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posted by Gabstaaa
And then I found myself sobbing, hugging my knees and willing the pain in my chest to stop. I’d heard about that kind of sobbing in books, but it wasn’t until then that I’d understood the sensation of something inside of me self-destructing. Writing this now, I find myself stuck for words. It’s not something I can easily explain. I think I simply gave up. I was rapidly coming undone, tangled in my once familiar self, and the things I had thought were so sure were now messy and wrong. I knew who I was, it wasn’t as if I didn’t recognise myself, but the world around me was different....
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I promise i will try and write more often. What little time i have left is used up on sleeping, eating, and studying. Sorry!

My alarm clock was wet and brimming with energy. Well, I say clock…
‘Chloe,’ I groaned, tucking myself further under the duvet. Her delicate paws padded over me and her short sniffs burrowed into my once-organised hair. I couldn’t hold back a giggle with her damp nose nuzzling my neck as she pushed her head under my arm.
‘Chloe, shoo.’ She licked my ear. I turned my head away but still she found my fingers, chewing on them as if they would start squeaking...
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i tried a new tecnique of writing. i quite like it. just to let you know incase you think its different.


Ash's POV.

‘Ugh. My head.’ My hand came to my brow. It hurt, but being a headache I couldn’t rub it. It wasn’t tender, it just hurt like I’d been thinking to hard.
‘Ash?’ Will called from somewhere distant. I could hear my breathing, but nothing else. Gradually, I could begin feel Will’s warmth around me. One hand around mine, the other on my face.
‘Ash?’ My eyes opened but his features were blurred. I blinked, but still nothing. I closed them again and attempted...
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posted by Gabstaaa
‘Harley… Just because you can’t step outside doesn’t mean you can bring the outside inside.’ Complained Alice. I’d been practising using my ability of producing objects but I got bored and decided to put it to use. I had managed to make over 60 vases of yellow roses, water-willows and daisies appear in the living room.
‘I hate being cooped up in here though! I want to run!’ I almost screamed.
‘But you know why you’re here and not out there. You’re still only 1 month old. We can’t let a newborn out into a world full of living, breathing humans.’ Alice repeated. I knew...
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posted by Gabstaaa
‘Vampire? You are vampires?’
‘Including you.’ Murmured Carlisle with a hint of regret
Vampire? Wait, I’m a vampire. Vampire vampire vampire.
‘I’m so sorry Harley.’ He’s been saying this the whole time.
‘I just… Need to get used to it all. May you pass me some more animal blood please, Rosalie?’ I asked in my most polite voice. Ever since I’ve woken up they’ve been forcing animal blood down me. It’s not like I don’t want it, because I am always thirsty, but they say it’s to help me handle the ‘vegetarian’ side of things. The Cullen’s do not...
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The car journey was thrilling. Everything I’d missed came back to me and I loved it. The blistering heat that I’d yearned for all this time melted into my skin and lifted my mood respectively. Even the wind didn’t seem to shake this mood from me. I simply couldn’t help but enjoy its own feel of sleek chills it sent me through my hair. Whether that was Will arms brushing mine or the weather, I didn’t know. Looking over at him, I scrutinize his expression. He didn’t come across as dangerous, only the same thrill I felt as we drove out of the small village we call home. After reaching...
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so, the story now has a name. and ALL the thanks goes to Twilightlovie14 (Sarah) who is one of the kindest people i have ever met :) thankyou so so so much Sarah for this title, its just right! genius! :)

I got reaaaally good feedback on my first chapter and it's give me tons of ideas, i love you all :) but this chapter is a little, bland.. nothing much happening here, but it was needed because i want to go into more detail about Grace's journey than in my other articles :)

thankyou also to broooki, she's amazing, just so you know :)
im in a lovable mood tonight!
my chicken, i love you :)

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.. i know i know. A new story :(
I havn't even got a good amount of readers of Forevermore. But this story just came to me, and i had to write it down. I was just laying in bed last night and it came to me. I write how i feel. Forevermore had changed TONS from how i first pictured it. I wanted to try something different because i couldn't phisically write something sad in Forevermore, it felt wrong. But i wanted to have a go at a story like this. This is NOT twilight based so if you do like them then this isn't one. First chapter.. VERY VERY short. But that is the point. Trust...
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posted by Gabstaaa
As Close To Tristan As I Can Get.
As Close To Tristan As I Can Get.
Ok. I know I’m a vampire. I am almost invincible. Hard skin. Quick reflexes. Super speed. Magnified Hearing. Hot and cold. Light and Dark. High and Low. No problem, Simple. But water. Drowning, choking. Water filling your lungs. No, not water. I’ve never liked it since I was dropped in a pool against my own will by my own father. My own father almost killed me. I’d never learnt to swim, even to this day. The way it dragged me down when I ran out of energy to stay afloat. Stung my eyes. Filled my mouth. Pushed its way down my throat. Deeper and deeper into the darkness. More water down...
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VERY WEIRD! its true, this is truely werid. Some may not understand it, but hopfully Brook will. VERY rushed, so no desciption, bad punctuation, bad spellings. Mistakes aswell probably! sorry :) ehehe!

