Its All About Princess829 Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 85

big smile
princess829 said …
hey! people i'm back!!! :D
i was gone for a while but i'll be on here more often now....things aren't perfect but i'm still here. you guys can still talk to me, it just may take me a little longer to reply than usual....anyways.
hi =D
Posted over a year ago
123a commented…
OMG Heeeey! <3 i missed you so damn much!! over a year ago
boy123 said …
join the boy123 club! Posted over a year ago
123a said …
It's your birthday today. I wish you have an awesome birthday..
You may not see this. but; i hope you do.
Happy Birthday Brooke. Posted over a year ago
princess829 commented…
thank you; it was a good day =D over a year ago
mist35 commented…
hi XD over a year ago
123a said …
Missing you so bad :'( Wish we at least can talk it through. Posted over a year ago
viju commented…
Yeah. Just wanted to talk to her once.. :'( over a year ago
123a commented…
Do you know why she left? :/ over a year ago
mist35 commented…
hi :D over a year ago
viju said …
Hey Brooke. Please tell me why you're leaving Fanpop. I need to know. See my message and reply. PLEASE. Posted over a year ago
123a commented…
Me too! Please! We're missing you already :'( over a year ago
viju commented…
^ Yeah... :( At least tell us the reason why? over a year ago
mist35 commented…
hi over a year ago
princess829 said …
princess829 commented…
BTW- I'll get around to changing the motto too, there's too many good ones that I like so it's hard to pick my favourite. But I'll eventually get around to it. I really love the banner, and I don't want to change it unless Viju wants to make another one because her's are amazing :) She can contact me if she wants to do it, but seeing as she never comes around here anymore- it will probably be just a icon/motto change this time. over a year ago
viju commented…
I'll try and make a new one when I get time... over a year ago
princess829 said …
Today, 6/26/11 marks my 2 year run on the pop. Wow, how time goes by. <33
Thank you to all the wonderful people I have met on here who have truly made my life a bit better & for all the discoveries I have made about myself through here. I hope I have many more years to go & many more people to meet (& many more medals to get lol :D)....thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Okay, enough with the sappy junk-- time to move along. ;)

Posted over a year ago
123a commented…
YAY! ;D over a year ago
123a commented…
Don't say that O: i'm probably the only one who is free to show up on fanpop :P over a year ago
mist35 commented…
hey can i be ur buddy plz :D over a year ago
princess829 said …
Smile. It's good for you. Put all your worries behind. They weren't worth it. Love your life. It's all you got. Be happy.
- Amanda Bynes <33 Posted over a year ago
viju commented…
I gotta agree with this. I need this quote's inspiration atm. <3 over a year ago
princess829 said …
Sometimes sorry doesn’t mean regret. Forgiveness doesn’t mean acceptance. Trying doesn’t mean failure. & Success doesn’t mean happiness.
- Amanda Bynes <33 Posted over a year ago
Magica said …
Just saying, I LOVE the banner. <3 Posted over a year ago
princess829 commented…
Viju is AMAZING when it comes to creative works like this- all credit belongs to her. Anyways, thanks for the wall post- glad to know you're loving it. lol :D over a year ago
princess829 said …
Every day we face the same truth. That life is fleeting. That our time here is short. And to honor the fallen, we must live our own lives well.
- credit: TizzFan4evr Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.
- credit: Hot_n_cold Posted over a year ago
viju said …
I've got my Die-Hard here. It was like IMPOSSIBLE to get my Dedicated before, but now I've got my die-hard so easily!
Just because getting medals have been easier these days. Posted over a year ago
jelly14 said …
100th Fan! :) Posted over a year ago
princess829 commented…
YAY!!! :) over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
I view the world in a way that only someone as awesome as me could view. :D Posted over a year ago
viju commented…
Haha, Nice! :D over a year ago
princess829 commented…
Thanks! :) over a year ago
princess829 said …
"Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing." Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are Curious
You are very interested in and engaged with the world.
You are fiercely independent and self-reliant. You don't take anyone's word for anything.

