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How mature are you?



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You are totally mature!
You concentrate in school,you hang out with people who have a future,and you are totally trustworthy.You are on the right track to being a great person!
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
lexie2635 said:
You are totally mature!
You concentrate in school,you hang out with people who have a future,and you are totally trustworthy.You are on the right track to being a great person!

me and ash r the same
posted over a year ago.
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You are pretty mature.
You're on the right track,you don't go to wild parties,you listen to what you're parents tell you,you do you're best,and you're best is good enough! Keep up the good work!

herhe so me
posted over a year ago.
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You're on the right track,you don't go to wild parties,you listen to what you're parents tell you,you do you're best,and you're best is good enough! Keep up the good work!

haha that and i was proad of myself, this girl was asking me if i wanted to go to schoolies (you know that partying thingi after school its drugs lots of drugs, drinking and sex) and i yelled at her "no cause i actaully want to keep my braincells"
posted over a year ago.
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wait a second now I read it again i go ti wild parrties and dont listen to my parents jeez they got it all wrong
posted over a year ago.
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hehe dude I was gonna choose for the tornado question: Run for my own life and leave the strugglers behind lmao but thats mean :(

You are totally Immature!
One word IMMATURE! Stop! Before something bad happens!

O_O I didn't think I was immature just cuzz I like parties and hanging out with mail box smashes :x
posted over a year ago.
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lmao i like parties and hang out with mail box beaters and i got i am pretty mature lmao
posted over a year ago.
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luke921 said:
you r pretty mature i mean i dont throw parties
posted over a year ago.
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Im on a scale to 1-15 some days
posted over a year ago.
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I luv to be funny
posted over a year ago.
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I'm not really mature I act like a kid sometimes
posted over a year ago.