Microsoft Xbox One Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-4 of 4

GTKenobi said …
Ya'll are crazy the One is awesome !!! I'd rather pay for great service then have barely any service and now sony charges for their online stuff. And it sucks. No doubt their graphics are sweet but so the xbox's are right there and you can do all kinda of craziness. Posted over a year ago
humpherywolf34 said …
Im selling my 360 for money, and add the fact that it's four years old and pretty much no more use to me since I used up almost all the storage unit for it... But I'll be sad to see it go cause I grew up with 360 and it grew up with me, and it's all I've ever played after PS2 and I have like 11500 game achievements on it I'll be sad to see her go ya know? But what's the point in buying a new 360 when the Xbox 1 is on the way... I might buy PS4 instead. PS's get free online game play. Posted over a year ago
humpherywolf34 commented…
So I might just get PS4 I'm waiting to see if my cousin get's a Xbox 1 or PS4 so I can buy the same to play with him online. :P over a year ago
tylerhelt11 commented…
The girls got a xbox don’t know what one I hope it ‘s a Xbox one I have an xbox one over a year ago
tylerhelt11 commented…
The girls got the Xbox one s the one I have now we can message each other over a year ago
R1OT said …
pre-ordered mine =] Posted over a year ago
nicker11500 commented…
I wish I can but I don't have that much money :P over a year ago
True-Finn-Fan said …
not gonna lie. this looks legit. Posted over a year ago