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Disney Announces, ‘Princes’, First Film With Openly Gay Characters.

Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Disney Announces, ‘Princes’, First Film With Openly Gay Characters. | Amplifying Glass
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Disney has announced that it will be producing its first animated feature film with two openly gay lead characters who will fall in love and, by the end of the film, even find happiness in a fairytale, same-sex wedding. The film, titled
The entertainment giant has had a long history of supporting LGBT initiatives. In the late 90′s the company was among the first to extend healthcare benefits to partners of homosexual employees and Gay pride events have been hosted at Disney World since 1991. Many have also speculated that other Disney movies have been Pro-Gay, albeit in a more subtle way. Disney’s blockbuster hit, Frozen, was riddled with pro-gay subtext. Elsa hiding her ice-powers can easily be interpreted as a metaphor for the closet and the Oscar-winning “Let it Go” sounds exactly like a coming-out anthem. However,
will certainly mark the first time that the company will produce an animated children’s film starring openly gay main characters.
is an adaptation of the children’s book, “The Princes and the Treasure”, by Jeffrey A Miles. In the book, two handsome princes, Earnest and Gallant, set off to rescue a princess, but fall in love with each other instead. The fairytale story ends with the two princes getting married and living happily ever after. The book has recently been released internationally after initially being available in the United States in February of 2014
“I suddenly wondered, why aren’t there any gay princes or lesbian princesses?,” Miles told LGBT website Advocate.
“Why can’t the handsome prince marry another handsome prince? Why can’t a damsel in distress be rescued by a beautiful princess?” Both gay and straight couples alike adore the story owing to its universal appeal. But the book has also struck a chord with the kids, who love the story like any other famous fairy tales. “Kids see that the story is about two people who fall in love and get married. All of the kids who have read the story don’t find it unusual that the two characters who get married happen to be two men. Kids seem to see that love can happen between two people regardless of the couple’s gender.”
Emile Montgomery, a spokesperson for Disney, says that the story has universal appeal with both younger and older audiences across most of the company’s target demographics. “Children will love this movie,” he said. “It shows that love and family are universal, regardless of gender. The Modern American Family is diverse and most US states have gay marriage and it is time that our films embraced these new realities. Hopefully we can help to educate the next generation about diversity, lessening or eliminating homophobia in the future.”
However, not everyone is entirely thrilled with the direction that Disney is going. Deborah Aker-Knapp, an outspoken member of Christians For Traditional Marriage, has said that the movie would be an affront to Christians everywhere and likened the release of the movie to one of the signs of the apocalypse. “What is next?”, she asked, “Should we teach our children that bestiality is ok too? Where will this end? how much longer will this behavior be tolerated by God?”
Montgomery dismissed the objections of Christian conservative groups stating that the film was wholesome family entertainment, but he noted that Disney has already tackled themes of interspecies love in previous films like
. “Those films were pretty well received.”
“This is story about love, not sex,” he added, “We’ll leave the obsession with genitalia, and what people choose to do with them, to the conservative groups.”
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[…] Disney has announced that it will be producing its first animated feature film with two openly gay lead characters who will fall in love and, by the end of the film, even find happiness in a fairytale, same-sex wedding. The film, titled 'Princes,, will be released to theaters in the fall of 2015.  […]
Are Fake News Sites Blurring The Lines Too Much?
[…] a story is going around that Disney will create their first same-sex love story, with an animated film about two princes who fall in love and get […]
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Walt Disney Announces ‘Princes’, First Film With Openly Gay Characters? |
[…]   On 10 November 2014, an article claiming Disney was producing an animated film about two gay princes was published on the website […]
Walt Disney Announces ‘Princes’, First Film With Openly Gay Characters? | ~II~The Watch Towers ~II~
Walt Disney Announces ‘Princes’, First Film With Openly Gay Characters? -
Walt Disney Announces ‘Princes’, First Film With Openly Gay Characters? | BREAKING NEWS
One, Two, Princes: The New Spindoctors of “Satire” — StackStreet
[…] alert, it’s another fake article. (And just when you’re finally getting past your heartbreak over “Breaking Bad […]
Disney hasn’t announced film about openly gay princes…yet – The Independent | Gay news
[…] even if you didn’t spot that – the ‘Princes’ logo halfway down the article is taken from a can of tuna for God’s […]
Is Disney Planning 2015 Movie With Gay Princes?
[…] Nov. 10 Online magazine “” published an article saying Disney was planning an animated movie based on the book, […]
Disney hasn’t announced film about openly gay princes…yet – The Independent | Gay News in The World Today
Disney hasn’t announced film about openly gay princes…yet – The Independent | Gay News Today
Breana Pope » Archive » Stand Up For The Truth
Disney NO hará una película de príncipes gays | Estoy bailando - Bienvenido a la fiesta
[…] noticia apareció en la web Amplifying Glass, una páginas de noticias satíricas e inventadas (como ElMundoToday o como lo que parece nuestra […]
Please learn the meaning of the word "satire". Satire does not mean writing a story that sounds real but isn't.
You are so right! They did however, touch on satire with the final paragraph. The entire piece is poorly written and edited :(
the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity. particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. that is satire.
Joseph Mora Fair enough. Maybe this is just a really poor attempt satire, then.
Chad Wilson That is the cutting edge of satire: if it isn't obvious it doesn't work and serves the wrong end. Bad satire is bad all around.
The problem is that Dysney products means children . If it weren't like this it would be inclusion, and the real problem here is "inclusion". Nobody has the right to be included in a group of people he or she does not know or want, On the contrary nobody has to accept being in a film he does not want. So what about adolescents children, their parents What about them? are you going to force them to change so you are going to have a decadent movie? BTW I treated HIV patients and I also know they do not like this type of exposure as anybody else. This is not about equality, this is not about freedom of choice, this is about money and Disneyworld is eager for money. Using people, their experiences and their situations, does not help anybody, only the one who makes the momey.
Andrea Okon I'm sorry, but I have no idea what your point is. Personally, I would love to see an animated fairy tale featuring a same-sex couple in the lead roles. My original comment was beside this point, however.
What on god's green earth is she talking about? DisneyWorld, children, HIV, equality, exposure, $, satire is disrespectful?????? Reel it in Andrea Okon. Try one point and flesh it out.
Andrea Okon What in the hell are you talking about? They wouldn't show them fucking. Or are you saying that the mere presence of gay characters is decadent? That is a bunch of close-minded babble.
I love you chad for telling on this website. Marry me.
Andrea Okon ... Did you know that ALL corporations are in this for the money only? That is the nature of "business"! DUH!
How is two dudes getting married an 'adult' topic? People get married all the time in children's movies. Why should it matter if they are gay? Hiding things like this from children is what causes confusion and later on hate. If children are raised knowing that people are people they simple grow up thinking it is perfectly normal, which it is. Also, no one would be forced to take their backward thinking children to this movie. Free country. I also feel that if this movie ever would be made, Disney would do it.
sexuality is apparently inappropriate but violence, murder, etc is perfectly fine (eg. Scar killing Mufasa, Frollo getting all heated up by Esmerelda, PEter Pan teaching children they can fly, etc.)
Christian Kurt Mendoza How is Peter Pan teaching people to fly violence or murder
Jens Haag to understand that, you'd have to read the darker story of Peter Pan. He doesn't teach children to fly, he steals their souls at a young age. Basically, the kids leave their window open at night, get sick and die, and he carries their souls off to "Neverland"
Jens Haag Have you ever read the original story of Peter Pan? How about Hansel & Gretel? Hell, any of the fairy tales as originally written for that matter. With rare exception, fairy tales are actually horror stories meant to frighten children. It was only with the advent of Disney did these stories become sweet and fun. The worst crime of sweetening, for myself, was the gross adaptation of "The Hunchback", ye gods it was vile. In the actual story, everyone is pretty much fucked, including Quasimodo, who throws himself in a pit of spikes out of despair.......hardly worth a song with gargoyles. Point is, if people are honest and actually look at what these fairy tales speak to, they're incredibly violent.
Jens Haag When I was a kid, I made my little sister seriously believe that I was a witch and that I had a spell that could teach her to fly. Looking back, I'm pretty glad she never tried to jump out of a window.
Chris Grove. Well, that's all in your heads - the rather baseless interpretation that Peter Pan is a "metaphor for an evil soulstealer" is not really supported anywhere in the work. And even if it's a valid analysis, it doesn't make the act violent or murderous in any way understandable to children.
Rebecca Simon And so am I! What does it have to do with Peter Pan?
Jens Haag , in the original tale, Peter Pan would teach kids how to fly, but not how to stop. so then, if ever away from him, kids would fly aimlessly for days, which is pretty dangerous. At least, this is what I think they mean. But I can say a few things on Peter Pan that are a but fucked up: Tinkerbell told lost boys to kill Wendy out of jealously (I know there is the whole "fairies only feel one emotion at once, but it would still be murder), Peter Pan cutting Hook's hand off and throwing it to a crocodile as if t's a game, fairies finding baby peter pan when they were having an orgy (original tale), and so go on. These were just on the top of my head. And, apparently, he also killed the lost boys who grew up, but i don't remember reading it. Maybe the cut it off when translating to portuguese... Mnn...
Christian Kurt Mendoza I would rather see violence then two queers. Sorry but violence is reality and happens queer marriage is a dream and just wrong
Actually, I didn't give a damn about sex when I was a kid. I didn't know what being gay was until I was a teenager, and I think that's how it should be. I didn't know about race or hatred or anything like that, because I was a kid. I was TAUGHT that behavior... and I think it's wrong to teach kids that "being gay" is even a thing. If two people of the same gender are a couple, my answer is that they love each other... I don't go into detail about "being gay" because believe it or not, that builds more walls than it breaks down.
Bill Grumling Same-sex marriage is also a reality. It happens all the time, and has been happening since the beginning of time. It being 'wrong' is an opinion and not fact. Sorry, but I find your opinion just wrong. You're also factually wrong that it isn't a real thing.
Dont be ridiculous. Keep your gay propaganda away from kids. They can make up their mind when they are adults.
