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US to reverse Bush policy on human rights


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Cinders said:
Hooray! Bush was an idiot to "protest" it in the first place.

"New Zealand, which had planned to run, offered to step aside to allow the US to run unchallenged."

Now I think that's uncool. I think New Zealand should totally run. It's no fun to run unopposed anyway, and this way the best man wins, right? Is New Zealand sucking up to us or something?

"it would serve the interests of tyrannical governments that have used their seats on the council to thwart action against them."

Oh, can it. Both Egypt AND the UK are members, for Christ's sake. I agree that Egypt is a "tyrannical" dictatorship, but guess what? They're also the US's closest allies in the Middle East, so we don't care that Mubarak is a dictator. Canada, France, Italy and the Netherlands are also on the list. Do we still hate France? Do we hate the Netherlands because they smoke too much pot? Well, I don't know, but we do love Saudi Arabia and their oppressive government. Guess who else is on the council?

So STFU, conservatives. We have several allies on that council. Are some of them tyrannical? Sure. But they're the AMERICAN kind of tyrannical-- the ones we like.

"There is no concrete American interest served by this and it legitimises something that doesn't deserve legitimacy," [John Bolton] said.

Right. There's that mindset that if it's not America's problem, or it doesn't have oil, than it's not in America's interests. Stupid Bolton.
posted over a year ago.