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Moffat Reportedly Signed on for Series 10

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Moffat Reportedly Signed Up for Series 10
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Steven Moffat will continue on for Series 10 of Doctor Who, according to an article at Wales Online.
In a brief interview with the showrunner they conclude the piece with:
“Having just signed up for another year of Doctor Who, and with the ongoing success of Sherlock, Moffat’s place in the Tardis of broadcasting in Wales looks secure. And for that, we really can be very grateful.”
Of course it’s not official, but it doesn’t seem unlikely. Moffat previously stated that he isn’t having any trouble coming up with ideas, and his more recent interview in DWM didn’t seem to indicate Series 9 would be his last.
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As long as he doesn\'t get replaced by Mark Gatiss, I\'m happy. That guy would probably bring the show to the ground.
That gives another two series\' worth (at least) of new material to help find a new showrunner- which is good, because at the moment, I seems that nobody can really take over and be as consistently good as RTD and Moffat. That is, there are candidates, but a little more time may be needed to work out precisely who they are.
Hey, if he\'s still got fresh, great ideas, he can stay as long as he wants :) Series 8 wasn\'t my favourite, but I can\'t fault any of the episodes that Moffat himself wrote, and the over-all story arc was one of the best we\'ve had in NuWho. 
If it isn\'t true... well, that\'s okay too. I can only hope someone brilliant replaces him and takes the show in yet another interesting direction. Either way, Doctor Who will always be Doctor Who, and a fixture in my life.
While I do enjoy Moffat\'s writing and have really liked his era, I feel that he has had his time on the show and we should keep moving forwards. Series 10 would mark 6 Series and 7 years under him as lead writer - and I feel it\'s time for a change. I would love to see him come back for an episode or 2 a year (as he did in the RTD era), but I hope that we get a new showrunner in the near future. 
I am not a Moffat hater, i was pleased when he replaced RTD. I always felt his writing was superior to RTD\'s, but he just seems to be happy to coast along now and making some poor decisions i.e, Making the Master female, keeping Clara for another season, bringing Osgood back, not killing characters off for good, making Time Lords gender fluid (despite 50 years of this Never being known of ?)
My feelings to this news is mixed, he can be brilliant, but of late he has been sub - standard. It may be time to have 2 or three main writer\'s to bounce ides of each other and that hopefully should then make the show stronger. I genuinely do worry where he will take the show going forwards, but i guess time will tell.
Being showrunner for 6 or 7 series is not always a good idea in terms of delivering freshness and lateral directions over time and it\'s not always a good idea for your career - but, it is not without precedent, as several high-ranking US productions have thrived with virtually no change at the top for those series\' entire spans. If you\'d asked me during series 7 if it was time for a change, I may have answered yes, as although SM was having fun with the movie-of-the week format, it delivered some fairly lacklustre viewing. However, history had other ideas and he found his form again after the wobble - The Snowmen, Deep Breath & Listen show what he is still capable of and one of the many good things about Day of the Doctor was that it was easily the episode from him that I\'d been waiting for since the incredible Eleventh Hour. And no matter what people may say about SM\'s perceived flaws, we have to be unanimous that his tenure has seen some real maverick imagination that the show needs to not just survive but break new ice as it charges forward, not to mention the way production values have become bolder and richer as the show has matured under his watch.  As I\'ve said on here before and as many echo, there simply isn\'t a clear successor to inherit the show, so staying on is the best prospect; as long as he\'s here he\'ll continue to break new ground as he has (like RTD) what William S Burroughs called \'The courage of the writer\', which is a quality that not all deferential fan writers have. Mark Gatiss is not the man for the job - at least, not  by himself. And others have mentioned in the past that the Big Finish team should be given the show, but this fills me with hot terror. Some others, still, have pointed out that there already is another as good as he, and that his name is Russell T Davies - but really, what are the chances that he\'d entertain succeeding SM no matter how much the BBC begged him that there was no-one else? Even if he said yes, his agent probably wouldn\'t - which, neatly, also rules out Neil Gaiman (easily the best candidate). It is clear to me that we may have to wait longer and look further afield to find the next great hope.
Hope Steven and Peter stay till series 14-16
The one thing I can say about Moffat is that he never runs out of new creative ideas for the show! Towards the end of RTD he did begin to reflect on a lot of previous characters and ideas (eg bringing the master back). I just hope his final episode is EPIC!