Anthony Miranda Propaganda? Who is this piece about a false movie helping to promote? In order to be propaganda it has to promote something. Being gay? What is false or exaggerated about being gay? It needs to be one or the other in order to be propaganda. The dictionary must be wrong! Make up their minds when they are adults? So, until they are adults they should never see any adult relationships of any kind, lest they be influenced. Only adults know whether or not they want to be more than friends with someone. Neither you nor anyone you ever met had any feelings or ideas about anyone until the day you turned 18. No one in the history of ever has. Yep. That's how life goes. One day you are 17 and perfectly virginal in every way, shape, and form. You don't even think about sex. Then, you have your 18th birthday and it suddenly hits you like a bolt of lightening. Then and only then can you make up your mind if you want to be gay or straight, or something else. It's not nature or nurture. It is neither environment nor genetics. It is not mental or emotional. It is not due to culture or society. It is just the simple fact of becoming an adult. That makes perfect sense! I don't know how to explain all the people that had children younger than 18. I know! They must have all been virgin births! Oh, wow. Why did no-one else ever figure this out before? We have a bunch of Jesus-like people walking around the Earth as we speak! Oh glory and Hallelujah!
Jens Haag Are you dense? Retarded or something? The Peter Pan comparison is in terms of it being dangerous. Kids will jump off buildings or out of windows if they believe they can fly.
Haha kate bauer. Only gay relationships being thrown in kids faces. Its not a normal, natural behavior so therefore keep the kids put of it until they are old enough to understand it. If parents want to talk to them about homosexuality ok. Only a,tiny percentage of the population is gay so I dont why there is this big thing to force people with this gay marriage and lgbt crap
When a man and a man or woman and a woman can make a baby together then come back to me. Man and woman produce a baby thats how the human race continues. Thats another reason why marriage is between a man an a woman and why its such a big deal
I never thought after watching peter pan to go jump out a window and try to fly
Anthony Miranda Oh, yes. You are absolutely right. Why anything that you deem unnatural must be kept away from the children! Despite the fact that homosexual behavior is present in thousands of species in their natural normal environment, it isn't normal or natural because you and a bunch of other ignorant people say so. As for having children needed to be included in marriage. I didn't realize that the couples that can't have children or don't want children are not valid. After all, the only reason humans socialize at all is to have children. There is not human need for socialization or companionship. There is no such thing as love or family. The only reason we exist is to populate the Earth. Every humanities and communication course I have ever taken, not to mention a bucket-load of scientific ones are all wrong! With so many Billions of people here and using up four times the resources that can be properly sustained by this planet, of course what we need is more people! Funny that you say also that gay marriage is being forced on people. In my state we voted FOR it. That's right, the majority of people voted for it here and WANTED to have it. But of course with proper voting it must have been FORCED on us to get us to vote for them! Your argument that it is a minority of people that are gay is also the argument as to why we have gay marriage here, because only a minority didn't want it. I voted for them to have the right and I would do so again. Oh, did you think I was gay? You talk to me about marriage between a man and a woman as though I don't know what that is. News flash: I'm married to a man. I'm a woman. I still voted for them to have the right to marriage. I was raised Catholic. I still voted for them to have the right. I studied science (anthropology) and I still voted for it.
See, here in America, we have a constitution and we have these things called inalienable rights. We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Maybe you haven't heard of it in Bangkok, Thailand. But here it's a pretty damn big thing. To me it means that everyone has the right to lead their life without religion getting in the way. It means people have the right to be happy without someone telling them that they are are unnatural, evil, or going to hell. It means that people don't have to produce a child in the way that YOU demand because society says so.
I don't believe in thinking that I am better than someone else simply because I was born different than them. I don't believe I have the right to tell people how to life their life. I don't believe that anyone should have that authority. But your beliefs should supersede mine because you say so? They aren't harming anyone, and you better not say that they are harming children because I could throw at you a ton of statistics that tell you that homosexual couples are good parents. Statistics show that children are less likely to be prone to violence, are less likely to be abused, and more likely to be happy all around. Less depression, less anxiety, and show all around more tolerance for people of different races and religions. I can show you tons of evidence that shows your narrow viewpoint is not only scientifically invalid, but illegal here too. You can never convince me through a scientific standpoint that your views have validity, and therefor the only legitimate way is through religious ways. Which, as I stated, is invalid here in America. I would also like to know how seeing one couple being gay in a movie would be throwing it in kid's faces, when millions exist showing heterosexual couples. If one movie is throwing it in kid's faces, then we must be beating them to death with heterosexuality! When the human population is so sparse that we must have those children that are made by men and women to be born or humanity itself will end, come back to me. I will not hold my breath.
Anthony Miranda So, a lesbian can not have a baby? Good Lord and butterbeans you need to read a book beside one that was written 2000 years ago.
Astrid ennui as I said when a man and a man or woman and a woman can make a baby together. Maybe you need reading classes. Obviously a lesbian can have a baby with a MANs sperm
lol at the bigoted scum. everywhere you go, there they are. Being gay is life, it's being an ignorant piece of shit that seems to be the real communicable disease.
What is real is our book, The Christmas Truck. You can check out the trailer on youtube or go to Amazon to read reviews!
Hopefully everyone reads the description of the book before buying... That could make for some really bad Christmas mornings. Lol
Joshua Ricker .. How so? Most kids would be glad to get such a book! :D
Joshua Ricker Indeed. Everyone is narrow-minded and hateful.
Amplifying Glass So you think leading a bunch of LGBT folks on with false hope is a funny way to poke fun at politics? I knew it was fake because I knew Disney is far from this progressive, but it's mean.
Lynzee Michelle .. You do NOT know how progressive Disney truly is. I have had spousal benefits from them since 1997 when my husband began work for them. It has one of the largest organized gay communities, and as employees (cast members) than any other company in the world. Disney World is the largest single-site employer in the world, with some 75,000 gay and gay-friendly employees. Disney has led the way in gay-friendly and multi-cultural diversity programs.
Lynzee Michelle To be fair, they *do* have a disclaimer on their site saying not to take their words seriously.
Kids movies being for kids, about kid things is what these movies use to be about. Now its everyone trying to get an agenda into it rather than just allowing kids to be kids and have fun with movies.
It's actually more sad that people use their children like this, rather than, as I said, allow them to grow and be children.
James Zetes ... Religionists have been doing that for some 6 MILLENNIA! What a horror that has turned out to be for ALL of humanity. Some 800 million humans have been killed or murdered in the name of a religion or a Gawd through out history!
Erm... There are 'agendas' (if you are meaning a message or a purpose for doing something) in almost all Disney films.
Agenda... i.e. the church - perhaps with the exclusion of some of the more modest churches.
Agenda... i.e. The anti-Nazi propaganda piece that Disney did a while back, the disdain of the inappropriate use of zealousness (Frollo), envy is bad + integrity and hard work will make you go far (Snow White), acceptance of who you are despite your difference (Quasimodo), the changing roles of women (Mulan, Frozen), unhealthy mother/daughter relationships (Rapunzel), the impact of war and loss and how music brings peace to the heart (The Sound of Music), don't trust banks + enjoy the simpler things in life (Mary Poppins). I mean they all seem like 'agenda's' to me, some of them a bit more adult than others.
So I'm not sure how a gay themed film would have an agenda aside from 'accept people who who they are.' I'm fairly confident there would be nothing sexual.
Now if the agenda was something that was explicitly sexual by virtue of name (i.e. pedophilia, zoophillia, rape) then that would be a little different and probably very low for any film aimed at young kids.
Exactly james zetas. Its all about pushing their agenda. Leave the kids out of it
Anthony Miranda .. I sure hope that the religious control freaks and their sheeple will quit brainwashing their kids with a book so filled with pornographic stories it is not fit for even adults to read. We call that book the Bible (BuyBull!).
Ok danny maynard, whatever you say. Im not religious person by the way but have read the bible and didnt get the pornographic vibe but if you did sure buddy ;-)
Anthony Miranda ... Dear "Child of Ignorance", there are so many pornographic stories in your scriptures that it is NOT fit for children to read or learn.
The first one appears early in Genesis, when Adam and Eve, who only had 3 sons (Cain, Abel and Seth), committed (in)cest to populate the world. Can you say, Mama Phocker?
Then, Noah and his family did the same to repopulate the world again, after God murdered all humans, killed nearly all land animal and plants.
Solomon had 700 wives (I bet that was a really catty place to live, with all those women bi+ching 24 hours a day!) I think we found the reason for this verse written later:
King James Version: 1 Timothy 2: 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
And what about the guys in Ezekiel 23:20, where a woman "lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."
Do you remember hetero Onan, who did not want his brother's wife to have a baby, and masturbated to keep her from having a baby?
Genesis 38: 8 Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also. Exactly why did God kill Onan? Perhaps it was because he did not commit adultery properly.
Hahaha danny maynard sure continue. I am aware of all that. Unpleasant as some of it is to read its in there. As in life its not all peachy and nice
Anthony Miranda ... And you Christians ensure that life is NOT "all peachy and nice". Here is that continuation:
(1) Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot, and went in unto her. – Bible : Judges (16) : 1.
(2) And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. - Bible : Genesis (19) : 33 – 36.
(3) And it came to pass, when Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father’s concubine: and Israel heard it. Now the sons of Jacob were twelve. – Bible : Genesis (35) : 22.
(4) And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her. - Bible: Genesis (38) : 2.
(5) And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother’s wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother’s wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. - Bible : Genesis (38) : 8 – 9.
(6) When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face. And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his daughter in law.) And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me? And he said, I will send thee a kid from the flock. And she said, Wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it? And he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him. – Bible : Genesis (38) : 15 – 18.
(7) And when she had brought them unto him to eat, he took hold of her, and said unto her, Come lie with me, my sister. And she answered him, Nay, my brother, do not force me; for no such thing ought to be done in Israel: do not thou this folly. And I, whither shall I cause my shame to go? and as for thee, thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel. Now therefore, I pray thee, speak unto the king; for he will not withhold me from thee. Howbeit he would not hearken unto her voice: but, being stronger than she, forced her, and lay with her. - Bible : 2 Samuel (13) : 11 – 14.
