegasister in secret, then I told my brother, my brother told my mom, my brother told my cousins and if he tells one of my older cousins named Erick, I'm cooked! FOREVER! I can imagine all the name calling! Then I'll be 20 percent dead by then!
posted over a year ago 
Holy cow. That's like a chain of fire that gets bigger by the minute….I don't know about your situation, but I don't think it was a good idea for you to tell any member of your family. It was a disaster waiting to happen. If you are being made fun of for liking an awesome show with ponies in it, feel free to stop by my profile page. It's like a safe house-no one will ever know you were talking with another brony. I'm a guy, so if you are having any problems in regards to liking the show, be sure to visit, ok, Sugarcube? I added a nice quote from AJ just to help you feel better. Rememember, you have over a dozen bronies/pegasisters that got your back.
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
discordflutter said:
When I told my parents they acted like it was a normal thing for a kid my age. My sisters, on the other hand sort of made fun of me until one of them caught me watching a PMV and just sat there, watching it with me. My other sister just asks if I'm liking it then walks away, but another sister (I have 4 sisters) makes fun of me still. My friends thought it a little weird, but they soon got used to me talking about it. My family used to make fun of bronies until they found out I was a Pegasister and they instantly stopped talking about it over all.
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posted over a year ago 
I'm posting a comment on my own thing, but I spout out different MLP references here and there and no one seems to notice until they ask me what it's from. One time I sang This Day Aria at a family Christmas party, and everyone asked me what it was from and I got really nervous, so now my whole family knows I'm a Pegasister.
discordflutter posted over a year ago
karinabrony said:
Well, I'm a pre-teen, I'll be 12 soon.... Anyways, my dad was fine with it, and accepts it. He even gives me ideas on my drawings of MLP. He also gave me a poster board and told me to print out things of MLP and put them on there, so I can hang it on my room. ^-^ My mom thinks MLP is cute, and she also accepts that I like it. She buys me MLP merchandise sometimes, too. As for my sister and brother... They say I'm obsessed. My sister works at Hot Topic, so she sometimes buys me things of MLP. She is also fine with it. That's pretty much it.
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Well, I'm a pre-teen, I'll be 12 soon.... Anyways, my dad was fine with it, and accepts it. He even gives me ideas on my drawings of MLP. He also gave me a poster board and told me to print out things of MLP and put them on there, so I can hang it on my room. ^-^ My mom thinks MLP is cute, and she also accepts that I like it. She buys me MLP merchandise sometimes, too. As for my sister and brother... They say I'm obsessed. My sister works at Hot Topic, so she sometimes buys me things of MLP. She is also fine with it. That's pretty much it.
posted over a year ago 
brony919 said:
Its no secret every body knows! exept my grandpa...i live with him.
but my Teacher , Friends ,Class ,Best Friends know i dont tend to tell my grandpa! or grandma that would be embarressing :(
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posted over a year ago 
ChibiEmmy said:
My mom and dad don't mind us watching it, my dad will watch it sometimes with us when it's on. They're prefectly ok with it. It's only my little brother that gives me shit, but I never listen to him.
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posted over a year ago 
rawr1cat said:
My mom was like: is a show for little girls of 4 years -
And my dad didnt say me anything but he wasnt angry or sad he was normal and even buy me the mane 6 toys!
I have 13 years old and im a female so thats wasnt a problem at all.
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posted over a year ago 
cutepikachu said:
My parents were ok with it at first until they decided that I was getting too obsessed and banned me from it. After you tell your parents make sure they don't catch you watching it all the time or you'll end up like me! :(
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posted over a year ago 
SweetHoneyBunny said:
My dad doesn't care, as long as I'm not getting in trouble he doesn't see any problems. My mom on the other hand says the odd comment when she sees me watching it but otherwise doesn't care except for when she angry (this is quite often) and she says "That's a stupid show for little girls". Well boo on you mother.
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posted over a year ago 
"Show for little girls"? HA! That makes me laugh every time! If you happen to catch anything suggestive or down-to-earth actiony, you'll see it is not a show for little girls anymore. Ever see the fight between Princess Twilight and Tirek in the season 4 finale? If you haven't seen it, I'm sorry for spoiling it. But it's got some DBZ-like action going on there!
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