As long as Capaldi stays for another series too, I\'m good with this. Bring in a female Doctor and I\'m taking a break
I am really happy if this is true! Don\'t really think there is anyone else, to mind, that currently writes for the show that would do the show justice if they ran the whole thing. Even Mark Gatiss doesn\'t seem to want responsibility so hopefully someone new can step up! But for the time being I am more than happy for Moffat to stay!
Hopefully when he is doing his last script it is MASSIVE!!! (as in plot, not length, but that would be cool too)
I mean, we could sort of already guess it. He\'d said last year that he\'d just come up with an amazing cliffhanger for the Series 9 finale, so he\'d (theoretically) need to keep on for Series 10. I reckon that\'s where he\'ll leave it though. S5-10. 
@MC1992 Well didn\'t he say the cliffhanger was for the penultimate episode?
Good, good. He\'s absolutely fantastic, and with no other clear candidate for command, it really is best to have him stay.
Though I suppose if I had my way, he\'d stay for another decade or something. I really hope that he keeps writing episodes for the show even after he leaves.
@Malohkeh  Yeah me too, was kinda hoping that RTD would have the same feeling towards the show, but as we have seen he doesn\'t really want to return (unless its for BIG money... I mean a movie)
When Moff does finally step down I hope we have some element to stay with us through to the next era, whether it be Capaldi\'s Doctor or the current companion of the time. One thing I don\'t like about series 5 is that all the changes at once were quite jarring. Having something familiar with us would make the transition a bit easier.
@Russell T Dalek  I think in about 5 years time the show will need a shake up like in series 5, only because the format will have to change to make it interesting and keep with the times.
After all series 9 is mostly, and predictably, all two parters (either direct or indirectly linked), which is a huge change for the show as it has been 4 years since the last mid series two-parter
That\'s ok. But I think that season 10 should be his last. But not necessarily Capaldi\'s last.
As long as he continues to have lots of new and interesting ideas then I am happy for him to stay on.
Is it too much to assume this probably means Mr Capaldi will stay until at least then as well? It seems unlikely to me that a new Doctor would come in so late in a showrunner\'s career. Perhaps we\'ll get another simultaneous showrunner/Doctor change?
For all it\'s faults, I have really enjoyed Moffat\'s tenure, as he brought a breath of fresh air after the worsening RTD era with the extradordinary Series 5 and intriguing 6A. After a generally mediocre run of Moffat-written stories between
, I have thoroughly enjoyed Series 7B and 8, no matter what anybody says.
I am happy with Moffat staying for the foreseeable future, but, personally, I would prefer to have him in a joint-showrunnership or gone all together by the end of Capaldi\'s run. I would love to see what new directions a different showrunner would take Twelve in.
@TheElusiveWhovian  I would LOVE to see a Jamie Mathieson and Moffat tag team!
@TheElusiveWhovian A joint-showrunnership sounds like a brilliant idea. Whether that includes Moffat or not.
His stuff has always been a mixed bag, and some people passionately want to see him go, but the way I see it, if he can keep pumping out more series like series 8, he can stay for another 50 years.
I hate these expectations okay RTD only did 4 seasons but why does that mean Moffat shouldn\'t do more. Same with companions rose Martha Donna only did 1 or 2 seasons but why does that mean jenna should only do that. They can stay as long as they like. When Moffat does leave he\'ll become very popular and the new show runner will be criticised for ruining doctor who just RTD was then moffat
@TheDoctor1235 For those familiar with the Classic era, some might have been stung by JN-T\'s 10 year tenure, and don\'t want to see a repeat of that uneven, tumultuous period. But, to be fair, there were other circumstances in that era that made it a trying time; JN-T wasn\'t entirely to blame.
By contrast, Moffat\'s run, though sometimes criticized, is fairly healthy still. We\'ll see in a couple years how things go. ...And then let the flames burn for the new showrunner...
@TheDoctor1235  Its weird because at the time for a companion to leave every season or two it felt normal, and also I feel as though I know them as much as I do Amy and Clara, which feels... weird?
When I first started watching Doctor Who when there were six series on Netflix, I decided to go in a completely random order. I would look at an episode\'s title and summary, and if it sounded interesting, I\'d watch it (this made River Song all the more confusing).
However, I\'d always anticipate the theme song, because then I\'d learn who wrote the episode- and if it was Steven Moffat, I KNEW I was in for a treat. This was all BEFORE I was a fan or even knew who he was! He is THAT impactful! I\'m very grateful for his writing on Doctor Who, and I\'m sure he\'ll make Series 9 and 10 absolutely amazing.