(8) So they spread Absalom a tent upon the top of the house; and Absalom went in unto his father’s concubines in the sight of all Israel. – Bible : 2 Samuel (16) : 22.
(9) Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied. - Bible : Ezekiel (16) : 28.
(10) And they committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity. – Bible : Ezekiel (23) : 3.
(11) And Aholah played the harlot when she was mine; and she doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours, Which were clothed with blue, captains and rulers, all of them desirable young men, horsemen riding upon horses. Thus she committed her whoredoms with them, with all them that were the chosen men of Assyria, and with all on whom she doted: with all their idols she defiled herself. Neither left she her whoredoms brought from Egypt: for in her youth they lay with her, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity, and poured their whoredom upon her. – Bible : Ezekiel (23) : 5 – 8.
(12) And when her sister Aholibah saw this, she was more corrupt in her inordinate love than she, and in her whoredoms more than her sister in her whoredoms. She doted upon the Assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men. Then I saw that she was defiled, that they took both one way, And that she increased her whoredoms: for when she saw men pourtrayed upon the wall, the images of the Chaldeans pourtrayed with vermilion, Girded with girdles upon their loins, exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads, all of them princes to look to, after the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity: And as soon as she saw them with her eyes, she doted upon them, and sent messengers unto them into Chaldea. And the Babylonians came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their whoredom, and she was polluted with them, and her mind was alienated from them. So she discovered her whoredoms, and discovered her nakedness: then my mind was alienated from her, like as my mind was alienated from her sister. Yet she multiplied her whoredoms, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth, wherein she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt. For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses. Thus thou calledst to remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth. – Bible : Ezekiel (23) : 11 – 21.
(13) My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God. - Bible: Hosea (4) : 12.
(14) I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. – Bible : Hosea (6) : 10.
(15) Rejoice not, O Israel, for joy, as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God, thou hast loved a reward upon every cornfloor. - Bible : Hosea (9) : 1.
(16) And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. – Bible : Genesis (9) : 21.
(17) And he stripped off his clothes also, and prophesied before Samuel in like manner, and lay down naked all that day and all that night. Wherefore they say, Is Saul also among the prophets? – Bible : 1 Samuel (19) : 24.
(18) Then David returned to bless his household. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David, and said, How glorious was the king of Israel to day, who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself! – Bible : 2 Samuel (6) : 20.
(19) So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt. – Bible : Isaiah (20) : 4.
(20) And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding, Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house, In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night: And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart. (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house: Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.) So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him, I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows. Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee. I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves. For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey: He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed. With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; - Bible : Proverbs (7) : 7 – 22.
(21) Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished. – Bible : Isaiah (13) : 16.
(22) And, lo, he hath given occasions of speech against her, saying, I found not thy daughter a maid; and yet these are the tokens of my daughter’s virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. – Bible : Deuteronomy (22) : 17.
(23) While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof. A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts. – Bible : Song of Solomon (1) : 12 – 13.
(24) Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies. – Bible : Song of Solomon (4) : 5.
(25) I am a wall, and my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one that found favour. – Bible : Song of Solomon (8) : 10.
(26) But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. – Bible : Numbers (31) : 18.
(27) This thy stature is like to a palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes. I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples; – Bible : Song of Solomon (7) : 7 – 8.
(28) And David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness: and she returned unto her house. - Bible : 2 Samuel (11) : 4.
(29) Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins. – Bible : Song of Solomon (7) : 3.
_______________ Touche! Keep your filthy scripture away from children and decent, kind and loving humans! It is an abomination of abominations, like you!
Oh danny maynard funny man. As a kid we dont interpret it as we would as adults. Your making it sound black and white when nothing is. We can start quoting bible verses about how homosexuality is a sin if you like
Anthony Miranda .. You will find just one or two questionable mistranslated verses on that topic. You lose!
Fortunately this whole article is as fictional as a Disney Movie.
(EDIT: Hey you guys i appreciate those agreeing with me and liking this comment? but cant you please stop liking it?, kinda getting spammed by notifications lol )
Matt Guven He means he's an ass who's unaware that Disney is as LGBT as it gets, yet still thinks a movie like this would be out of line.
Matt Guven I'm str8 and can't wait to see it
Matt Given, "fortunately" is an adverb. It serves as a sentence modifier... 'it is fortunate that; luckily'
Joshua Ricker I know what the damn word means,,,, what I WANNA know is why is it lucky that this is fake?
Joshua Ricker I think what Matt Guven meant is why is it fortunate this is a fictional article. And I echo that questions. It is a shame Disney hasn't taken this logical step.
This is definitely not a logical step as you said. A move like that would cost Disney a lot. From boycotts of their movies and TV, to protests at their parks. No parent wants their child exposed to topics like sexual preference, regardless of your stance on homosexuality. A 4 year old does not need to deal with that kind of adult topic, its not right to mix adult topics with children's entertainment.
Joshua Ricker Cost a Lot???? LOL dude Disney could rule the world right there along with Microsoft, and Oprah Winfrey... boy cotts arent gonna do shit. besides Disney already a kids show where a character had Two moms. and its NOT an Adult Topic. it so easy to to tell kids that some people only love those of the same sex and that's fine. and this is coming from a gay man. Children are much smart than you think
Joshua Ricker Except that adult topics are always in children's entertainment. Pocahontas is a perfect example of that in the sense of mixed race relationships and the racism that surrounded them and still does. Look at all the old Looney Tunes cartoons, all race based and war based propaganda, pretty sure that is an adult topic. Adult topics have been put into children's cartoons for years.
Adult topics have always been in Disney films. Having a homosexual couple fall in love would essentially be no different. There are still underlining sexual concepts when it comes to a love interest, straight or otherwise. I highly doubt children are going to think "OH THEY MUST BE GOING TO HAVE SEX NOW" when seeing a newly wed couple riding off into the sunset in this potential film's ending. All they'll think is that a boy liked another boy to marry him, just like with any other princess movie.
Joshua Ricker Really? A 4 year old with two dads doesn't need to know it's alright? A 4 year old whose best friend has 2 moms doesn't need to know? When I have kids I plan to teach them from birth that love is love. Weather you love a man, woman or someone a gendered it doesn't matter. Plus if my child is old enough to see a heterosexual love they are old enough for a homosexual one.
It is a logical step. It is furthering the goal of a untied human race. It would get the entire LGBTQ world supporting Disney. And that group is growing whilst those against any sort of gay union is shrinking.
I'm sorry but most people would disagree. Even a four year old with two Dads should probably be given the opportunity to understand that that kind of situation is not the norm. The LBGTG in this country still only represents 3.4% of the population. It is not mainstream and does not deserve a company like Disney throwing itself under a bus just to appease them. Whether you like it or not the VAST majority of people disagree with your logic and would be irate at any attempt to indoctrinate our nations children.
Joshua Ricker Really? 3.4%... where did you get that number? Because the US Federal government recognizes it... 32/50 states (or 64% of the states) have it, Up here in Canada we have it across the country..... So where is your 96.6% of people against it???? Don't make up numbers because I WILL research them and prove them wrong.
Heck if you are Catholic your Pope is trying to turn the tide for Gay Marriage. So it seems even God loves the gays. ( Jesus had two dads and he turn out just fine)
Nicolas Alain I hope yall like posting in a troll thread...cuz you are in one
If I were you, I would be more concerned with my literacy problems than anything else.
I did not say only 3.4% of people support LGBT, I said only 3.4% of the population is LGBT.
Secondly, the Pope is not supporting gays nor is anything changing with the church. Catholicism has always taught that the act of homosexuality is a sin but that everyone should be treated with love and respect. The only difference is that now the Pope is dumbing down the wording so that even liberal morons can comprehend it.
Joshua Ricker You SERIOUSLY think it would be more traumatic to a child to learn about LGBT people than be told that their parents arent normal and "sinners"? Fuck you lol
Joshua Ricker You are right, I misread your statement. No issue with my literacy problems, thank you for your concern though. I am actually quiet literate.
I apologize that I misread what you said. I still would like to say the recognized number is 3.8% and my statement of the amount of people who accept it still stand. If over 60% of the population agree with it then guess what: THAT is a mainstream viewpoint.
The Pope called a synod of Bishops and tried to change the overall view by means of vote. Most of the Bishops were given their Bishop's robes by previous popes ( Mostly conservative) but if His Holiness wanted to he could unilaterally pass it ( papal infallibility) but he instead he went looking for a consensus. A most enlightened man.
I know I would much rather have my children see anything having to do with the LGBT community through a Disney stance because I know they would do it in such a way that would still be considered child-friendly. They wouldn't show two guys screwing each other while singing, but show that there is a very real love between two men, just like there is in real life.
I really hate how this topic is so controversial. I hate how religion is forming this world and this country the way it is. I'm not Christian. So why should this country's laws be decided by someone's else's religious beliefs? The LGBT community doesn't have some secret agenda to take over the world, despite popular belief.
Disney, you have always been an advocate for people who are different. I vote you make something like this.
Okay correct me if I'm wrong but reading these responses tells me that either of you have seen other Disney films that send other messages with adult situations that are exposed to 4 year olds, prime example, Pocahontas II when she leaves her man for another one and has to choose which one she loves more since she's in love with them both, which is historically accurate. Furthermore lets talk adult situations when 4 year olds ask mommy where babies come from. The argument a few of you are having is totally invalid. The world as it has always been since the beginning of time is changing, I'm sure parents said the same thing in the 60's about not wanting to have to explain to their kids why that white man is kissing a black woman. It's time for people to get on bored and evolve with the planet or be left behind and eventually become a fool in their ways. Case Closed
Joshua Ricker Fuck off back to whatever backward decade you belong in. That is all.
