Fabia Sheen Club
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One day, when fabia had sent her distress call, Neathia had just been callled by barodious. "Hello foolish citizens of Neathia! I have found a great secretv, THe orb of love, the counter part to the sacred orb, is on a distant planet called Curvia. Located in dimension Z, the orb of love will be able to control all love! After that, I will conquer Neathia with the power of the orb, and everyone will have to bow down to me and hand over the sacred orb! MWAHAHAHAHA!"

"What should we do, queen serena?" Asked one of the neathian guards, "the whole world is in danger! If he can get the orb of love,...
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Fabia and Shun Love Story

the path to the earth, I decided that the only reason to find the best bakugan warrior to help me stop the invasion, which was on our planet and at the same bakugans resolved. but when I arrived there I was horrified to find that I was late, there have been friends with the enemy, but it was worse still accused me that I'm the enemy. nobody believed me except Shun. I desperately wanted to have me back to remove the last moment to stop and say a little wait.he arrived me to his home where I tell him the whole story. Shun told me that he had ren at the beginning seemed...
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Its been days since Shun heard the true story. He had let Fabia stay at his house for a while. They had talked about how to encounterr the others. In Shuns house, they finally thought of a plan.

The next day, Shun and Fabia proved to the other brawlers that the Gundalians were the bad guys. Ren, with his cover blown, quickly ran away. Days later, Fabia Sheen, Shun Kazami, Choji Marucho Marukura, Jake Vallory and Dan Kuso (even Ren joined them!) came to Neathia to stop Emperor Barodious.

In gundalia...

After Lena, Zenet and Jesse got imprisoned, Sid died and Mason and Nurzac were stuck between...
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Shun noticed the mailman outside and rushed outside (without shoes), in hope that she wrote. Before the mailman get's to put the letters inside Shun takes it out of his hands. The man stares at him a little, before going on to the next house. Shun dosen't bother to look after who sent it, he opens the letter and reads the beautiful signs:

Dear Shun.
I've missed you so dearly, without you, I feel so incomplete. My body is just a walking zombie, while my soal looks for the only person who has understood it. You.
I can't go to sleep because I don't get to see you, beside me, as always. I really...
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Shun puts his work book in English in his bag before he leaves the classroom. Outside Dan, Marucho and Alice are arguing about Pickles and something else Shun didn't catch. Shun looks arund for Fabia, but she's no where to find.

"Shun?! What is better Pickles or Peanutbutter?!" Dan stands infront of him with anticipation. Shun moves his glare at Dan.
"...Peanutbutter." Shun knew that Dan liked Pickles better but he got irritated and for the milliont of time, told Dan the opisite of what he wanted to hear.
"Ahh! You see?! Peanutbutter is better!" Marucho shoots in.
"No, it's not!"
"Yes, it is!"
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Fabia walks through the school corridor, looking at her shoes, while thinking hard for herself. Shun scans her while he answers to a friend beside him.

"You like her?" he asks
Shun looks at him, and his face turns all red.
"N-N... No, of course not!!" he pushes out.
"Shun, you like her. Just admit it. After I asked you you're face turned all red!" he laughs, before looking up at Shun again. Shun dosen't seem to mind. He just stares at a spot in the floor.

"Shun, the math work was pretty hard, don't you think?" Shun freezes and a girl with long blue hair stands beside him, staring at the laughing...
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posted by wateve5
with shun and alice

alice:shun wait!( running after shun )
shun:(turns around) huh?alice?you need to ask me some thing?
alice: actually yes, do you have a date to prom?
shun:yes(starting to blush)
shun:(blushing) fabia...........
alice:you should not have ask her!!!
shun started to be angry
alice:she is going to break your heart !
alice: she just going to i overheard it! so wanna like..go to prom with me ( doing a flirty pose )
shun:get away from me you lunatic! and why would i belive you!
shun runs away, mira heard about the whole conversation

Next day

mira,julie and runo...
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Lets continue