You push yourself to come up with new ideas and theories. You love figuring out how things work.
You love to research and read up on a variety of subjects. You are always learning. Posted over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
Your Inner Gender is Male
You are rational, matter of fact, and quite dominant.
You like to get things done, without any emotional messiness.
You truly don't understand most women. And you definitely feel more comfortable around men.
No doubt about it. You're a guy - at least on the inside.
Posted over a year ago
123a commented…
Lol, i bet i'm like you <3 XD over a year ago
princess829 commented…
i bet =) over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
You Have a Gifted First Name
You are a responsible, patient person. You have what it takes to master any skill or talent.
You have many "gifts" - although you have cultivated all of them. It's likely that you are an artist or athlete of some sort.

You always take time for your family and friends. Social ties are very important to you, and you like to feel appreciated.
You have a strong personality, and you don't have any problem butting in where you don't belong. You definitely aren't meek! Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
People change, things go wrong, shit happens and life goes on Posted over a year ago
emmett commented…
so true :) over a year ago
princess829 said …
"Perfection is not only about control. It's also about letting go." & "The ONLY person standing in your way is YOU." Posted over a year ago
princess829 commented…
Both quotes are taken from the film 'Black Swan' :D over a year ago
princess829 said …
This motto quote from cena-fan really got me thinking....

○○ Giving up is not an option. Why? Because the DEPTH of your STRUGGLE will determine the HEIGHT of your SUCCESS.○○

It's true...think about it. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
I feel a little better now... Posted over a year ago
princess829 commented…
I bought back my profile :D over a year ago
princess829 commented…
*bRought- i didn't buy anything lol ;) over a year ago
princess829 said …
"A minority in the regular population but a majority in the gifted population." ~ Jill D. Burruss and Lisa Kaenzig Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
The only thing we have is the truth. What you decide to do with that matters. So make it count. Posted over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
Your Mind is Purple
Of all the mind types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
So I just changed the spot icon....I decided it was time for a little reinvention. + seeing the fact that I'm the only one on this spot 99.99% of the time, I just went ahead & did it. [I needed something that captured my current state of mind.] So yeah, I thought no one would really care. But just in case you are wondering who this chick's Brittany Murphy.
Okay, that is all. Posted over a year ago
emmett commented…
Just wondering, is that quote in the banner from a The Pretty Reckless song? :D over a year ago
princess829 commented…
Oh. I dunno...viju made the banner & I never got around to asking about that. I just liked what it said, but I never asked where it was from or anything. But like I said, I'm not sure because I don't listen to them so I'm not fond of their work so I think you & viju have more expertice in that area than I do. But if you think it is, then it probably is. :) over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
LOL I just woke up this morning & found out that I had six new die-hards. =) Apparently, some people don't mind my obsession with unlimited uploads. Nah, jk. It's just cool, I thought I'd share it with you guys. :) Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are the 1980s
You are a larger than life, ambitious person. You believe that you should live big or go home.
You appreciate the bold days of the 1980s, when no one ever toned it down.

You believe in working hard and playing hard. You can't help but love money and nice things.
You are a bit ruthless and power hungry. The one who dies with the most toys wins, right? Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You See Possibilities in Your Future
Five years from now, you could be doing any number of things. You're setting yourself up for an interesting future.
You aren't ruling anything out, but you're still being proactive. You welcome any number of possibilities.

Ten years from now, you will have made some interesting choices. And you'll still have a few key decisions to make.
No doubt about it, your life is headed in an amazing direction. What exact direction is up to you. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
NEWS: I won't be on here much for awhile. It's nothing personal, I just haven't been keeping up with stuff I need to. I'm still gonna answer picks, do contests, add some images + stuff but I'll be late in replying to you guys. I just....need to take some time off. Don't worry, it's not permanent- I will be back. [NOTE: Not sure when but I WILL be gone for 1 month with no internet =\ so no updates from me then.] But like I said, I'll come & go but I won't be on as much as I used to. Sorry. =( Posted over a year ago
princess829 commented…
Just thought I'd let you guys case a few of you care. BTW, I know this doesn't matter much but I would just like to take a moment & notice that this is my 800th wall post. Yay! =D Sorry...wanted to brighten up the mood. Okay, G2G. TTYL sometime.... over a year ago
noturcreeper commented…
plz come back soon :'( over a year ago
princess829 commented…
^ Thank you. It seems like you're the only one who cares. Why is that/how is that always the answer? Nah, it's okay. I think that was kind of a rhetorical question...but thank you for at least saying something. over a year ago
princess829 said …
U R a Mustache
U r eccentric & even a bit of a weirdo. U r a bit out of step w/ the mainstream, & u honestly don't care.
U have cultivated some unusual interests & practices. And you definitely have a sense of personal style that's highly unique.
You have a bizarre sense of humor. No one ever really gets when you are joking, and you tend to laugh at things that other people don't find funny.You approach the world with sincerity. The problem is, no one else understands that you're being genuine. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence
You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convincing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
U R Charming
U r witty, funny, & very talkative, at least when you're @ the top of your game. You can be quite moody as well.
It's likely that you will have four or more children... whether you use birth control or not!
You find yourself overjoyed, and you love to laugh. It's easy to make you smile.
You are a bit lazy. You sometimes don't shower or brush your teeth all day.
You are a dreamer who always explores possibilities. Even if you would never do something, you like to fantasize about it. Posted over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
You Are Krusty the Clown
You were the class clown as a kid, and you still entertain people.

