Michael (Townley) De Santa Club
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(story orginally started in and ended between 2018)

In the year 1899, after a botched ferry heist, Dutch van der Linde and his gang - which includes Arthur Morgan and John Marston - are forced to flee their hideout in Blackwater and attempt to cross the mountains in the east to evade law enforcement.

Arthur, Dutch and fellow gang member, Micah Bell, find a house, and Arthur and Micah hide, as Dutch tries to charm the guards. But Micah finds a body in a wagon, and themmen reconsize Dutch and become hostile, so a shootout begins. Dutch's side easily taking them down. Arthur kills one who tried...
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posted by Canada24
Debbie: RPG's aren't that bad.
(Jon throws "BASICALLY A FACT IN BROAD TERMS" onto screen)
Debbie's Teacher: Spells, poison, battles, maiming, killing?
Debbie: Yeah, but it's all imagination
Debbie's Teacher: IS IT?!
Jon: Is it, Debbie? Well I suggest you read a totally real book that has absolutely no poisoning, maiming or killing and it called the Holy Bible an- (pauses, staring blankly as he raises up the Bible) (whispery).. Oh no... that book-that book done got that.

Jon: We're here to watch, Howling ll, your sisters a werewolf.
Sister: JON! How could you say that about me?!
Jon: Whatever,...
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posted by Canada24
(Considered the first story I EVER wrote, originally wrote sometime in 2003 or 2004, based loosely Call of Duty 3.. But the story was rewritten and made public, August 23, 2013, here was the result)


Nazi's had attacked and destroyed a village, Thomas James Crow was the only lone survivor. He witnessed the town being destroyed and Nazi's killing the villagers including his parents, who were killed by one particular Nazi named LT Hassan, a cold hearted man, who has a large black mustache (what looks kind of like the one Captain Prices has in the Call of Duty games), he also has...
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EPISODE 5: (Simpsons)

So I remember having a character, Maggie, who's a bartender. She's also gay, but nobody seems to mind or care. Mostly cause she doesn't act stereotypical about, you honestly wouldn't know on first impression. Anyway, her bar is having financial trouble. Saten chooses to tell her buddy about a drink recipe that he accidentally invented one night when he actually did have a flu. Saying cough syrup into some whiskey, and when it fell onto a candle, it ended tasting amazing.

After trying said drink out, Maggie steals his idea, renames the drink after herself. Honestly one of...
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#1: CLAMS:
My favorite as a kid. And still funny years later.
Krabs steals the show..

The best example of why Pre Movie Spongebob is "real spongebob", is how he respondes to the situration..
Squidward begins taking advantage of Spongebob. But instead of being abnoxiously blind to it like he would in modern episodes. Spongebob reacts with sarcasm and trying to smack it into Squidward's head "you need a job". And than nearly killing Krabs for not rehiring him..

This time is Patrick who steals the show.
I would do a reaction video to this one if I could...
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Twilight Sparkle: I said no magic. You were supposed to do it by hoof so I could work in a friendship lesson.

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, I heard "set the table" and just kinda went for it.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, if you hadn't used magic, you'd have heard me say, uh... this plate represents your head, this spoon is your heart, and the knives... are sharp! Always be careful with knives. [sigh] The metaphors make more sense when you're actually setting the table.

Starlight Glimmer: Should I... change it back?

Twilight Sparkle: I just want to make sure you're ready for this dinner. Princess...
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Later that same evening, Sarah is seen holding a crying Karen, whos known as a alcholic, not much different than Dashlene Lucia truthfully.

"Sean would want you moving on girl." Sarah insisted, rubbing her back.

"But why!? Why him!"

"Sean was unlucky, could of happened to anyone.. Just wish it was Micah." Sarah told her. Karen continues to cry and than stands up up, heading to the container of boes depite Sarah's best efforts to comfort her.