Fabia: ( face turned red ) s- sure
Shun: ( blushing ) so uhh.....
Fabia: ( blushing ) yeah...
Their eyes met and there is awkward silence between them and alice walked by
Alice: ( thinking ) what dont tell me shun ask fabia to the prom errr! I hate that fabia now they are staring at each other ! Got to do something fast!
Alice: hey shun you found a girl to go to the prom ( looked at fabia
Shun : ( blur ) what ( blushing ) yeah
Fabia; i should go see ya shun
Shun: bye
Fabia walked away
Shun : bye alice
Shun walked away to
Alice : shun wait!
Fabia: ( thinking ) shun .... I love you but i have no courage to tell you that ..... I know many other girls like you because of your looks but i like you because i feel like we have a great connection if only i could tell you this....
code eve talking to the brawlers
code eve talking to the brawlers
"Another victory!" Cried Dan, " those Gundalians don't stand a chance! Haha!"

Suddenly, a strange light appeared.

"Hello, castle knights of Neathia" said the ball of light.

"Who are you?" Questioned Fabia.

"I Am Code Eve" answered the ball of light, "the substance stored inside the sacred orb".

"Whoa! The sacred orb!?" said Dan, surprised.

"What do you want with us?" Said Shun.

" I must warn you, my counterpart, Code Adam, stored inside the orb of love, father of all bakugan and curvians, is being attacked." said Code Eve.

"Curvians?" Said Jake, confused.

"I think that's the name of a species of a planet"...
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posted by emerald_32
A She is the younger sister of Serena Sheen, the former Neathian Queen. Fabia's reason for brawling is to save her planet from the Gundalians. She is also the fiancée of the former Captain of the Castle Knights who is deceased.
She seems to have the same kind of love for freedom and intiative to act as Mira does . She also seems to be strong, because she shoulder threw Dan twice in episode 3, the first was by accident and the second was when she got mad at Dan after losing, and in episode 10 when Zenet tried to take her as a hostage and Fabia threw her hard on the ground. Those incidents may prove Ren Krawler's statement about the Neathians' specialty at close combat, although most of what Ren said was a lie to put down the Neathians. Fabia owns Aranaut, the bakugan of her deceased fiance, Jin. After she becomes the new Neathian Queen in Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge, she gives Aranaut to Captain Elright.
"So she really was your girlfriend?"
"So she really was your girlfriend?"
It was 4:40 P.M. at the Saint Xander gym, and it was Shun's basketball game Versus Santos Darwin.
"Move, guys! Elliot! top of the key!", Shun commanded too his teammates. Then, one of the players from the Santos Darwin school basketball team "Help, defense!". Then, Shun passed the ball behind him, like a beethoven (lower stage of a mozart). It headed for one of the Santos Darwin players, but It was unfortunantly too reach that player and hit the ground, went right, into the hands of Elliot, a Saint Xander player; then, he headed for the goal. Then, I Blue haired girl was very pleased, that girl...
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"WHO!?" exclaimed Dan.

"Ah yes, isn't it obvious enough?" said Ren.

"It must be those gundalians!" excliamed Marucho.
"Those scumbags..." uttered Dan.
"How about me and Marucho stay here to guard Neathia while you four go on to save Curvia" planned Ren.

"ALRIGHT! Then Shun, Fabia, Jake and I will go save code adam!" exclaimed Dan.


"King Dash - K4! We have gathered all soldiers of Curvia! We must strike now! While they're least expecting it!" said Sir Gillet - K4.

"Alright, let us pray we can defeat these chaotic creatures once again (if they're the same ones we defeated 2000000000 years...
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Fabias coming, and everything has to be good, which is why Shun made his mom a maid. The house is a diamond, and his mother can finually rest.
She lays down on the chouch, and Shun comes after.
"Mom..? Could you please not sit there? Just go to you'r room, the bed's more comftable." He pushes her away from the seat and cleans it for dust which isen't there.
"Wow, this girl really must be important! I can't even sit on my own couch, in my living room, in MY house!" she walks to her room and Shun hears her whisper something to herself.

Shun smiles: "Yes, mom. She is important."
It's today Shun wants...
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In school....

julie: i think puppies are cuter than kittens!
runo: what! No kittens are cuter!
Julie: not
Runo: yes
Julie: not
Runo: yes
( fabia walks by )
Fabia: hi guys
Julie: err!... Fabia which is cuter puppies or kittens ?
Fabia: puppies
Julie: told you So
Runo: what ever
Julie: you're a sour loser !! Haha
Runo : err! .... Not
Julie: yes
Runo: not
Julie : yes
Fabia: errrr........ I think i left my wallet in the gym bye! ( runs away) errr! ... Almost everyday they fight yesterday it was about shakrks amd dolphins!

