Inuyasha Anyone Want To Do A Inuyasha Rp Pz

misshedgehog posted on Jan 28, 2013 at 11:58PM
anyone want to do a iunyasha rp with me plz
you can use a fan character and the real character
you can swear but not to much
characters not taken
inuyasha ( taken byTheAdventGhost)
Sango (taken by silverstream101)
Kagome (taken by silverstream101)
last edited on Feb 16, 2013 at 12:30AM

Inuyasha 826 replies

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 826

over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: ..........
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Because if that's all you're gonna do, then it's boring." Mizuki stated simply."I see you two as cheap amusement, so I can't have you being boring."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: dont you have any friends
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki made a face. "What's the point of friends? They only betray you later on."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: no they dont if you want i'll be your friend
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki eyed her doubtfully. "If that's supposed to be a joke, it isn't very funny."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: im not joking
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki frowned. " I said it already. Real friends don't exist to me."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: i was only be friendly
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki shrugged, smirking slightly. "Nothing personal."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: ok then
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Glad you get it."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki yawns
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Neku: Betray you? Tch
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki glared at him. "Yeah, that's what I said. Is there a problem with that?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Neku: Why don't you try to consider the people who wouldn't!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: you know i only have two friends
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki glared at Neku. "No friends last forever. Remember that."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: i knew my best friend scent we were young kids
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki shrugged. "Just wait.It won't last."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: i have a true friend
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"That's what you think..."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: its true
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: you really need me
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki stared at Kouki in shock and offence. "Did you just say I need you?"
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: we can be best friends
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki sighed. "Clearly you're not hearing me, so why don't you read my lips. Friends. Don't. Exist."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: prove it
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki glared at her for a moment before rolling her eyes and turning away. "Forget this. You can think whatever you want about 'friends', but I don't believe any of it."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Neku: Why, because you don't want to feel the pain of losing someone?! Friends only help you become stronger!
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Extremly annoyed now, Mizuki whirled to face them, tears stinging her eyes. "Do you really want to know why I don't believe in friends? I'll feel you why. I've already been betrayed! Too many times! I lost everything that mattered, all because of my so called friends. I know better than to trust people now..."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki hug mizuki
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki brushed her off. "I don't want your pity, okay?"
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: but i want to be your friend
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Neku: So you've lost all trust to the world? Because those ones betrayed you. What about finding people who wouldnt.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: i will never betrayed
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Neku: I'd never betray a friend, *he hugged Mizuki* Please believe me. (btw, you doing the carrie thing again)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki shrugged out of the hug and looked at the two of them warily. "Is this a joke or something?'
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Neku: No way. This is serious.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: no joke
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"...Fine. But if you two are lying, you're going to die. Just thought I should let you know. a friend." Mizuki frowned. That last bit had felt a bit strange to say.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: i never hurt any friends
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Neku: Any comrade I have, no... Any friend I have, I'd never hurt them. That's my promise as a prince of the Kaganara clan and a friend to you Mizuki.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: if im lieing may i never sing again
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki frowned at them. "You guys are weird..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Neku: That's the fun part about being a friend, everyone tends to be weird and fun.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: weird is better then normal
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Mizuki made a face. "I don't get it..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Neku: Don't worry, you'll catch on.