"Somebody's coming!" Lenny cried out to the camp, cocking hs Repeater Carbine and Sarah bursts up ready to fight. But out comes Carly Townley. "Wait, hold...
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Pinkie Pie: Five hundred and sixty-six, five hundred and sixty-seven, five hundred and sixty-eight... Phew! Look at that, Pound Cake! I am so close to breaking my personal cupcake-icing record!

Mrs. Cake: My goodness! I can't believe what I'm seeing here!

Pinkie Pie: Pretty impressive if I do say so.

Saten: (hung over on the couch) (angrily) STOP WITH THE NOISES!

Pinkie: Hey.. Just cause we celebrated earlier doesn't mean you drink ALL the wine.

Mrs Cake: Uhh.. Anyway. would you mind watching the counter while I pop to the supply room? We've just received a very special order, and the...
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Skips ahead a bit. So Arthur, John, Sean and Charles plan a train robbery. But before Arthur can go, Abigail asks Arthur Morgan to take the than 5 or 6 year old Jack Marston on a fishing trip, as John himself is still a neglectful father back at this point. Arthur and Jack a fun time, but this gets intrupted by the arrival of two Black Water detective agents, also known as Pinkertons. Agents Andrew Milton and Edgar Ross. Mlltons asks for Arthur to give up Dutch, which Arthur refuses. Milton reveals the killed the M.I.A member of Dutch's group, Mac. Ultimately they leave, Ross tells Jack the...
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posted by Canada24

"She stumbled into that?" Carly asked, seeing a time machine, which must of been the same one she herself once fell into once herself. Where she ended in 1940's Los Angeles.

"She was so hammered last night she didn't know her name, called herself Princess Mustard. An jump right in against my warning, setting it to 1899, said something about meeting her anchestor, Sadie." The the professor that recently moved to town. Why is anyone's guess. Same with why he made a time machine in the first place.

Carly looked closer at the machine, seeing it's quite busted up, no way they...
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posted by Canada24
Micah, Lenny and Sarah arrive to the camp at Horseshoe Overload, they see everyone celebrating Sean's return, and he's making a drunken speech. Sarah smiled, admitting to herself 'I like him'.

This being Sarah Amber's first actual time seeing the camp, Dutch Van Der Linde ends up giving her a tour, introducing her to everyone. Including a sarcastic introduction to the camp prisoner, Kieren Duffy, who's tied to a tree. He says Kieren is a member of the rival gang. To O'Drisco's. Lead by Colm O'Drisco, Dutch's rival and former partner. Next he introduces her to the camp donation box. Dutch saying...
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Saten: So, in conclusion, I believe the painful sensation felt after passing a meal of spicy chillies is proof that the rectum does possess the sense of taste.

Trixie: ... I concur, but you changed the subject. What are we doing for hearts and hoove's Day?

Saten: ... Oh, you caught that, did you?

Trixie: Come on Saten, you know I can only be here for so long., It was part of the deal... And I don't remember the last time you even did anything romantic?

Saten: Sure I do.. I got you that flower.

Trixie: It was Poison Joke.

Saten: How was I suppose to know that!?

Trixie: It had a sign saying...
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posted by Canada24
Who cares about remembering soldiers, long as it means a day off school, I'm happy!

I don't care if it's illegal, if a corpse looks hot, I'm fucking it!


I don't care about your shitty opinions! I like having sex with my father, it feels mature! So fuck off haters!

My kid is NEVER gonna watch Skrek! Disagree all you want! Beautiful people don't go with ugly people! My daughter would grow up thinking she should change cause some ugly boy likes her! Why didn't Shrek change for Fiena!? Beautiful...
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My main reason for making this, is the excuse of using Pony Mov Spike (or as I call him "Dragonowitiz") as the main person. He's my favorite character in Pony Mov, and I love Max's voice..b

Pony mov Rainbow ("SWAGDASH" as I call her) will also have an enjoyable prefermance.. A bit of a breakout character towards this story. Orginally I just like Spike and Shydale (Pony Mov Fluttershy)..