While fabia was walking she accidentally bump into shun.
Shun: are you ok?
Fabia : I-i......

( to be continued)
posted by fabiaXshun4evah
Hello! This is me, FabiaXshun4evah, and just wanted too tell you ShunXfabia fans that I will be making a story, that is coming soon... and the title will be "Love is in the bag". But for now, I'm just giving you the summary.
Fabia's crush on Shun isn't so secret anymore, as Alice and the gang worked on Fabia's confidence and got the dense Shun Kazami to finally notice our sometimes leather (because Fabia sometimes turns into a bag when she gets excited) heroine.

However, here comes Chan Lee, the beautiful blonde (let's just say that Chan Lee...
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posted by salume
one day comes fabia to the earth.They find a boy names dan.She hope that she find the best brawler . And Dan kuso say that he is the best and she is a very cute girl but fabia ignoriet it.fabia looks Dan but hes go.She go to the bakuspace and see dan and the other.ren say she is the enemy.But fabia dont understand why ren are there with the others.Dan are so angry of fabia.Shun looks fabia so helpful.She looket him too but she is so sad because fabia dont give up to take there in her side.Fabia go and she are in love with this guy names shun.Aranaut say she dont be sad.
yes, but im a little bit sad.
yes, but im a little bit sad.
posted by flaming-wave666
It was a beautiful night at Neathia. I stood outside the castle and looked at the beautiful stars shining. It brought me much memories. These were memories when we saved Neathia. I remember Dan, Ren, Marucho, Jake and Shun. I missed them. But most of all i missed the guy who helped me in the first place. He's also the reason Neathia is peaceful now. No more wars. He's the guy who helped me to convince the others that my story was true. He was closest to me back then. And he was the one i cared for the most. Hi's name is Shun Kazami. Every time we talked my heart pounded. I miss him so much....
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Fabia Sheen teleporting into bakugan interspace
Fabia Sheen teleporting into bakugan interspace
The next day...

All of a sudden, Fabia Sheen appeared out of no where in Bakugan Interspace. " So this is where the humans come to battle. So cool!" Said Fabia. then, a guy called Koki, walked up to Fabia and lied that he received her distress call. Luckily, Fabia exposed him easily.

She later bumps into Dan Kuso, who was late for his meeting with Marucho. Her reflexes kicked in all of a sudden and she threw Dan down on his butt. "Ow! She threw me like a bakugan ball! I think I broke my butt!" Cried Dan with pain. "Oops! Sorry!" Said Fabia, "by the way, did you happen to have received my message?...
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posted by 5666
Her Last Hope

Fabia felt like she could cry. She had finally found the brawler who had received her message, but she had been too late. He had been brainwashed by her enemies. Fabia looked over at the one they called Ren; he sat there with his eyes focused on the battle. Fabia couldn't believe the brawler she had been looking for, Dan, thought she was the enemy.
If she couldn't convince this human, Dan, that it was Ren who was lying, that it was she who they should be helping, what would happen to her home? What about her sister? Everything would be gone. All because she had failed.
That couldn't happen. She would show this powerful brawler that it was Ren and his kind who was the real enemy. She looked at Dan and his Bakugan, Drago. She must bring them to her side. They were her last chance. The last chance of her people's survival. Her last hope.
Ovbiously... Shun was wrong this time. He ran to the door and stood infront of it in shock.
A big man in black.
A really big man, about two and a half meter. He looked down at Shun. Shun was speachless, he just stared.
Then suddenly next to him, he saw a greeneyed, blue-haird, beautiful girl. Looked like Fabia, in younger version.

"Hello! You must be Shun! Right?" the girl wanted to know.
Shun nodded and the girl jumped up to him and hugged him tightly.
"Onii-chaan!" she yelled so high she caused a earthquace.
Onii-chan?! I don't remember having a younger sister. She looks much like Fabia, so I woulden't...
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