Luddy Club
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posted by MoniBolis
- Are you okay Dr. Cuddy? – Jonah, her assistant, asks her.
- I’m not sure, that’s why I’m going to see my doctor –
- Why don’t you go with a doctor from our hospital? –
- On my last job I had problems with my privacy. I’m not saying is the same thing here, but just in case –
- Okaaay –
- I’ll be back in hour –
It’s late October and Cuddy has an appointment with her Ob/Gyn doctor.
Lucas is tired and cover in dirt. He’s just getting home.
- You’re finally here – Kelly is sitting on the couch reading a magazine.
- Do you have a copy of...
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I wrote it in my native language, so it's in polish. Tells a story about how Lucas and Cuddy starts to dating, he's meeting Rachel, shows, that's more than not-making-Huddy-happen: real story of real relationship between two people.

Więc, okej, były trzy powody, dla których się zgodziła.
Po pierwsze, nie była na randce od prawie roku i tyleż samo minęło od ostatniego razu, gdy uprawiała seks. Była poważnie sfrustrowana, całe jej życie zaczęło się zaś kręcić po orbicie dokumentacyjno - mlekowej. Mleko i kupki w domu, dokumenty w biurze. Początkowo, rzecz jasna, była...
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English is not my first language. All the mistakes are mine.
Spoilers...I guess

“Ready to go?” asked Lucas
“Let me put this files away” Cuddy responded
That night Lucas was picking up Cuddy from the hospital.
“You know Harry the security guard?” said Cuddy very casually
“The tall one?”
“Then I don’t know him” Lucas snooped around the office.
“Well he knows you” Cuddy put her coat on “In fact, he saw you…on the fourth floor”
“Oh” Lucas was caught by surprise
“What were you doing?” Cuddy inquired
“I …I was trying to help you out”
“I didn’t ask for...
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So I couldn't resist after watching Lucas with Rachel
English is not my first language, so all the mistakes are mine, but if you tell me what's wrong, I’ll change it
Yes, I have a soft spot for Luddy
Spoilers...I guess

Cuddy, Lucas and Rachel were at the living room.
“So I’m Lucas” the P.I. said to the little girl. Rachel stared at him and giggled. “I think she likes me”
“She’s 8 months’ old, she laughs at everything” said Cuddy with a smirk on her face.
Cuddy finally let Lucas met Rachel after 2 months of dating him. She finally trusted him enough. For her was a really important...
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English it's not my first language.

So it finally, we just didn't knew when.By the way kudos to the writters, producers and everybody on the show for keeping it quite, unlike last year, but this isn't about them. It's about Luddy

My journey with Luddy started way back in season 5x03 "Adverse events". When I watch that episode I thougth to myself: "Wouldn't be nice to give Cuddy a love interest?" But nothing happened after that, until season 6 when they bring Lucas back.
I was happy, I didn't care about the hate that surround them. I love the reveal in 6x07 "Known Uknowns", I smiled...
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posted by MoniBolis
Chapter one: Invitation

- …Everything changed. Even the little bad things in the past seem bigger, and the good things don’t shine anymore – Cuddy said
- That’s not really fair – Lucas told her.
They were in his apartment. She was sitting on the sofa, with Lucas next to her. Rachel was watching cartoons on TV.
- I know, but that’s how I feel right now – Cuddy sighed – And yesterday I quit my job and put my home for sale–
- Why? –
- I don’t want them anymore – Cuddy laughed bitterly – I looked at my life, and all I have was a broken heart, a hole in my home, and a stressful...
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First date.

1: It all comes down to one thing

Nie przywykła do takich randek.
Nie przywykła do takich mężczyzn.
Nie chodzi bynajmniej o to, że nie umawiała się z młodszymi. Często do tego dochodziło, zwłaszcza jakiś rok-dwa przed tym, jak adoptowała dziecko. Jej rówieśnicy i starsi zaczynali po prostu znikać z rynku albo nie interesowali jej w jakikolwiek sposób.
Spotkania zawsze jednak były w jakiś sposób jak taniec, który obie strony świetnie znały. Krok w przód, rozmowa o pracy. Skręt w bok, unikanie zbyt osobistych tematów. Obrót, ładny uśmiech, zapłacenie rachunku...
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Okay guys, here is a OS I wrote few days ago to let people know how I see the Luddy (quickie) sex scene from Ep 6x14...

Don't be afraid to tell me what you think ;)

So... now let's go :

Auteur : Volly (that's my nicknam lol)
Avertissement : NC-17
Contexte : Episode 14 de la saison 6...
Disclaimer : J'aimerais pouvoir dire que Lisa m'appartient, mais malheureusement ce n'est pas le cas... et il en va de même pour tous les autres personnages de cette fic.

Sept heures vingt huit.

Elle avait pris sa douche, s'était habillée, coiffée, maquillée.

Elle était prête. Belle.

Elle avait fait un dernier...
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English is not my first language.

Cuddy picked up her cell phone when she heard the text alert
To: Lisa
Just got 2 the hotel, in Portland.
I had a gud trip.
itz frEzN n here
To: Lucas
Pretty cold back here too.
What R U ^ 2?
To: Lisa
Planting some bugs, install camaras,
Transcript conversationts, the usual.
To: Lucas
wen R U comin bak?
To: Lisa
If evrtng goes right,
and the Russian mob doesn’t get involved…...
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English is not my first language, so all the mistakes are mine, but if you tell me what's wrong, I’ll change it
Yes, I have a soft spot for luddy
Spoilers...I guess