From faking your own death to getting a wacky boob job, you'll do anything for a laugh.

You will be remembered for: your face being everywhere, from cereal to home pregnancy tests

Your life philosophy: "I heartily endorse this event or product." Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Need Expression
You're the type of person who has a lot to express, and you need many outlets.
You love to create - whether you're writing a novel or just putting together an amazing outfit.

You are a deep thinker. You understand the world well, and you are in touch with your emotions.
And you don't like to keep your insights to yourself. You love sharing what you know with the world, even if it's in a very abstract way. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
The Part of You That No One Sees is Lonely
You are unique, witty, and even a little snobby.
You're quite proud of who you are, and nothing is going to change that.
You've paved your own way in life, and you've ended up where you want to be.

Underneath it all, you feel very isolated from the rest of the world.
It's hard to find people to relate to you on every level.
The mundane interests of your friends and family often bore or depress you. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either.
You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.
You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You pride yourself on being unique, and people would definitely describe you as outside the mainstream.
You are a big picture person - and the details in your life can be a bit disorderly.

You get distracted easily. You tend to spend time focused on dreams and fantasies.
You are growth-oriented and concerned with your ideals. You are always striving to be better. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Your Taste in Music Says You're Wild
Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious.
You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way.

You are curious about the world. You love doing something new.
In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from.

You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports.
You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Will Be a Cool Parent
You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need.
You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law.
While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top.
You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant!

LOL :P Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Your Four Sided Personality is UDCR
Side 1 of your personality is unassured. You don't like to mention your accomplishments, and you prefer to let others talk.

Side 2 of your personality is devious. You are calculating and enjoy being a little wily.

Side 3 of your personality is cool-headed. You aren't swayed by emotional appeals.

Side 4 of your personality is reserved. You are a private person and often don't have much to say. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
LOL I feel so bad- I was laughing at the cracks E! news was making about one of JL's new film shoot photos. Thought they were creative & funny. Here's what the top 3 were:

- "Heard the Bieber fever was contagious. Really don't wanna catch that."

- "Look Sienna! I'm nanny proof!"

- "Hey, Charlie Sheen said it was better than penicillin."

I know, really kinda mean (Sienna 1) but I thought they were funny. Not really sure if I should post this on the official spot in case it might offend Posted over a year ago
princess829 commented…
some1 so I just decied to post it here. (BTW: For people who don't know me that well JL = Jude Law.) over a year ago
princess829 commented…
*decided over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
You Think Best in Your Bedroom
In order to be able to think, you need to feel like you have some privacy and space.
It's likely that you spent a lot of time in your bedroom while you were growing up. It's your sanctuary.

You need a high level in control in your life, especially when you have something important to do.
The best thing about your room is that it's exactly the way you like it. Having things the way you want allows you to relax and think. Posted over a year ago
lavakool23 commented…
yupp over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Belong in Generation Y
You fit in best with people born between 1982 and 2001.
You are cooperative, flexible, and adaptable.
You know the world changes quickly, and you're eager to change with it.
You are socially responsible, forward thinking, and open minded.

