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Homeland Season 4 episode 5 Review/recap

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It was called Saul is Taken - Homeland – Season 4 Episode 5 – “About a Boy” - Kernel Critic
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Saul is Taken – Homeland – Season 4 Episode 5 – “About a Boy”
I can’t even begin to guess what will happen this week on Homeland. I am still reeling from Carrie seducing Ayaan and where she is hoping this leads.  I get the whole idea that she needs him to trust her but this feels like it goes way beyond recruiting an asset. From some of the rumors circling around this episode, it seems it may play a lot more around Quinn and his role in this situation. Let’s see where we go this week…
We begin this week in another awkward state of Carrie being in an intimate situation this week.  I just cannot shake the feeling of how wrong this is.  Maybe it is due to the fact that he is so young.  I know she only has a limited amount of time to gain his trust, but wow, sleeping with him seems extreme.
Carrie meets with Saul, who is headed to the airport.  He will fly back to the states and let the director know what Carrie has found, that Haqqani is alive. When Carrie makes it back to the safe house, she catches Aayan trying to leave. He is upset about what they did because it is against his faith.  I am with you Aayan.
The professor tells his wife he is staying.  Ambassador Boyd assures her husband that she was not buying his lies about getting  a job offer, and asks why he wants to stay, to which he has no answer.  This guy can’t lie worth anything.
Quinn and Fara set up a stakeout spot to watch for Haqqani or at the very least, his cleric.
It seems the key that ISI gave the professor opens Carrie’s apartment. The professor is just about to break in when he has a change of heart.  Why do I say ISI you may be asking?  Well, it turns out that the woman who approached Professor Boyd, Tasneem, is friends with the man Saul sat down with from ISI, Aasar Khan. They are trying to track Carrie and figure out what they are up to and if they have figured out how they have been getting their information. I think it is safe to say that Sandy was spying for them and the professor was who was getting him the information.
While at the airport, Saul runs into our favorite Pakistani henchman, Farhad Gazi.  Saul tracks him through the airport and tries to contact Carrie, who is not picking up her phone.  Of course not, she is busy bedding a college student. He finds out that Gazi is scheduled to take a flight to Johannesburg. Saul contacts Quinn and gives him an update on what is going on and asks him to tell Carrie, if he can get a hold of her.
Carrie is beginning to “interview” Aayan. Remember, he thinks he is talking to a reporter, not a CIA agent. I am still shocked that she didn’t see she had missed calls when she uses her cell phone to record her conversation with Aayan. During their brief conversation she brings up rumors that have been circulating saying that his uncle may still be alive. Aayan blows up at this and tells her that those rumors are insulting and not true.
Ambassador Boyd finds John and asks if he can help her with her husband. It seems the professor has found the bar and is a bit belligerent. Can’t say I blame the guy, he seems to be having a bad week. John finds the professor and they strike up a conversation. The professor is just about to confess to John when Tasneem shows up. This motivates the professor to keep his mouth shut.
Carrie continues to gain Aayan’s trust by opening up about herself. She tells him about her daughter and as she begins to tell her story, it leads to Brody.  She is telling Aayan lies but the essence of what she is saying is true.  I realize that Carrie feels responsible for Brody’s death. Carrie and Aayan wind up back in bed but this time the situation is even more awkward as Carrie becomes emotional.
Back at the airport, Saul notices Gazi go into the bathroom.  When he sees two suspicious looking men come out, I think he begins to think those men may have done something to Gazi and he goes into the bathroom to check and it seems the joke is on him as Gazi steps out of the stall and Saul get a needle to the neck. Next thing you know, a sleeping Saul is wheeled out of the bathroom in a wheelchair. This is so not good!
At the stakeout location, things become invigorated when Fara notices the cleric leaving. Fara and Quinn begin to follow them and Fara notices the cleric meeting with two men. They are the same men who took Saul!! They continue to follow the cleric by car and Quinn panics as they approach a checkpoint because he knows that they can’t go through the checkpoint and they will lose the cleric. He tries to contact Carrie in order to get some drone support but we all know what Carrie is doing, and Quinn is unable to reach her.
Fara attempts to put a tracking device on the cleric’s car but is unsuccessful. She is told to move away by checkpoint soldiers just as another soldier opens up the trunk of the cleric’s car and we see Saul inside! The soldier closes the trunk and the cleric passes through the checkpoint.  They have lost their opportunity to track the cleric and they don’t know that Saul is in the trunk of that vehicle.  They came so close to finding out and possibly being able to save him!!
The professor returns home from the bar and acts like he is passed out on the couch only to hear his wife telling John what a loser he is. This seems to be enough to motivate the professor to follow through with his instructions from Tasneem.  He breaks into Carrie’s apartment and while snooping he finds a picture of Carrie with her daughter and her meds. He takes photos of both.  The picture of Carrie and her daughter really scares me.  I hope they don’t hurt her baby.
Quinn confronts Carrie outside the safe house and he guesses that she is screwing Aayan but also tells her that she is dropping the ball on important stuff. Carrie heads back inside and finds Aayan on the roof.  He admits to Carrie that he was lying, his uncle is still alive. He also tells Carrie that his uncle is sick, which explains why he stole those meds from the university.
Things are heating up as Saul now desperately needs Carrie to be on top of her game.  Will Aayan still be an asset once he finds out the truth about Carrie? Will Carrie’s family become targets for ISI?  So many possible twists! Be sure to tune in next week to see how these twists unwind.
Saul is Taken – Homeland – Season 4 Episode 5 – “About a Boy” was last modified: October 26th, 2014 by
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