‘Hey you! Don’t just…! Oh… now look. No syrup! Well done Willow. Bravo! Congrats! You happy now?’ Willow looked up from her syrup, cowing from Jasmine’s eyes, expecting the worse. Jasmine on the other hand tried her best at keeping a straight face, she failed. Her straight face soon broke out into a full-blown grin and that was it… Willow was off on one of her laughing fits again....
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Letting my heels slip off the ledge, I knew there were no second chances. I’d waded too deep into the fairytale that now consumed, controlled, and decided my life. Fact and fiction were indefinable; now and then were blurring into a chaos I had no hold of. My own existence was spinning out of control. It wasn’t my life anymore but only the lust of what I once had, what I’d wanted all along. My first love was what I’d fallen for and in having that ripped from me, I’d lost the hope but let the need drive me on. I’d succumbed to the despair and reached for the least sane alternative...
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Once again. Sorry I havn't written. I dont really have an excuse for it anymore except school work. It's awful. Enjoy. And thankyou everyone who has emailed me/messaged me about writing. I couldn't do it without you. It really drives me on to write more. I love you guys.

I urgently composed a new email, hoping that she hadn’t already given up on me.



Words can’t begin to describe how sorry I am. I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart, sorry from the deepest depths of our friendship, sorry from the farthest place possible. And...
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posted by twilightlovie14
Ok, so Brooki and I were at a bit of a disagreement with where Lustful was going: I wanted there to be a Stelena, but she didn't. So, I took it upon myself to write a story for Stelena (don't worry, Damon will not be forgotten!)!
I have a name for it already, and I will be posting it soon! The Terrible Triangle. What do you think? Too cheesy? Let me know what you think about it, cause I can;t wait to get started!
If you have better name suggestions for me, comment!

Here is a preview!:

I got out of the car and locked my door, nervious and embarassed for being late...for our anniversary. I raced up the steps and knocked on the door. No one answered, so I turned the knob; the door was open. I walked in to hear a loud crash coming from the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen to see Damon and Stefan arguing - again."

Come to my fanfic to read it!Comment!!!
not very long atall. im sorry. i havent written in a loooooooooooong time. so bad. anyway, i have lost everything i did have so pleassse be patient, i need to get it back. at the moment im writing like a 6 year old :)
still.. im always coming up with idea's so nothing is certain, just like me.


‘Mum! Where on earth is the light switch?!’ I never coped well in the dark. My hands spread across a wall, fumbling desperately in search of something, anything, that would let me see again. Mum had gone ahead and evaporated into the darkness. After travelling 8 hours throughout the night,...
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ummm.. *blushes*


runs away and hides

‘I’ll miss you, tons. And I’ll write to you everyday.’ She eyed me sceptically, still with tears down her face, but with that same faint smile shining through. ‘Ok ok, every week.’ And she smiled a happy-tears smile –as we call it. I smiled along with her then, the water-works fully running and producing more tears than I could handle.
‘Oh Grace.’ She welled up again. ‘Please, please, don’t leave.’ I pulled her into a tight hug with my fists balled up, compressing the longing into one small area. I held on tight, hoping...
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i honestly think im having a bit of a fanfic writing addiction lately. i normall spread them out, but i just keep wanting to write. this one may be a little cheesy or badly written, just wanted to have fun with it really.

love you guys :)

‘Eight, twelve, fourteen, and the triple point score, that makes… Forty-two! Score! Oh yes, look at me!’ I attempted a miniature victory-dance, but with the pain, it was barely possible; even now. I was healing, slowly but surely, but it would take time, and care, and rest. The nurses were constantly urging me to sleep and relax, but being with Will made...
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The start of the end.

Ash has a brand-new side in this chapter ;)

One word: Lust ;)

Fourteen, whole, months. I was out for fourteen months?
‘You were in such a bad state, Ash, your whole system just closed down and was unable to respond to anything. It was only your heart that seemed to want to carry on.’ Will sped up talking. I just lay, frozen, inside him with his body still curled around me.
‘Every now and then it would look as if you were coming out of it, but then your system would close up again.’ This was crazy. I wasn’t out for that long. All that time I had with Dylan,...
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back to Ash's POV. pretty dramatic this chapter :) ENJOY!

The blank void lifted, gradually stirring me from an un-namable slumber.
‘Ash?’ A strange, bleak voice called, seeming so far away I was baffled as to why I could hear it clearly. I wanted to ignore the voice, for once, and not reach out for it. I’d been through it too many times this year; hearing a faint voice, reaching for it, but seeming to wake up into a babble of chaos or confusion or disappointment or decisions.
‘Aislinn, come on. I’m here.’ I would have groaned but all that came was a faint, whispery breath of air....
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why do i tire myself with counting sheep? ;)

Dylan’s POV

Ash’s fingers had always been my weakness.
At first I thought it was her eyes, always the eyes. They would always be so captivating and looking into them was like nothing I’d ever felt before, feeling the world slip away from underneath me leaving just her and me; imagine them like a deer’s eyes, wide and innocent.
But first impressions can always change, just like mine did. Her hands were a whole different story. The way they would trace my veins along my palms, how they would manage to find their way into my hair, when they...
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aaaahh, being poorly is the worse thing EVER. ugh, my eyes hurt, my limbs ache... everything is just not working today, my imune system is failing me :(
so sorry if its all over the place, ive been writing each sentence with 5 minute intervals, im so wasted of energy.
ANYWAYYYY, go enjoy it... hopefully! :]

The globe of material, collected from the shreds of time and space, swam around like melting honey with the sheer force of Dylan’s hands. He held it, effortlessly, between both hands without physically touching the globe as it hovered between his invisible forces. A perfect sphere floating...
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