Ummm........okay. ;0 Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Aren't Picky at All
You're pretty easy on the guys you date, and that works out well...
As long as they're good guys with the best intentions!
Your lax approach to dating is leaving you vulnerable to any jerk who chooses to take advantage of you.
Raise your standards a bit, and your relationships will almost instantly approve. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are Odd
You are an odd duck - you don't do anything the conventional way.
You see life as an adventure, and you always take the less traveled path.
You love opportunities, but you run from responsibilities. You live for today. You may want to strike more of a balance in your life. You could stand to be more even! Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Your True Passion is Learning
You feel most alive when you are deeply immersed in a subject. You have many intellectual curiosities.
You are a true lifelong learner. Your learning doesn't stop outside of school. If anything, you tend to learn more outside of school!

You have many intellectual interests, and you sometimes feel like you have time for them all.
If it were up to you, you would all spend your time reading, studying, discussing, and thinking. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
What People Think of Your Mouth
People see you both as reserved and sweet.
You tend to be very sensitive and detail oriented.
The smallest things can please or annoy you. You tend to be internally moody.
Perceptive and intuitive, you understand people quickly - though you usually won't tell them.

SO true :) Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
"There are lots of other reasons to be interested in gay characters than wanting myself to go out and have sex with guys. So, in some ways it’s coincidental, in other ways it’s not. I mean,, n . And those were all periods when to be gay, at least being gay in public, was much more difficult. Part of what I’m interested in is how these people who were living anti-normative lifestyles contended with opposition. Or, you know what, maybe I’m just gay.” James Franco. ;) Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Crave Money
Some may say it's materialistic to crave money, but for you, money represents freedom.
You do have a taste for the finer things in life, and you'd also like the option being able to do what you love for work.

You don't chase money at every opportunity, but it certainly factors into your decisions.
You have some pretty ambitious financial goals, and it's likely you'll achieve them.

Uh-uh. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Will Die at Age 73
You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...
And how you'll die as well. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Your Lust Quotient: 54%
You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it.
Your friends would be surprised to know that your secretly very wild!

;) Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. Posted over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
Your Brain is 47% Female, 53% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are Not Competitive
There is not a competitive bone in your body. Competition doesn't hold much appeal for you.
If anything, you are only likely to compete with yourself. What other people do doesn't matter to you.

While it's generally healthy to not be competitive, you may want to step up from time to time.
Competition can be motivating and fun. Even if you lose, you'll learn a lot about yourself. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are 61% Feminine, 39% Masculine
You are in touch with your feminine side.
Sensitive, intuitive, and caring are all words that describe you.
You tend to go with how you feel. You trust your intuition.
And you're just masculine enough to relate to both men and women.

Hmm................interesting. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are a Bit Prissy
From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?
You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.
(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)
There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun! Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are Likely an Only Child
At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated.
At work and school, you do best when you're organizing.
When you love someone, you tend to worry about them.

In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic.
Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management.
You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books.

Only bad part is.......I'm not. I'm the oldest. =\ Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are Sympathetic Toward the World
You are a very kindhearted person, and you are definitely concerned about the world.
At times, you feel like you have to take a break from caring... you get overwhelmed by your emotions.

You may not do the most charity work, but it doesn't mean you don't notice all of the problems around you.
Just continue to do what you can. Our planet needs more people like you - that's for sure. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Your Life is 82% Off Track
Okay, so you probably are living the wrong life. But the good news is, you know it.
You ultimately control how good or bad your life is - and it's time to get to work.
Get therapy, dump your significant other, or move across the country. It's time to shake things up. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Your Defense Mechanism is Displacement
You have a lot of pent up emotions, and they tend to come out fairly inappropriately.
You tend to take things out on those closest to you... because it's safe to do so.

While you are able to get some emotional release, you're hurting the people who love you.
Even though it may harder to confront what's really going on, it's probably for the best. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You Are Mind
If you dream it, then you can do it. You are very mentally sharp and strong.
You enjoy challenging yourself both at work and with studies. You love mastering difficult tasks.

You thrive in new environments, even stressful ones. You are able to study everything objectively.
You have a upbeat attitude, and won't be deterred easily. You are open minded and optimistic about the future.

50/50 Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
There will always be a 'lie' in be"lie"ve, an 'over' in 'lover' an "end" in fri"end"s, "us" in tr"us"t and an "if" in l"if"e. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
You just have to keep on breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise and who knows what the tide will bring. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
"Behind this mask there is more than flesh. Behind this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof."