“Cappuccino for you and black coffee for you” The waitress handled Lucas and Cuddy their beverages.
“Thanks” the couple said
“So, how was your week?” Lucas started the conversation
“It was like a soap opera to much drama” Cuddy took a sip from her coffee
“Really? Is one of the nurses pregnant and doesn’t know which doctor is the father?”
“If sex affairs were the biggest problem in the hospital; I would have more...
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English is not my first language, so all the mistakes are mine, but if you tell me what's wrong, i'll change it
Yes, i have a soft spot for luddy
Spoilers...i guess

“Are you okay?” was the first thing Lucas said when Cuddy opened the door.
“Yes” Cuddy wasn’t expecting him that night. Lucas hugged her.
“I was worried” Cuddy hugged him back.
“I was watching the news. There was a shooting in the hospital.” Explained Lucas
“The Dibala assassination attempt? I wasn’t in the same room, hell, I wasn’t even in the same floor” Cuddy noticed the honest concern in Lucas eyes. “You...
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posted by MoniBolis
- Tomorrow – Dr. Kane says – You can take Donnie home tomorrow morning –
Lucas and Cuddy smile. For a little more than a month Lucas and Cuddy visited their baby in the NICU
- Did you hear that sweetie? – Cuddy has the baby in her arms. Donnie is bigger and has a more healthy color. – You're going home –
Lucas kisses the baby forehead before Cuddy puts him back on the cot.
- Thank you Doctor –

- So I'll take a couple of days off to be with the baby –
Cuddy says to Lucas as they walk to her office.
- Love the idea –
- You can stop smiling, can...
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English is not my first language, so all the mistakes are mine, but if you tell me what's wrong, i'll change it
Yes, i have a soft spot for luddy
Spoilers...i guess

Cuddy answer the phone “Dr. Cuddy speaking”
“Do you like red wine?” Cuddy smiled when she heard Lucas on the line
“A client gave me a rare and unique bottle of wine; it supposed to be worth $15,000 dollars. Which I think is too much for wine… Wanna come over for lunch and have a glass?”
“I have my weekly lunch date with Wilson” Cuddy played with the phone cord.
“Does it have to be today? We can wait...
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English is not my first language
Spoilers...I guess. No wait; this for a 2008 episode!

Lucas was parking in front of Wilson’s apartment.
House told him to spy on his best friend, and that is what he was doing.
It was pretty boring, until Lucas saw her.
She was walking down the street, wearing a tight skirt and a red blouse.
Lucas stared at her. He couldn’t help but smile. She was beautiful. With dark curly hair and blue eyes.
He was gladly surprise when she knocked on Wilsons door.
“Hello Wilson” she said
“Hi Cuddy”
Lucas listened the conversation...
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posted by misanthrope86
Lisa was starving. She had been buried in paperwork all morning and had not had a chance to have a bite to eat.She got up from her desk and went out to the nurse’s station.

“Brenda, can you please call the cafeteria and ask them to send a BLT up to my office?”

“Of course Dr Cuddy.”

“Thanks. I just have to go upstairs to meet with Dr House and the hospital’s legal team. I’ll be back soon... I hope.”

Brenda smiled and Lisa left, mentally preparing herself for the meeting. Brenda then made the phone call down to the cafeteria, only to be told that the cafeteria was all out of bacon,...
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English is not my first language, so all the mistakes are mine, but if you tell me what's wrong, I’ll change it
Yes, I have a soft spot for Luddy
Spoilers...I guess

It was early June and Cuddy felt numb with her life. Her daughter Rachel kept her happy and her job kept her busy. But she felt numb, emotional numb.
The last thing Cuddy wanted was a relationship, but she got one.
It all started when she went to an early meeting outside the hospital, on her way back she bought a cup of coffee on a stand. There is where she saw him. Lucas Douglas sitting on a bench reading the paper (or at least...
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Setting The Scene: Lucas encouraged a woman he knew to meet with Dr Lisa Cuddy about making a donation to Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital.

Lisa Cuddy got up from her desk, strode across her office and put on her coat. She was off to lunch with a potential hospital donor and was excited about the prospect of getting more money for the cancer research department. With a skip in her step, she left her office and made her way through the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital lobby and out into the crisp winter air.

Lucas sat on a bench out in front of the hospital, watching people, sick and...
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Setting The Scene: Lisa arrives at work...

Lisa pulled into her parking space in the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital carpark, parked her car, gathered her things and got out. She locked the door and started to walk towards the front door of the hospital. Halfway to the door, she turned back towards her car to admire her superior parking skills, but instead was shocked by how dirty her car was.

"I need to get that car cleaned! I'll have to somehow find the time." Lisa sighed, feeling more than a little stressed. She turned and continued to her walk to the front doors of the hospital.

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posted by MoniBolis
Chapter 03: Surprise

- What’s wrong with this one? –
Cuddy asked with her hands on her hips.
- Nah…I don’t like the color…it’s too…dark – Lucas answered – The cleavage is perfect, but you need a more, I don’t know, lighter color. Blue to go with your eyes –
They were in a boutique.
- What do you think Rachel? – The P.I. asked the infant, she just replied.
- Mama bluuu –
- See? –
- Okay, okay – Cuddy said returning to the dressing room.
Lucas cell phone rang. – Yeah, I’m here – he said. – Yes, I found him…wait, Rachel come back here – Rachel walked a few steps...
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Look at her smile
Look at her smile
English is not my first language

1.- Physical attraction.
Cuddy likes Lucas. He is a good looking guy and she is into him. It’s that simple
5x03 “Adverse Events” The scene at the diner.

2.- Lucas adores Cuddy
You can see how Lucas is always checking Cuddy out. He is not afraid to tell her how beautiful is to him. Also keep in mind that we didn't see how did Lucas wooed Cuddy.

5x03 “Adverse Events” With this dialogue
Lucas [to House]: I don’t want just do her
Lucas [to Cuddy]: I’m into you because you’re hot, and smart…

3.- Lucas understands Cuddy (and he has the...
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