It will happen. Joshua Ricker you are way off base by saying "unfortunately". The acceptance for gays and gay couples is growing as is the number of people coming out about being openly gay in today's world. Look at how many states have legalized gay marriage in the last ten years. Soon the states that don't allow it will be the minority. I also disagree that this topic is the equivalent of talking about sex to children. It really isn't, at heart, it's about a person's right to love who they love regardless of gender. You can completely explain this concept without sex even being mentioned and what better way than a Disney film? Last I checked most Disney films end with the heroes/couple kissing and a wedding and happily ever after. Not kissing a wedding and sex. The sex talk can totally come when they are older or at the parents discretion. Also, if we don't teach our children acceptance of people as they are at a young age, then we risk them not learning it at all. The moral ingraining of how to treat others and acceptance and love for your fellow man comes from how you are raised and taught when you are young for the most part. You don't just wait for that magical day when they are 18 or "old enough" to teach them compassion and acceptance of others. If you do, you risk it being too late, they've already learned homophobia at school or through bullies. Parental ignorance of these important values are exactly how bullies are created. I'd also like to add that just slightly more than 50 years ago, it was socially unacceptable and generally frowned upon and unheard of for blacks to be featured predominately in films and television. It just "wasn't right". Even Disney at the time would feature them in their cartoons as racist, ridiculous parodies of themselves. Now look how society and people's views have changed and we now have an African American princess who's beloved by thousands of children both black and white and who is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. I believe that one day with proper education, patience and love, the stigma against homosexuals will change and dissipate and maybe not today but somewhere down the line this film may come to one day exist in Disney's line up.
I think you meant to say, " homophobically", not fortunately. You're welcome hick.
Joshua Ricker I don't understand why you would think homosexual love is "an adult topic" and heterosexual love is not... it's not like this article (which, I agree with another commenter, isn't actually satire, just stupid click bait) is saying it would be a movie about gay sex. That would be an adult topic, just like straight sex.
How many of us, from a young age wished someday we'd meet our Prince? it's about time! Thank you Disney.
Well said! Was thinking the same thoughts. A movie like this would have REALLY helped me when I was a young kid with coming to grips with my own thoughts.
I have to laugh... I really tried to avoid the Sub-text with all this.. "some day my prince will......." Hahaha
It may be about time, but this story isn't real.
Whew! I thought this was real, I wouldn't be surprised if it was though. This world is going straight to hell soon, God help us all.
Your Gawd will help you about as much as one of the Disney fictional characters, like Hades, or Pluto!
Dude, you are lost in your own small world. You barricade yourself from accepting anything new or enjoyable. You are wasting your life by following the ramblings of a book. If you think you are so much better than gay people like me, at least attempt to act like it..
Victor, nobody is going to hell, our country will get back on track and all will be good. You want hell try the Civil War, that is the closest we have been to hell.
Danny, having a little more background on you I know you came out later in life and feel robbed of happiness but as you talked about before, the 1950's... Just be happy you can come out and find acceptance even if not everyone is fully on board with gays. And not all Chrisitans are the Westboro Baptist Church, so instead of fighting all the time, just talk, discussion is a good thing my friend. :)
John Munro .. Who is fighting? I speak brutal truth. I am tired of the "flowery babified sanitized language" that clutters and hides the evil agenda of the religious control freaks. They speak in "code", and it is not good. I believe in stripping away all the irrelevancies and getting down to the basics of truth, fact and law. All the rest is useless fluff.
No, Danny you just sound pissed off and bitter. Despite all you said, I don't hate you... Are you going to find some "secret code" in that?
John Munro .. What is your agenda here then? Do tell! Mine is to provide facts and brutal truth about laws, the US Constitution, and the equivalence between mythology and religion.
no the worlds not going straight to hell there's a lot of gays on the planet including me that would influence the world to go wavy and fabulous on the way there
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of Homosexuality, Romans says a nation and person who believes in this will fall and be given over to their own lust and debauchery and the bible says no Homosexual will get into heaven and sexual sin is against your own body, which is Gods temple so therefore homosexuality is an attack against the temple of God which if a christian is the temple of God. If not then your body was still created in Gods image. The bible also uses passages (including Jesus and the Apostle Paul, so its in the new testament), A man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. Note that Gender is used here, or 1 Corinthians the woman was not created for the man but the man for the woman. For man is the image of the glory of God and woman are the image of the glory of Angles. Or how about let each man have his own wife and husbands love your wife's, wife's be submissive unto you own husbands All in the new testament all gender specific so no Gay marriage is not right. and it should not be promoted. And in Genesis God created man and woman in his image, a helpmate was made for the man she was called woman: Note the first two people created were MALE AND FEMALE so yes our GOD and the religious right is correct
Bill Grumling ...Seems you do NOT know and understand your Christian scriptures at all. If you read Ezekiel 16:49, you will learn that the "sin of S&G" was being inhospitable in a world full of killing, crime and disorder from 5,000 years or so ago.
The only sex act described in the S&G story was when Lot and his daughters had sex. We call that act as "înçest". Then 9 months later, he had 2 new baby boys, who were also his grandchildren! Ewww! They named those children "Moab" and "Ben-ammi".
Bill Grumling ...If you believe in God and Satan, Jesus and Holy Ghosts, Angels and Demons, Saints and Sinners, Heaven and Hell, then you believe in a multi-god mythology. It is NOT a "one-god" mythology. It is exactly like the mythologies from ancient Greece, Rome, Scandinavia and China.
Today's religion is tomorrow's mythology. No religion == NO sin!
I am sin free, and always will be. You CANNOT push your sins onto me. You will fail every single time.
Bill Grumling ... At least 67% of the humans on earth do NOT believe in your particular brand of mythology!
Bill Grumling ...Here are some truthful and eye opening realities of your scriptures: .............................. God broke his own commandments when he caused Adam and Eve, essentially identical twin (well, almost) brother and sister had inçestuous sex. They only had 3 sons (Cain, Abel and Seth) to populate the Earth. (Can you say "Mother Fückërs"?)
God lets everyone make their own choices, except when he literally steals a rib, and then from that "male bone" with male DNA makes another human being and then forcefully, without permission of the victim, changes his sex. Yes, children, Eve is the world's first Transsexual.
Then, your omniscient God was so smart, that after calling it all good, turned around and murdered all the people on Earth in worldwide flood, except for a few of Noah's family.
God abandoned Noah and his few to again repopulate the Earth by again committing incest once more.
Then, God murdered a bunch of innocent babies in Egypt rather than striking down just Pharaoh. That was not only mean and evil, it was pure stupidity on God's part.
In the New Testament, God raped Mary, and made his son gay. In 5 separate places, the New Testament says that Jesus loved the effeminate apostle, "John, the Beloved". The authors used the romantic form of the word "love" in the original Aramaic. Jesus was indeed gay, as well.
God cannot exist. There are too many contradictions when one invokes supernatural beings. Nope. There can be no such thing as a supernatural being.
God is suposse to accept every one. What you are teaching your children is hatred for someone that is different. Its discrimination and is not right. Someones sexual difference should be anyone but their business im only 16 and I know that tgis is wrong to tell lgbt that they are going against god and that their teaching our Childeren bad thing. You need to take a step back and just look at what you, yourself are teaching your children. Your teaching them that its not ok to love whoever they want and yourteaching them that being different is bad but you know what its good to be different because if we were all the same we would get no were in this world. It woyld be a dull with no suprises. Being who you are shouldn't be "wrong".
If you accept them as wgo they are then you shouldnt be against it because that just mean you dont. And did you know the picture painted of jesus was a gay man? Shocker!
And im sorry but I find thigs in the bible hard to beleive when they put jesus as more than just a man there are actually sea scrolls of his childhood and teen years which makes himjust another human
Just for the record, Alexander Hamilton Duffy-Sears. That line in the bible that you so lovingly quoted was neither "God's" nor Jesus' words. They were the words of a man, most likely a king if I remember the passage and book correctly. In fact, even if they were the word of "God", that would mean that "He" says that we should all have slaves/servants, and that the man in a marriage can sleep with his servants, and can have multiple wives, and if his brother dies he has to marry his brothers widowed wife. Also, if we're going to talk about the bible in so literal of a context, any woman who gets married and isn't a virgin is supposed to be stoned to death. Tattoos are a sin, as are piercings. Every bit of clothing you own is a sin. Do you eat pork, shellfish, or any processed meat? Guess what, you're sinning. Have you been circumsized? If you're the first born then your parents sinned, and passed that sin on to you. I can go on, but I hope that I've made my point clearly enough.
I'm sorry. I just caught a problem with one of the statements I made. That was supposed to say. "Have you been circumsized? If not, and you're the first born, then your parents have sinned and passed that sin onto you."
I didnt ask about the bible, I simply stated a fact. No I have never been cercumsized because im a girl :^/ I hope you know that everyone has sinned in their life. No one can say that they have not sinned because I bet all people will have if not already have cursed, lied, stolen, cheated, or hurt within their life time.
Honestly I dont even beleive pretty much anything in the bible because its just used to control people. Virgin mary gave birth but shesaid she had never slept woth any man before making jesus a "miracle" I just think she slept woth a man and didnt want to tell her husband because she was afraid of the punishment for cheating on her husband. Shit was hardback then. One slipup and bam a woman would go down.
I'm sorry, Princess Jasmine. That comment wasn't directed at you.
I was actually trying to make that exact point. As well as "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone".
Again, I apologize. I wasn't trying to direct that your way.
Does that mean that you also support pedophiles? If being who you are shouldn't be wrong, then do you also find pedophilia acceptable? If a grown up loves a child, why shouldn't they be able to have a sexual relationship, right?
Jasmine White You're wrong! Jesus is the Son of God. Please show evidence of these scrolls that say He is just a human. Furthermore, what you fail to understand is that teaching children that homosexuality is wrong does not mean teaching them to hate those who practice it. God does accept everyone, but not everyone accepts God. If you embrace homosexuality, then you reject God.
Carly Soprano You have a very skewed view of what The Bible actually teaches. For one thing, it does not teach that women cannot teach men. Many women in the Bible such as Phoebe, Lydia, and Pricilla were teachers of the Word. Not to mention the fact that in the Old Testament, there was an Israelite judge named Deborah--a woman! And nowhere in the Bible does it say to amputate a woman's hand as punishment for anything! You really should actually study the Bible for yourself, instead of going by what anti-Christian bigots tell you. Your post clearly shows that you don't know anything about the Bible.