amshico said:
My dad is really against it. he can't stand talking about it and refuses to listen to any reason what-so-ever. It is really annoying, but my mum is totally fine with it and occasionally she watches it with me.
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posted over a year ago 
123cosmo4 said:
Mine looked at me with humorous disappointment. Without even watching it themselves they label it as "a baby show." They can think whatever they want. I know the show has substance that can inspire people of any age in everyday life situations.
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posted over a year ago 
Frozengirl11 said:
I'm a brony, cuz my G.S. friend Kathryn luvs My Little Pony (even tho we're Freshmen in high school!!), so I'm a Brony in secret. Check out my new club I just created: My Little Pony Equestria Girl Fan Club. It'll mean so much 2 me!!
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posted over a year ago 
I was likely one while I was in high school and didn't even know who the characters were. I made six first-time drawings of the mane six (one for each drawing) and also added the logo as best as I could. I even added a drawing of AppleBloom and Princess Celestia (even though both the first and second attempts didn't go well) I had no idea where any of these characters came from, though I learned the show's name, but I still didn't know much about it. I kept these drawings hidden in my binder, and started watching a few episodes a long way after I graduated. It was at that point I realized what brony was through the internet at some point-and that I became one as well.
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
Dragon-Star said:
When my parents found out that I was a Brony, it was my dad who was okay with it. He didn't like that I was one, but he respected it. And he's taking me to BronyCon 2015. But, it was my mom who despised it. When I told her, she flipped out on me, even after years of her telling me to be myself and let no one else change me, even though she just told me to change myself. My name is Soul (Dragon-Star), and I've been a Brony for 2 1/2 years. I'm 15, and my mom doesn't like that I'm a Brony....what do I do...?
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posted over a year ago 
strikegaming said:
well im a girl and i love mlp. when i told her at first she was worried. BUT and im saying but, after a i started talking to her about, not alot but she started to understand. Btw my mum is overprotective. anyway after a bit im going to show her an episode to calm her down. this could work with bronys too.
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posted over a year ago 
Rainbow-98 said:
The first time my dad found out I was a brony was when I bought a t-shirt with mlp on it. When he found out I had it he became infuriated and even went so far to as it me. He yelled at me and said that I was going to burn in h**l for watching it because he said I was gay, even though I am not. Eventually I found the best way to continue to be a brony was to hide it from him.
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posted over a year ago 
Harpaw8 said:
I'm a brony, my parents are 100% okay with it
at least i'm not doing drugs
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posted over a year ago 
rainbowdash1012 said:
My mom is okay that I'm a brony and she enjoys the show.My dad does not
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posted over a year ago 
Tunder2510 said:
Well, at first, my mom was kind of teasing me, but now she kind of accepted it. My grandma and dad don't care and are simply happy that i enjoy the show.
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posted over a year ago 
Gamerboy117 said:
My dad really didn't like me watching it. He got mad and gave me a really really long boring lecture about mlp.
But us teenage Bronies don't listen anyways. XP
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posted over a year ago 
Pinkypiegirl said:
My dad always make fun of what I say about ponies. I sometimes wish he wouldn't. My friends and mom don't mind.
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posted over a year ago 
James_The_Brony said:
My perents where like what the f**k why would you like that show but they eventually just gave up and now they still think it's odd but have since got me a twilight plushy
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posted over a year ago 
pasteltastic said:
tbh i feel your pain (kinda.)

i really want some new mlp dolls, but my parents say that it's for little kids, and my dad says that adults that play with mlp dolls have problems, and i know they don't.

i'm just a big fan and i really love the dolls. plus, more stuff for me to do than what i can do with my plain, old ones.

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posted over a year ago 
Hawkeye0908 said:
My parents just laughed at me and my brother teased me calling me a brony. My dad decided to ban mlp but the ban kind of disappeared.
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posted over a year ago 
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