Enigma Wall

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Gypsy-Valentine said …
Enigma to me is a peaceful kind of band as it always relaxes me when I play their music....My favorite tune is: Sadeness Part One....been a fan since I was a teenager..just an awesome band.... Posted over a year ago
RainingAgain2 said …
This might be one of the only artists whose music can calm me down and help me focus when I get anxious about a situation. Also helps after a long, stressful work day, when you just feel like bummed out trash lesser than the planet cause you can't do much about the world and its situations at the moment and you have narcissists up your back every corner. Such angelic music. Posted over a year ago
Squall1982 said …
what ... only 69 fans ?!
I love her voice... she need more fans Posted over a year ago