Guess. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Your Strength: Sensitivity. Your Weakness: Hypersensitivity.
U are a truly kind and gentle person. U have a lot of compassion & consideration 4 those around u.
U love easily, & ur also quick to be inspired. U have a true appreciation of poetry, music, and art.

While it's enriching to be so receptive to the world, sometimes U can be 2 sensitive. U often get hurt.
And even when ur not sad, u tend 2 feel overstimulated, irritated, or annoyed. U have a very thin skin.

- strength & weakness test Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
So I just took this test on blogthings asking 'How Rare Is Your Personality'? Knowing me, of course I was intrigued. & a little surprised by the results.....take a look:

Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Hmm...weird. *shrugs* Just thought I'd share. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
The minute you start to strategize too much, the more you start to think you're in control of your own fate. It's stupid, really.
- James McAvoy Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
I just realized I forgot the ' when creating this club. Oh well. Not like it matters much. Guess we all suffer from grammar mistakes sometimes. :) Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
"Greatness inspires envy. Envy engenders spite. Spite spawns lies."

- Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter. Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy.

- Pinocchio Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
"Don't dream your life. Live your dreams. We were all born. We will all die. What's in between is for us to create ourselves as awesome."

-Credit: CullenProperty Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Remember this kiddies:

"Everything the light touches is our kingdom." <3 Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Pray for those in Australia........... Posted over a year ago
viju commented…
yup...!! I agree!! over a year ago
princess829 commented…
It's SO sad. =( over a year ago
viju commented…
Totally agree! *crying* over a year ago
princess829 said …
Loving the new banner and icon- thanks a lot viju!
I just wanted to let you guys know, you don't have to feel like strangers on this spot- comment, post, do whatever you want! I'm kinda bored really being one of the only ones posting stuff to the spot. Get ready for new things, I'm hoping to do some contests and whatnot in the new year! So, yeah. Read that and let it sink in. <------- :P
I suggest we all raise a little hell in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
viju commented…
You're welcome Brooke!! Well i'll update this spot a bit! :D over a year ago
viju said …
Hey Brooke,

How are you? It's been real real real long since we've talked! How's life going? I'm Missing you by the way.

Between I made a new banner for this spot. Just thought of changing the spot look a bit. I hope you like it. I've added in the images up there you can check it out. ^^^^^
I'm really hoping you to like it and use it as new banner for this spot! :) Posted over a year ago
princess829 commented…
Read comment on your profile ^^ over a year ago
viju commented…
I did. And i replied! now read my comment on your wall! :D over a year ago
princess829 said …


PICK WILL END IN 10 DAYS, SO HURRY UP AND CHOOSE!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
Finally got a die-hard for this spot. Get ready for some serious uploads! ;) Posted over a year ago
halloula commented…
Congrat♥ over a year ago
princess829 commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
viju commented…
^Thnx! :D over a year ago
viju said …
Hey people,
Sorry for the broken videos! :( I'm really sorry!!!
When i posted it, it was all good but i don't know maybe youtube users deleted it from youtube! :( Sorry! Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …
Just added some content.......take a look!

BTW: I was looking through my articles and saw that someone fanned them all even though they didn't leave a comment. I would really like to know who that person is. So, if you were the one, comment on this post and let me know, because I really appreciate it.

Okay, that is all. :) Posted over a year ago
big smile
princess829 said …
Whoa- kinda freaked out now. I just found someone else on the pop who lives near me- like REALLY near me. I know it's possible, but still, when you find out you kinda freak out. Anyways, I fanned this person. Hopefully they fan me back ;)

-WeIrD- Posted over a year ago
princess829 commented…
They did! Eep! God, I am SO weird xD over a year ago
123a commented…
Haha , lol xD over a year ago
princess829 commented…
^ Yeah....better description xD over a year ago
princess829 said …


It's awesome xD Posted over a year ago
princess829 said …


It deserves some attention :) Posted over a year ago
janine-san commented…
hi... over a year ago
princess829 commented…
hey :) over a year ago
princess829 said …
OMG FIRST post!! :D

Ok, well this is going through some MAJOR updates so look for new picks, photos, videos and more!

Ugh, I feel like such an advertiser right now. -_- Posted over a year ago
123a commented…
LOL! i will check out this club whenever am on :D over a year ago
vamp_girl16 commented…
same here over a year ago
princess829 commented…
hey :) over a year ago