Jasmine God created man and woman - Genesis, Woman was created as a help mate -Genesis, A man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one, Genesis, Matthew, Ephesians Note Gender and Gender specific roles) One of those who said that was Jesus. man was not created for the woman but the woman for the man, for the man is the image of the glory of God and the woman is the glory of the angels - Corinthians, Let each man Have his own wife - Timothy (gender specific roles) Wife's obey your own husbands Husbands love your wife's) Gender specific terms and roles. The man leaving the Natural affection of the woman and burning in their own lusts towards one another and the woman doing the same. Romans No homosexual shall enter into the kingdom - thess so it is in the bible and there are gender specific roles woman/ wife, husband/man you cannot argure that point sorry so it is anti nature and anti God and it is sin.
James Armato those trhee women taught the children, not the chruch as a pastor, and deborah was a special circumstance. If you use your thought then much as Baalam's Donkey all donkey's should talk
and Jasmine the Bible says to repent of sin which means to turn away from it, if you do not (and this is basic) then you shall not see the kingdom of God "Many shall come to me in that day saying Lord Lord have we not.....and I will say unto them depart from me ye who work inquity for I never knew you, And whosoevers names was not found in the book of life was cast into hell which is the second death" Matthew and Revelation - Jesus. so he accecpts those who repent and turn from sin but he also says the soul that sinneth it shall die and he is talking spiritual not physical No repentence you are cast into hell
Bill Grumling But don't forget--The Bible says that there is neither male or female, for all are one in Christ. In Christ, women are equal to men.
God is against being gay read your Bible!! He made Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve
Sharon Dudley He also told people to not judge others and only cast the first stone if you're without sin, so kindly STFU and worry about your own massive failures as a Christian, and not ours as non-Christians.
Chase McCown he also said exhort reprove and rebuke with all long suffering and doctrine. The judgement was for the pharisees and saducees not the christian to stand up and say wrong is wrong and I can stand on the bible on it
Please stop with the hatred accusation. I never taught my children to hate people period. They had gay friends and we have gay family members and we love them dearly. But what I did teach them was that because WE are Christians then we need to open open our Bibles to see what GOD says about SIN, not the world. And ALL sin, not just one in particular....and to see what GOD says about loving others as ourselves. So, if you see a person showing real hatred towards anyone and not just disagreeing with them, then chances are, that person is not a Christian. Disagreement does not mean hate.
Sharon Dudley , wow! How clever of you. We've never heard that one before. It's a good thing there are simplistic retorts like that for you to use rather than actually using the brain that God gave you. Apparently that's beyond your abilities.
Rochelle Itsnotaboutme Hairston christians are not homophobic we love the sinner but hate the sin
Eve also thought it was ok to eat the apple...and look where that got us....he says its wrong not me
Okay correct me if I'm wrong but reading these responses that are glad this isn't true and that children shouldn't be exposed to homosexuality, or LOVE as I like to call it, tells me that a number of you have never seen other Disney films that send other messages with adult situations that are exposed to 4 year olds. One of MANY prime examples, Pocahontas II, when Pocahontas leaves her man for another one and has to choose which one she loves more since she's in love with them both, which is historically accurate. Furthermore lets talk adult situations when 4 year olds ask mommy or daddy or both where babies come from. The argument a few of you are having is totally invalid. The world as it has always been since the beginning of time is changing, I'm sure parents said the same thing in the 60's about not wanting to have to explain to their kids why that white man is kissing a black woman. It's time for people to get on bored and evolve with the planet or be left behind and eventually become a fool in their thoughts, hateful ways and everyday life. Case Closed
I don't care one way or the other about this topic. But nothing about Pocahontas is historically accurate. Pocahontas met John Smith when she was like 10 and they didn't have a romantic relationship. When Pocahontas was in America she married a Native American man and when she went to Europe she married a white man that had nothing to do with John Smith. The only reason he married her was because she converted to Christianity then she died. her life was not all magic and colors of the wind and white saviors
That's Very true Mani thanks for that info. The Disney story line however did portrait it to be some sort of love triangle though oddly. Oh well can't undo what's already been done. :)
a white man kissing a black woman is not quite the same as 2 men kissing...bad analogy champ
John Lavis It used to be seen the same way though, a few hundred years ago, even less in many areas, it was something that was sin and people could die for. There was a time when black men and women weren't even considered human, let alone something to be kissed.
this is a Scamical. But would these be the first openly gay animated character? No. My favorite was Gaston ... "nobody's as BIG as Gaston" as he thrusts his codpiece to the audience...
Your understanding of the English language (with your use of the "word" Scamical) is clearly as good as your understanding of what "openly gay" means.
Philip BoVee Mecham No I don't, but by the way you just said that I'm guessing he's the fucking godfather?
Gaston is not openly gay. You could make a case that there is subtext, but he is not openly gay. If he were openly gay, then why would he be pining for Belle?
William Labes If he's denying it, then he isn't open about it, is he. Jeez, guys. Read. Please.
Trying to shelter a child from the topic will not make a child who is gay any less gay - it will only cause them pain and seclusion. And if a child isn't gay, watching a gay film isn't going to turn them gay. I wish people would just open their minds and let love in.
That was the story for the first 27 years of my life. :( I feel like my teens and early 20s were stolen from me.
Danny Maynard And while we're sorry to hear that, this angry person you are now doesn't have to be who you are now. So be supportive of the gay community, but don't go spreading hate, you are seriously going to make it worse!
John Munro ... What hate do I spread? I have not said anything about hating anyone or being angry. I could care less how you live or what you believe. That is your problem and not mine. Your issue is that you wish to force others into your decided mold, and for that, you call me names and tell me I am a hater, when I am not.
If you think we will give you roses, hugs and chocolate for how we have been treated for millennia, and certainly for ALL of my life, then you need to learn the truth. What deference do I owe you? HINT: None whatsoever.
Your approval or acceptance is not needed at all. What we need is a legal remedy to the evil and purposeful discriminations that we have endured. Unless you are a Supreme Court Justice, then your pinion is moot and useless in this issue.
You too sound like an Uncle Tom! And that will definitely make things worse. Even the man about whom "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was written, Josiah Henson, later said he was wrong to allow slavery to hurt his family, and that he should have freed his family when they passed through Ohio, a northern state, while he took his family to a new, but extremely cruel new master to whom they had been sold.
Documentary on the real world Uncle Tom.
I shall never be that Uncle Tom. Why are you he now?
Danny Maynard THIS IS THE HATE YOU SPREAD: " We will still be here when you are long gone. How does that make you feel?" "Your comment says more about your dysfunctional thinking that it can ever say about me or the gay community." "So you have become judge, jury and warden, all in one statement. Why are you so evil?" "Those that attack me and our community deserve my wrath and brutal truth. " (while being the one attacking,not being attacked) "Of course you are blinded by your religious brainwashing" "I don't care what you think or how you live! It amazes me that you think you have any rights whatsoever to tell another person what to do! " _____________those were from ONE single thread______________ "your ego must be bigger then Gawd's Itself! " " you have been astronomically brainwashed. Religion is the worst scourge to ever hit humanity and the Earth" "BTW, you have not had any entertainment value in all of your vacuous words." " proved you to be a hypocrite of mammoth proportions!" "You seem to be so gullible, that you would easily be brainwashed by the religious control freaks" "I hope you enjoyed your dose reality today! It is obviously well overdue. I can provide infinite refills at your discretion, and behavior!"
To end this I would like to reiterate your words to YOU, "you do not have an agenda, and just are here to harass those you do not like and will never meet."
Danny Maynard The fact is that you are here to hate, belittle and spew your dysfunctional thinking while spreading hate for those who do not follow YOUR AGENDA. You are a hatemonger- and nothing more. The fact that you are gay does not give you the right to bash others like you feel you have been. That makes you NO better than all these people spewing hate over a movie that unfortunately is not really in the making. Dont stoop down to their level with your hate. Learn how to speak to people and make them see your point of view so they can understand you better and not just see you as some idiot who doesn't know what hes talking about because all he spreads is hate .
Eliza Beth ... Those are NOT words of hate. 1. FACT: We WILL still be here when you are gone. (No hate!) 2. SIMPLE QUESTION: How does that make you feel? (No hate; just a question) 3. FACT: "Your comment says more about your dysfunctional thinking that it can ever say about me or the gay community." (Just a fact-filled statement ... no hate mentioned) 4. FACT and QUESTION: "So you have become judge, jury and warden, all in one statement. Why are you so evil?" (Again, a statement of fact followed by a simple question) 5. FACT: "Those that attack me and our community deserve my wrath and brutal truth. " (I stated my actions, were I to be attacked, as happens here! That is self-defense, and is not hate! Would you not fight to preserve your life?) 6. MY OPINION based on FACT: "Of course you are blinded by your religious brainwashing" (No hate here. A declarative statement with no mention of any hate!) 7. FACT and OPINION "I don't care what you think or how you live! It amazes me that you think you have any rights whatsoever to tell another person what to do! " (No hate mentioned here.) 8. FACT-based OPINION: "your ego must be bigger then Gawd's Itself! " (No hate mentioned at all) 9. FACT: " you have been astronomically brainwashed. Religion is the worst scourge to ever hit humanity and the Earth" (I am so sorry that the truth hurts you! Why did you fail your World History classes? You need to refresh your self on the horrors done in the name of religion, including Nazism and WWII, and today, 2014, with the Christians and Muslims; Dubya's war was all about "religion " as well! He called it "compassionate conservatism" and "exporting democracy". He failed miserably) 10. FACT; "BTW, you have not had any entertainment value in all of your vacuous words." (No hate mentioned, no even implied.) 11. FACT: " proved you to be a hypocrite of mammoth proportions!" (No hate; just a fact, adn it is so true!) 12. FACT: "You seem to be so gullible, that you would easily be brainwashed by the religious control freaks" (No hate; just truth about what the weak-minded will do!) 13. FACT: "I hope you enjoyed your dose reality today! It is obviously well overdue. I can provide infinite refills at your discretion, and behavior!" (No hate. Reality exists, whether you like it or not. I have loads of facts, truth, empirical data and a load of personal real-life stories. They are true, even if you deny them!) 14. FACT: "you do not have an agenda, and just are here to harass those you do not like and will never meet." (No hate. Just another fact.