I just got hooked by the theme tune when I was very small. But back then there were only three tv channels and the internet hadn\'t been invented yet, let alone on demand streaming box sets, so there was an almost 50% chance that my family would have watched it (anyone that can remember what Saturday night tv was like in early 1970s Britain will know that my maths is correct...)
Brilliant news, he\'s shown he can keep the show fresh and interesting, here\'s to more Moffat
Yay! This is wonderful news! I\'m sure by then we\'ll have a more clear picture of who his successor should be, but I\'m very glad he\'s staying!
I think this is very good news. I think Moffat is nearing the end of his tenure as showrunner, but I don\'t think it would be a good idea to change writers in the middle of a Doctor. Moffat should leave when Capaldi leaves.
I agree this is good news because keeping Moffat as showrunner is retaining familiarity and that\'s what I want to some degree at least, don\'t want a complete repeat of 2010 again, that nearly killed me *shudders* 
I think he should do another series or two then leave because he doesn\'t want to outstay his welcome and although sincerly I am not the biggest of Moffat fans, I do agree that he has made a huge legacy on the show that will never be forgotten for that, taking over from the initially irreplacable RTD and most importantly, kept me watching. It would be interesting to see Capaldi stay longer and experiment at what his Doctor would be like under another showrunner because as standard and perhaps appropriate the \'3 year rule\' is for a Doctor\'s tenure, I believe it should be surpassed and Capaldi may be the most suitable candidate to do that, providing Series 9 is a vast improvment (apologies for slating Series 8 but it\'s not one of series I look back on most fondly) which it looks like it is going to be, very promising.
As long as he\'s still on his game, I\'m perfectly fine with more Moffat.
Oh sure, he doesn\'t have any problems coming up with ideas...the problem he has is putting them to paper without terrible plot holes...I think it is time, he just doesn\'t know it...(and I am not a Moff hater)
@RobertPollock Agree, but look around you.  Seems to me so long as Moffat (or anyone else) delivers enough thrills and chills, most of the audience couldn\'t care less if they make sense or not.  So there\'s no pressure to change.  
@Whowhatwherewhenandhow @RobertPollock That is not necessarily true and can cause a show to plummet quickly. I see more that do not like Moff as like him. Sometimes people stay around longer than needed and then they leave in failure. Whovians watch because they are Whovian, not per sey because the episode or season is good. But when it STOPS making money, then that is the problem, remember they almost ended with RTD and David for that very same fear.
More than happy for Steven to do another series, but I do think he should leave before Peter does. Series 10 as a last hurrah would make sense to me.
Can\'t say I\'m surprised if true, but I don\'t mind, as long as I enjoy those series I couldn\'t care less who\'s in charge.
I do think series 10 is more than likely his last though. There should probably be some thought put into who should replace him over the next year though, the answer isn\'t as obvious as it was when RTD stepped down.
Yesss! Another year of Moffat showrunning confirmed! Just made my day!
Moffat\'s story arc\'s have been lacking and a bit predictable. I feel he is going to overstay his welcome which could kill the vibe of each Series. I really hope this isn\'t true, and if it is, I hope this will be his last.
But also, Series 10 will be filming the same time Series 4 of Sherlock will be filming? Massive clash there for Moffat.
@Reeze, agent of C.L.A.R.A. to be fair, i saw River being Amy and Rory\'s daughter from about half way through series 5.
@The_Doctor_ Sherlock Series 4 is due to start filming really soon because it starts up again at Christmas. Sherlock and DW won\'t overlap with filming at all.
And while RTD series got very repetitive, Moffat series don\'t. A word or phrase repeated throughout a series before an alien invasion that threatens to destroy Earth/the universe for 4 series in a row, vs an unbreakable prison and an exploding TARDIS, time collapsing because of a fixed point in time being broken, the Doctor being forced to go to his own grave, and the recent deceased being upgraded into Cybermen by a female Master.
@The_Doctor_ I wouldn\'t say his story arcs are predictable; there has always been a shock factor with every big reveal, so we\'re obviously thrown off the scent a lot when it comes to speculation. 
For me, the problem is that they end with underwhelming results, made all the worse by bad (often downright appalling) execution.
Predictable?? I sure didn\'t see The Big Bang\'s events happening when the cracks first appeared, and the fact that River is Amy\'s daughter was shocking! I legitimately had no idea who Clara was for an entire SEASON (despite the finale being leaked to hundreds of American fans), and I was sure Missy was the Valeyard or someone we\'d never seen before.
I think Moffat\'s doing a very good job at keeping his story arcs very interesting and unpredictable.
Series 4 of Sherlock is filming at the moment. They were doing location work near me last month.
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