Dinozzo & Gibbs Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-6 of 6

gthouse67 said …
Gibbs is a great father figure for Tony. He stands his ground and doesn't back down. Tony has a narcasistic personality. He is always needing approval. Gibbs' headslaps gives that to him. He is always there for Tony, unlike his real father, even though that is somewhat improving. Posted over a year ago
Lie_to_Me_123 said …
Baltimore<3 Posted over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
oh yes! :) <3 over a year ago
big smile
Lie_to_Me_123 said …
Just been watching Truth or Consequences again, I still don't know how to describe how the scene outside interrogation/observation makes me feel. There are no words exchanged between the two of them, they just know that something needs to be done to find Saleem. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. FREAKING EPIC. Posted over a year ago
big smile
lilith84 said …
Please tell me I was not hearing things and Gibbs did actually call Tony 'lover boy' over the phone?! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D Posted over a year ago
Bette_dell said …
You'll probably hate me for Gibbs-bashing, but I really want to know... Do you honestly think of Gibbs as prime father material? Or does he need to go to therapy before attempting a healthy relationship with someone as sensitive and approval-seeking as Tony? I personally think that Tony deserves someone with a whole lot more heart on their sleeve, whether he /thinks/ he deserves it or not. Otherwise, he'll keep settling for Gibbs - an insensitive schmuck. Posted over a year ago
Lie_to_Me_123 commented…
I think Tony knows that Gibbs is proud of him. Remember in Bounce when he said so himself? I also think that Tony realises that the way Gibbs is the way he is, is so that he will do his job better. over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
Gibbs is a bastard, but he does care and he shows that when it really matters. I think by now everyone knows it, especially Tony. over a year ago
Bette_dell commented…
I know - it's just that the expression of anything nice is so much more of an exception than a constant reminder. I mean, Gibbs has been pretty cruel to Tony at times: the whole 'irreplaceable' debacle, the 'You'll do,' the re-entrance to NCIS after Mexico, caring more about the secrecy of the undercover op. than Tony's obvious pain at the time, not showing a little more emotion when Tony turned out to be ALIVE when they saw his car explode, not setting things straight when Jenny died, leaving Tony for last to get recruited/reunited after the team had been split, giving Tony hell for showing interest in his hometown and father… etc, etc. And have you noticed that Gibbs has stopped calling him ‘Tony’? It’s a whole lot of ‘DiNozzo’ now. I guess I just don’t like the crazy macho types, especially when they have someone like Tony tagging along like eager puppies. It sets up a lot of steady heartbreak. over a year ago
Lie_to_Me_123 said …
I got my dedicated! No idea how that happened! xD Posted over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
congatulations :) over a year ago