It seems, 'Liza, that you do not like it when you are confronted with truth, that disproves your lies and prejudicial agenda of discrimination.
Where do we send that trainload of tissue you need because you can no longer discriminate freely against the gay community? Your puny attempt at "self-victimization" has not succeeded.
Danny Maynard I lost?? Youre delusional. Im neither gay nor religious. I follow no creed but you would never know that because you do not know me. You say you dont spew hate but that is all ive seen you do. There are gay people in my family whom I love and cherish like the rest. Youre an idiot who calls facts your own opinions of things. You call being religious being brainwashed just like they call being gay an abomination. You are no better than those who you hate. You speak NO truths.
Danny Maynard And by the way, you didn't lose, but are lost. You're hurting the gay community and cause more than you are helping. You add fuel to a fire of hate. i feel sorry for you, for you are truly a shitty human being that just so happens to be gay. And there are lots of you, just as there are in the straight community. You're the one filled with lies and a prejudice agenda. I will continue to support the gay community as I always have because they to me are no different than any other human being deserving respect....until like you they prove to me that they deserve otherwise. You're so caught up on being a victim that everyone who isn't on your exact train of thought is an enemy instead of an ally in waiting needing proper steering to see the truth. Keep spewing your hate all you want. You are sad.
Eliza Beth .. You mistake truth for hate. you are typical of a one who has no creed at all. I am not the one trying to stop another from living their life, as guaranteed by the US Constitution. YES. There is a BIG and definite difference. Too bad you are blinded by your own prejudices and hate.
I speak only truth. I believe in, and will defend to the death, Truth, Justice, the USA, the US Constitution, and the American Way.
Danny Maynard What YOU define as truth. Not actual truth. But go ahead and think you are the better person for belittling anyone and everyone who doesn't like you. Because obviously that makes you SOOOOOOO different from those you persecute. Have a nice day, I don't try and discuss things with people who have an inability to see their own shortcomings. I do not confuse truth for hate, for it is you who confuses it--warps it. But as I said, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back for believing you are a good person who is here to "speak the truth" and reveal others "agendas" while lying about your own. In your own words.... "Have a Gay day."
Eliza Beth .. Yet here you are, accusing, and judging me, exactly like those religious control freaks.
Eliza Beth ... I make no bones about my agenda. I wish to stop unconstitutional, illegal and evil laws that hurt others. DADT and DOMA are two of those, as are all the GOP-instigated "license to discriminate freely" laws in the making and on the books.
What wonderful things are you doing to humankind? I expect you do none!
Danny Maynard I am accusing you, with facts at my back (which i stated in my first comment. You asked for proof and I provided it). I am not judging but showing you the ways in which you are perceived. If the truth is too much for you that is not my fault. And yet again you clump me with "religious FREAKS" <--- again you use words of hate as you have this entire time, yet because you are playing a victim its OKAY for YOU to say them and not those who oppose you. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITE I HAVE EVER HAD THE DISPLEASURE OF SPEAKING TO. How sad that an old timer like yourself cannot find it within yourself to use your experiences to broaden peoples minds instead of run them to the ground. You are an old idiot, who cannot let go of the way the world WAS. People now are chiming in more support than ever but gays like you are trying to ruin that for everyone involved. Talk about hypocrisy while being the face of it. And please, go ahead and keep liking your own posts because I know nobody else will. Keep patting yourself on the back honey, hopefully you'll learn what it is to be an individual who can educate without hate before you bite the dust. HAVE A GAY DAY. ;)
Eliza Beth ... I use the "like" button in ways you cannot image. I have 40 years in computer programming, and that feature is more than just a "I like it button!". Too bad you do not have an imagination.
Eliza Beth ...I was just noting that I have a lot of notices where many people are literally "liking" my comments. I received over 50 in the last hour, on this and many other articles.
You are a control freak sourpuss, just like the religious bigots, who is not getting her way, and you do not like that. Too bad. You cannot put artificial limitations on Mother Nature, or me!
Quit throwing your little puny useless silly sissy hissy fits, and you will live a much more calm and pleasant life, like I have.
Christians are so away from the truth as the center of the galaxy is from us. What God won't accept in his Kingdom is Hate, Intolerance and "Selective Love". That's exactly what you're teaching to your kids, that's exactly what you want for the world, and that my dear, is what God can't tolerate. If you believe so much in your God and in your Christ, look for the core knowledge in your Bible, but don't repeat what they have taught to you in Sunday's Clases because you look ridiculous in public eyes. "Mediocrity only seems right in the eyes of other mediocre"
For all you "righteous" people on this post, I thought Christianity was suppose to be about love and acceptance and not judging one another....? OH, oh, wait, that's right, love, accept, and don't judge those who think exactly like you! Hah, my mistake!
love thy neighbor and preach the word of God. Word of God is that homosexuality is a sin. So by following religious standards, to tell someone that being gay is a sin is following the word of God. However, one can do this and still accept the person being preached to.
Trizia Serre ... Love the Christian. Hate the Christianity!
At least 67% of the humans on Earth do NOT believe in your particular brand of mythology. How dare you try to impose your mythology over mine!
You cannot put artificial limitations on Mother Nature. She will have absolutely no part of that!
1. Calling my beliefs mythological and artificial while stating I should not put my beliefs over yours is hilarious. I'm a Roman Catholic btw if you want to further comment on my religion. And because of that, i stand by what I said. Catholics believe homosexuality is a sin. We are however urged to, and should, love everyone regardless. The belief does not however require acceptance. God will judge in the end. 2. There is not one area in this whole world that is untouched by some form of faith. Each one of those faiths has a belief system. Many are not tolerant of those that are "different" from the doctrine.
Trizia Serre ... Yet you believe that you have the right to impose your religion, rituals, restrictions and dogma on others who believe differently. How ride, crude and totally unconstitutional!
I hope you enjoyed your dose reality today! It is obviously well overdue. I can provide infinite refills at your discretion, and behavior!
Trizia Serre still all bull shit though
I've never stated that. If you are choosing to stereotype me with ignorance you have encountered before, then I am sorry for you, because not all religious believers are alike. I've never once said that my religion should trump what anyone else wants or thinks or feels, I have never stated religion should be a basis for law, and I've enver once said religion should be used as a restriction. Honey I think you need a xanax and a nap. You're getting a little testy.
Trizia Serre ... Then what is your ill-conceived purpose when you comment on an article of rather blatant gay content, and which you greatly disapprove? Hint: I know it cannot be good!
Now that we have established you are very, very, very anti-gay, and are not here to recruit, what else could possibly be your nefarious purpose? Please, your platitudes are for your benefit, comfort and virginal ears and eyes. Scrape off the religious horse$#!+ and tell us why you are here! Do tell, oh great wise one, who has an ego the size of Gawd itself! BTW, He sent me a message and told me to tell you to send his ego back, pronto!
Trizia Serre I'm assuming we are going to ignore the 50+ lines of scripture stating that it isn't your right or role to judge another, regardless of who they are? Your Bible has 4 lines against homosexuality and roughly 25x that denouncing judging of others. To state something is a sin is fine, but to publicly denounce those who sin, and worse still, to try and influence others' lives because you believe something is a sin is still a big no-no no matter how you cut it.
Zach I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you missed the comments where I have stated exactly that? It's not in this section of comments, look further down. But i'm not going to dispute what you said because I agree. In fact my very first comment in this section was to love people you don't agree with. So I don't know where you're getting I'm judging gay people.
Danny, You must have a very sad life if you make up assumptions about all the people you come into contact with who disagree with you. I don't hate gay people. How sad that you think by disagreeing with what someone does it means to hate the person. I commented on someone speaking about Christianity. It's not an ill conceived purpose, it is a discussion. That's the purpose. Discussion. No more no less. Still really feeling like you could use that xanax.
Trizia Serre In order to comment on a thread you have to hit "reply" The fact that your name was middle of the screen when I decided to reply to this particular section is coincidental.
I've been hitting reply.... that's how i was able to comment back to you.... I meant there's another set of comments in another part of this thread where I stated the above
Trizia Serre When I hit reply, it automatically tags the person in question. I'd send you a screenshot, but I don't see any ability to upload images in these comments.
Zach Harmon .. You can delete the name automatically generated, and then your comment will be applicable to the originator of top of the comment thread. Otherwise, if a name is first written, then your comment applies to the person so named.
Trizia Serre .. You need a dose of reality, and not a dose of Catholic mysticism and witchery. Yes, ALL religion is pure evil witchery!
Nope, just not going there. You're intentionally flaming religion to get a response. No good shall come from this.
Danny Maynard Alright I'll play your game then. I worship nature. By default, the deification of anything makes this a religion. My religion, therefore is "nature." Please, attempt to disprove nature's existence, the fact that nature sustains me, the fact that nature is awe-inspiring, or the fact that nature impacts our day-to-day life.
Trizia Serre, (and everyone else claiming that homosexuality is a sin because god says so in the bible), If your holy book gave laws about how to keep slaves, then your holy book is disqualified as a source for moral code.
Glad I'm not the only one who sees that. And Danny I'm sorry you feel that way. For me personally, having something to believe in and rules to follow makes my life better. It's not for everybody.
Worshiping Nature is simply recognizing reality for the physical world it is. There is nothing magical or holy or mystical about Mother Nature.
One does not disprove a Gawd; that is a logical impossibility and thus is a logical slippery slope fallacy that the religious control freaks try to use to deflect. One who claims that a Gawd exists must scientifically, logically and legally prove the existence of that supernatural being before it has any bearing on real life and/or life in the USA.
I will not entertain any philosophical argument on the existence of the imaginary and the mystical. That is beyond the scope of this article and this conversation, and I expect beyond your brain's capability and formal education.