Anyway. Here we go..

Our story begins near the end of the subseries Ask JappleAck. Where normal Twilight and normal AppleJack finally helped her find a portal back to HER world.

Jappleack (Pony Mov AppleJack) kindly...
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User/Me: Hello.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Not bad, you?

Cleverbot: Pretty good.

User: ... Not sure how to start the conversation

Cleverbot: What would you like to eat most of all?

User: Burgers, probably.

Cleverbot: Eat - What?

User: ... Burgers

Cleverbot: What do you think about the world?

User: I think you ditched my earlier answer.

Cleverbot: Well, you're wrong.

User: No, you avoided it.

Cleverbot: I did no such thing. How did I avoid your question?

User: ... Never mind.. Maybe I misheard

Cleverbot: You can tell me anyway.

User: Not important... I like the world.. It's dark and bright at the same time....
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posted by Canada24
"The best way to be Rob Dyke is to be very overly sarcastic about everything, if you have no friends left, your on the right path" - Matthew Santoro
"The best way to be Rob Dyke is to be very overly sarcastic about everything, if you have no friends left, your on the right path" - Matthew Santoro
"It would be years later before Henry, for some foolish reason, decided to cut down that old tree. However, he experienced great difficulty in doing this. Perhaps Henry should have broken up with the tree, then maybe it would have cut itself."

JUSTIN: I just.. I thought better of you.
ROB: For hanging out with Derek?
JUSTIN: Yeah, but, you know what.. Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm gonna head out (leaves)
ROB: Waiit, what you got against Derek? .. Bro! Derek! Bro! Bro, it's Derek! BRO!! BRO IT'S DEREK!! BROOOOOO!!! BROOOOOOOO!!!!

"Matthew Santoro's teeth are so white the KKK have...
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Dinky is watching TV. A knock is heard at the front door and sge walks to the door and opens it. It's raining outside and Sweetie Belle is on the steps. She sniffles.

SB: Can I come in?

Dinky: Sure (SB enters, still sniffling] what's the matter?

Sweetie Belle: I... don't... have... any... friends...

Dinky: ... What?

Sweetie Belle: I mean, I do, but, well, ever since I became friends with that Kip Drordy kid, a bunch of my other friends have started ignoring me. It would be fine except for my farm is starting to shrink. I know that I should just dump Kip as a friend, but that's such a terrible thing...
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I'm bringing back the series. Mainly by continuing to use episodes of SOUTH PARK, SIMPSONS, and FAMILY GUY:

Episode one is South Park:

Despite them all being ponies, appearently they can use computers in this episode, the CMC's are on facebook, each talking about how many friends they have. Derpy's daughter Dinky comes over, revealing to part of their group in this universe.

Dinky: Aww, are you guys doing that stupid Facebook stuff again? Why are you guys in here wasting your time? We're supposed to be out playing video games.

Scoot: Dinky, you don't get how cool Facebook has become. You can message...
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posted by Canada24
Seras leads Johnny and Carly to her house. It's at the same street as Denise. Carly asks about Franklin and Sally, but Denise says they moved out, saying "good riddence." but says she does admit that she misses Sally though, so does Tonya, despite not remembering who Sally is 50% of the time.

Seras unlocks the front door and the three walk right in. Carly admitting to herself the house is a bit smaller than she expected, but not disappointed by it. Seras finally switches out of her unform. Throwing on a white tank top serprisingly. But keeps the blue pants. By this point some of Seras's short...
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The story begins with when Rarity shows Trenderhoof around Ponyville, specifically spots that will serve as venues for the Ponyville Days festival events, and Trenderhoof is moderately impressed. However, he seems particularly taken with Sweet Apple Acres, especially Applejack the moment he sees her. The travel writer becomes instantly smitten with the farm-pony and calls her the pony of his dreams, devastating Rarity, and she ended up leaving.



Rarity trying too hard to impress Trenderhoof. Tries...
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