"Awe-inspiring" does NOT a supernatural deity make! It does tell that a brain is somewhat functional, but that is about all it says.
Since we are made up of atoms of matter, affected by the 4 physical forces of the Universe, I expect those same 4 forces will impact our lives every single moment.
Your comment was a useless attempt to troll me. You lost.
I have been commenting daily for over 5 years on this topic. I surely have learned what your purpose and agenda are. We have heard your baloney zillions of times, and it does not change. You have nothing new to offer. You are here to accuse and to denigrate those you do not know and will never meet. You have the nefarious and pernicious purpose here; not me.
Silence == Death. I will no longer be silent for you to kill me, in your own way. You cannot deny reality! We exist. We have been here all along. We will still be here when you are long gone.
It is just that now your eyes have been opened. Have a Gay Day!
Danny Maynard 1. You deflected from the article first. Don't project, it's tacky. 2. I find a very spiritual connection with "Mother Nature". There's some evil witchery for you. 3. You can disprove a negative in science. 4. A slippery slope argument states that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events, insinuating a causal relationship. The slippery slope fallacy is not applicable here. You are mixing it up with the burden of proof. The burden of proof in logical debate rests with someone who made a positive statement, such as "All religion is evil witchery." Since you have not backed your statement with evidence, it lacks conviction. 5. My comment was a response to your intentional attempt to troll yourself. Again, projecting your behaviors onto me will not help your case. 6. The length of time you have been discussing a topic is irrelevant. Southern slave owners discussed slavery for decades, and they were not correct. 7. An attempt to insult my intelligence also will not help your case, since you have no ability to measure what my brain's capabilities are, nor have information about my "formal education". 8. Silence does not equate death. If it were, deaf/mute people, who have no concept of sound could be legally declared the undead. 9. If my intent was to kill you, it would be a further waste of time to discuss with you. I'd simply poison your water supply. 10. You made no attempt to learn what my intentions were. To apply your own flawed hypothesis of what my intent is (to accuse and to denigrate those who I do not know nor will ever meet, to be nefarious,etc.) makes you seem rather insane.
And believe me, having been homosexual my entire life, I *will* have a gay day.
Danny, I sense a lot of hatred in you. I don't know what happened but it must have been bad. You don't have to believe in Christianity but to preach hatred towards it? Not cool. Sometimes Chrisitans stick to old testament verses and the old testament comes off as strict and unflexible, hence why we have Jesus to cone in and basically say: "look, Christianity has its rules but you can relax because nobody is perfect, and I will take the blunt of all your sins" think about it, Jesus befriended a prostitute, crazy people and outcasts. Whose to say he wouldn't befriend a gay person? Religion can be a good thing of done right, and on behalf of Christians everywhere, sorry if we gave you flak
Trizia Serre .. I feel sorry for people like you who need a robotic set of rigid rules by which you need to live. I have never been that evil, to need such a rigid set of silly and illogical rules, especially ones written by a bunch of smelly, dirty, ancient, uneducated, illiterate and superstitious goat herders, some 2,000-4,000 years ago.
We are so much smarter as a race of humans now. I'll take science over religion any day!
And still, you cherry pick scripture to suit your agenda. I find it strange that your Gawd's mind exactly matches your own. Most unusual! how unlikely is that. You are putting artificial limitations on both your own Gawd, and Mother Nature. Neither will have any part of that.
I am so glad that your Gawd sent you here so you could learn a lesson from me about love, kindness and decency, none of which you possess, as evdences by your ill-conceived comments.
You Gawd seems to be smiling on the gay community, yet you deny what your Gawd has now ordained ... same-sex marriage is legal in the USA. You must be absolutely elated about that fact.
We will not be silent, or invisible anymore. Your Gawd demands that we speak up to display your hypocrisy and lack of real love. You are a horrid sinner.
Brandi- I have gotten the same type of response from gays. I have run into gays who get enraged simply because you don't agree with EVERYTHING they do. On the other hand I have met lots of good gay people. So you'll find jerks in every religion, every fanbase, lifestyle etc. And Christians can accept and show love and tolerance towards a gay person but basically rules of the house. Homosexuality is a sin... But we all sin, and its my belief that if a person is gay but lives a good life and does good things for others, God can look past that
When I'm 80, I will fondly look back on the fact that the gays found a way to force all the Christian parents to take their kids to a Disney movie, which forced them to take 2 minutes out of their day to explain that some guys love guys and some girls love girls. Ah, memories...except we have this pesky little consumer rights things, which means nobody is forced to buy any good or service that they don't wish to...
:( I would absolutely love if this is real I have hundreds of friends who would love to go see this if it happened. Someone should do a Kickstarter for a movie about the book. Wouldn't be Disney, but could still be good.
You can always have your friends check out our trailer at . We aren't a movie... yet. But our book, The Christmas Truck is about a fun Christmas Adventure that centers around a community giving tree and a strong heroine who saves the day!
Beastiality?? Wasn't there already a lil film called Beauty and the Beast?
There is an pure evil that is so perverted, vindictive, vial and obsessed with your children—it will do anything in its power to destroy their innocence, ruin their lives, rob them of the knowledge of God, and murder them both spiritually and physically…yes, you guessed right; the devil!
A Loving Warning—When God Almighty created a partner for Adam He created Eve—not another Adam! In fact, God created Eve (the woman) to be exactly what the man needs! Simply look at the way that “she” is created physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Bottom-line, if our Lord and Savior intended both heterosexual and homosexual marriage to be normal, He would have designed our bodies to allow reproduction through both means and made both means of sexual intercourse healthy and natural. Therefore, the homosexual lifestyle is unnatural, evil and contrary to Sound Biblical Doctrine! On top on that, anyone that doesn't repent and turn away from this abomination will be denied entrance to the Kingdom of God! Homosexual activity is an integral part of "A New Ideology of Evil" plaguing our world today! As Christians we have to pray, pray, and then pray some more! Fire in the hole ~ Chris Clark Dismantling Satan’s Kingdom Brick by Brick
God bless you Chris for telling the truth! Most of the comments here sadden me to say the least. It's so encouraging to know their are still others out there that will take a stand for Gods truth.
Wow lol all I said was no thanks Never spoke foul of anyone Never said I hated gay people I will never hate anyone because of race religion or sexuality that's not who I am but you guys are so quick to judge someone and to start speaking bad about a person who makes who ignorant and the situation all I know is that I decided not to have my kids around that and that's it i'm not trying to convert you were anyone why convert me into something that you believe when I'm not trying to do the sameI hope everyone has a good day
But you would have your children around stories with a straight prince and princess, right? That would mean you discriminate and are a hater. Yep. You can't deny it.
No is trying to make you be anything that you are not, or "convert" you. Live and let live.
Brandee, your ego must be bigger then Gawd's Itself!
Your proselytizing here belies your real purpose and agenda. What might that be? Your words are not those of a recruiter.
Eric Crow- if she wants to have her kids read stories only about straight princes and princesses, that's simply a preference and choice. She will probably tell her Children to treat others kindly and be respectful no matter their sexual preferences.
John Munro ... How naive! Those children will see other children (at school or in public) who have gay parents.
Judge Richard Posner, from the Indiana-Wisconsin cases, and considered the most conservative of all the Federal judges, said that the opponents to SSM are pernicious. You and the religious fanatics discriminate against the children of gay parents, simply to hurt the parents. Those opponents to SSM are both pernicious, and hateful too!
One cannot shield even children from reality!
BTW, Judge Posner was appointed by Ronny Raygun too!
You can't convert, you are it or you aren't. If your kids would say they like the same gender after watching this than they were gay/bisexual or whatever all along.
The article may be satire but our book, The Christmas Truck is real! You can check out the book trailer on our facebook page or youtube channel papadadandme (search Gay Family Saves Christmas). You can also read the reviews on Amazon. We aren't princes, but we like Christmas! Maybe one day our adventures will make it to the big screen! Until then, we'll have to settle for Youtube.
i dont understand how people can spend so much time/energy into posting a fake article but it's annoying -_____-
Says you, one of those who are here, reading and posting!
Yea I'm sure the time it took me to read this steaming turd of an article and post my opinion took tonsss of time and energy -_____-
Miguel Camacho ... And you are again, responding! What is your agenda?
Danny Maynard dont you think you should settle down and stop attacking people?
Deana Ergic .. No! Those that attack me and our community deserve my wrath and brutal truth. I speak the pure fact and unadulterated truth!
I dislike no one, but I will not let anti-gay bullying to persist any longer where I exist, online or offline. Anti-gay bullying is wrong and evil.
Danny Maynard the thing is that no one is attacking you. you are simply blowing this out of proportion. and if they were, what does it matter? this is a comment section on the INTERNET. it doesnt matter what anyone says on here as it does not affect you directly. and let me ask you, do you not think that what YOU are doing is BULLYING? you are attacking people like myself for our beliefs, making fun, and down right insulting us for what we stand behind. I neither support nor denounce homosexuality. it does not affect me, my life, or my beliefs, therefor not my place to judge. however reading some of your comments, i can see why there are people who think homosexuals can be pompous. not saying that is right, not at all, but you are not helping yourself or your people
Deana Ergic .. You play the victim card poorly! Do you think we need give them roses, chocolates and hugs for their hurtful accusations and ill-conceived comments, much less for the discrimination we have endure for millennia? No longer will we stand idly by when others try to force us into the stigmatic roles you and they have defined for us.
Those like you, and many others here and on other articles, who have not endured bashing, bullying, beating, defamation, denigration, name-calling, threats, hate-crimes, torture, shooting and yes, even murder can never understand.
You are sounding like an Uncle Tom! As an "innocent bystander", you watch, yet do nothing to stop the millennial-long anti-gay discrimination. Thus, why are you a willing criminal?
You must approve of their illegal and unconstitutional actions, because you are defending them. In this case, "You are either for me , or you are against me." There is no middle ground in this issue. Existence of the gay community requires you to choose sides, like it or not.
Danny Maynard VICTIM CARD? that is rich, coming from someone who sits here victimizing himself!! haha! your second paragraph reeks of self victimization! im not defending or attacking anyone, but you Danny, are a disgusting human being. Gay or not, Straight or not, you are surely pathetic. and that whole nonsense of either with you or against you. well, im against YOU. not because you are gay, but because YOU as a person SUCK.
Deana Ergic ... So you have become judge, jury and warden, all in one statement. Why are you so evil? Why do I have to open your eyes to your insanity and ignorance.
You are "obviously" a lily white, super clean, ultra-sanitized perfect human who can do no wrong, walks on water, and even has the power of Gawd itself, based on your claims.
You have absolutely no idea of the horrors that have been done to our community, and the threats we receive everyday, simply for being gay, and for no other reason.
I will NOT "turn the other cheek", any longer. That is self-defeating and self-deprecating. I am no longer your willing victim, and that is why you now lash out!
"Deana, you are a disgusting human being ... gay or not ... straight or not! You are surely pathetic. And that whole nonsense of either with you or against you. Well, I'm against YOU, not because you are hetero, but because YOU as a person SUCK."
Yeah! It applies to you! Your comment says more about your dysfunctional thinking that it can ever say about me or the gay community. The shoe fits you so well, so wear it.
See, you just participated in the very things I described and that you said you did not do! And all because I do not agree with your "Uncle Tom attitude".
You just revealed your true inner self, and it was a disgusting display of filth and rottenness. Enjoy your bitterness. I hope you can enjoy your plate of "bitter crow" now!
BTW, I cleaned up some of your grammar and punctuation too.
Danny Maynard You have NOT walked in my shoes. You DO NOT know what horrors i have seen in life, so sit your "LILY WHITE" ASS DOWN. What do you think this is? The 1700's? Do you think homosexuals are getting stoned to death in the streets? NO. they are being embraced more than ever you ignorant piece of shit. Get a life, hop off your high damn horse, and shut up. You are really fucking annoying dude.
Danny Maynard oh and if you wanna know, yes, I do believe in GOD and the BIBLE. I also love guns, and am a republican. :)
im guessing you are a democrat, douche-bama supporter, a gun grabber and drive a prius?
hope that grind your gears ya douche.
Deana Ergic ... You did reveal yourself to be a real bad person with that remark! I bet you see death, murder, killing and war as just purely business opportunities too!
Danny Maynard - Nobody is playing the victim card but you. And nobody is going to agree 100% with everyone. Basically you act as if we need to agree with gay people 100% or else we're the enemy. Sorry, life doesn't work that way. Again, I worry what would happen if you were in charge of a country... It would be Hitler all over again. Deana- Way to stick to and defend your beliefs! Don't back down girl!
John Munro ... I could never be like Hitler. I saw a PBS documentary on the rise of Nazism in the 1930s. I was flabbergasted to see that the GOP has been using the exact same strategies and tactics used by the Nazis since they put up Dubya as their candidate. You can watch that same and similar documentaries on YouTube for free.
Dubya was the second unelected GOP president too. Gerald Ford was the first, after he replaced Spiro Agnew as VP, and then "Tricky Dick" Nixon when the Congress threw him out of office for "high crimes and misdemeanors".
Beliefs ... religion ... Imaginary friends, like when you were a child!
If you believe in God and Satan, Jesus and Holy Ghosts, Angels and Demons, Saints and Sinners, Heaven and Hell, then you believe in a multi-god mythology. It is NOT a "one-god" mythology. It is exactly like the mythologies from ancient Greece, Rome, Scandinavia and China.
Danny Maynard i dont see how that ties into any of this but ok lol!!
Deana Ergic ... You now seem to be lost in your own quagmire of illogical thought and dysfunctional reading comprehension. You are the one who took the conversation away from the movie! Not me!
I am attacking no one. It is too bad if you feel guilty because of your anti-gay behavior and attitude, and then presume too far on what my comments entail or mean. You are the one who is espousing anti-gay attitudes. Not me. You are the one who has the wrong ideas about my comments. I wonder why?
We will still be here when you are long gone. How does that make you feel? Perhaps, like you lost, once more!
And your "link" with John is one of group bullying. Oh yes, it is! Even with a 70%+ majority of people who claim to be religious in the USA, legally, you cannot play the victim card, nor can you impose your religious rituals and agenda on me, or anyone for that matter.
Of course you are blinded by your religious brainwashing. I am sure you think you can do no wrong! After all, you have an invisible, eternally absent and silent supernatural being on your side. My Mother put it well: "Ask Gawd to $#!+ in one hand, and you $#!+ in the other, and see which hand gets filled the quickest." That is the essence of "God helps those who help themselves."
Queen Deana, I hope you now understand your "faith" in the NOTHING!
Danny Maynard i really want to know where you seem to get that i am anti-gay. i am not. nor do i have a right to be. despite what you seem to think (because you also seem to think you know me SO well lol) , i know i am not perfect, therefore, i cannot judge. nor is it my place to judge but GOD'S ( spell his name right). Also, not ONCE did i play i a victim card. I am honestly starting to think that you are a bit touched in the head. Your thought process seems delusional, as if the world is out to get you because you are gay. I hate to break it to you, but you are not that important, nor is homosexuality anything new.
how can you say i am wrong? because i do not agree with you? because i am a religious individual? because there have been moments in my life where i cannot deny that there is a God?
im sure you would like to know, yes, i was brought up in a Christian household. but i myself did not believe in God, or Christian teachings. but as i said, situations arose in my life that showed me that there is a God. Now please, can we have an intelligent conversation? lol
Deana Ergic ... Until you give up your religion, you cannot discuss these topic without extreme bias. It is that simple. You erroneously look at the world through religious colored glasses. At least 67% of the humans on Earth do NOT believe in your particular brand of mythology. I am one of those.
Danny Maynard to be quite frank, i really dont give a shit what you and 67% percent of the world believe in. that does not apply to ME. and it is not mythology. stop insulting my religion... have i insulted you or homosexuality even once? no. so it would be greatly appreciated if you respected my beliefs as i have yours.
Mr. Maynard I know everything I need to know about you from your faceless profile picture. Buh-bye.
Of course you care, you're a troll, which some of these people above dont seem to realize. I hope you're enjoying all this banter, i feel like you dont get out much :)
Miguel Camacho .. Nope. I don't care what you think or how you live! It amazes me that you think you have any rights whatsoever to tell another person what to do!
And your vacuous comments prove you are the troll. I just provide facts and truth. Too bad you do not like reality. Sticking your empty head in the sand is not reasonable action!
Danny Maynard Whoa when reading all these different comment threads and seeing your comment throughout I really thought you were some hopped up immature 16 kid year old boy with nothing better to do. The reality of you being some immature fat old dude with nothing better to do was rather revealing. That's all.
Danny Maynard your comments speak VOLUMES of the terrible personal you really are. Who ate you to be calling people trolls when YOU YOURSELF are trolling!
this movie is going to have one weird swordfight.
They already had a movie with a gat character. Paranorman, the buff older brother of Normans best friend was gay and said he had a boyfriend. I dont recall that movie being picketed and boycotted? And the movie was on ABC FAMILY for 13 nights of Halloween! And isnt pretty little liars one of the most popular shows on television and also has a lesbian character? Modern Family has gay dads and they are a top tv show too. Why are all the Christian people complaining? We aren't going anywhere so deal with it.
^ That, and they just sort of through that in there at the end. The movie didn't advertise with "hey there's a gay character in this", that's why it wasn't picketed. Everyone who went to see the movie who would've had a problem with it only knew about it roughly the exact same moment it happened on the screen.
My point is that its been around in other things that are popular, just like disney, so why would it matter? This is obviously a fake movie but why would it really matter if it was a focus? Thats what we are trying to do is make it something normal that people would se and go "eh i might like to see that" or go "eh, doesnt sound interesting i dont think I'll watch it" without being called bigots or sinner or whatever. People have opinions and can choose what to watch, making decisions for us is not fair.
“Should we teach our children that bestiality is ok too? Where will this end?" Beauty and the Beast....
I totally get that this is a satire site, and that's sad. I would genuinely support this movie.
It's an interesting concept, but when it comes to the gay community (sorry if this is an offensive phrase) why is it almost always men? I know that the issue was presented with Frozen and that the shop keeper was gay and then people tried to turn "Let it go" into a coming out song saying Elsa was gay, but out of everything on TV anymore, why is it that the gay community is being represented by mostly men? Why can't it be girls? How many shows on prime time actually show gay female couples? I'm not gay myself, but I do notice that they're representing gay pride with lots of males. Modern Family, Two and a Half Men, How to Get Away With Murder just to name a few. Great shows, but all the gay couples are men. Anyone else notice this trend or is it just me being selective with what I watch on TV and I'm just missing it?
Let's see... Orange is the New Black, Grey's Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars... and those are just a few off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more. Anyway, I don't disagree that gay men get more media exposure than lesbians, but I believe any LGBT representation is a positive step forward.
Thea Paps The only issue is that with Orange is the New Black, is that it's only available via online streaming so I don't think it entirely counts as 'prime time' since it's available at all times. Though you did bring up good points with Grey's Anatomy and Pretty Little Liars being prime time slots on TV. But yes, as you said, any LGBT representation is a step forward.
If this were true, I would say "Hey Deborah Aker-Knapp! At this point I would say teaching children about bestiality is better than learning your priggish values. Please don't speak for me - I'm a Christian and I think this is just beautiful. Remember the beach ball theory - after centuries of being pushed under, things are bound to pop-up, and one is not taking any more of your BS. Of course, you would like to call it oppression - wonder how that feels…"
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This is a satire website. These news are false, which makes me kinda glad. I would love a gay Disney couple and that article instilled in me a twinge of hope while I searched further through the web, but I'm also relieved it's just a lie because I can only imagine the sort of attention this would get from Conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, other anti-gay groups, etc.
posted over a year ago.
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It's fake:

posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I got all excited for nothing
posted over a year ago.
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mhs1025 said:
I knew it was fake.
posted over a year ago.