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Diabolik Lovers Prequel/Sequel Scanlations

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called 在原業平 - dialovers stuff
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
lorelei, known for being an obsessive rejet essayist and visual novel writer. ENGLISH/日本語/TIẾNG VIỆT OK! (I use FJ to buy stuff)
please read this first before asking me diabolik lovers-related questions. thanks.
For everyone’s convenience, I’ve gone and retroactively tagged all my Diabolik Lovers translations as “dialovers translations”. You can read all of those posts here. I skipped tagging game scene snippets because I don’t feel that those count as full translations, but you can always read all of those and my Diabolik Lovers game liveblogging on the "lore plays dialovers" tag.
You can even, if you want, go through the whole tag in chronological order. |D So it’s like you’re right there with me as I played! My original play order was Ayato -> Subaru -> Laito -> Kanato -> Reiji <-> Shu.
My current MORE,BLOOD liveblogging is on the "lore plays mb" tag, which you can also view in chronological order. Any posts containing even vague spoilers for the game are tagged "mb spoilers". My play order for MORE,BLOOD is 
Ayato -> Laito -> Kou -> Subaru -> Yuma ->
Reiji -> Azusa -> Kanato -> Ruki -> Shu.
My liveblogging of the anime is under the "lore watches dialovers" tag.
All of my meta, essays, answers, etc related to the game are in the "lore discusses dialovers" tag.
The prequel and sequel chapters are a manga adaptation of each character’s game route. Naturally, it was impossible for them to fit all 40-ish scenes into ~50 pages, so they had to selectively pick and choose a few, as well as combine certain scenes. Still, it’s a pretty good glimpse of each route. All of the sequels use the guy’s ending 01 except for Shu’s, which uses his ending 02.
The short stories all follow the guys’ Vampire endings from MORE,BLOOD and thus contain spoilers for what happens there. I scanned all 10 stories from my copy of the booklet and sent my scans to people who volunteered to translate specific characters’ stories. I will keep this list updated as translations are finished, but I cannot give a time frame as to when any of the stories will be done since that’s outside of my control. 
I didn’t. It’s not available in English. The caps you see with English on them were photoshopped by me because they’re more space efficient than having Japanese caps with translations underneath. You will notice in my later liveblog posts that I stopped doing that as much because I kept getting asked this question and it was getting on my nerves.
Where did you/can I download Diabolik Lovers stuff?
I bought it or borrowed from a friend. If you are insensitive enough to ask me about where to download stuff illegally, I will delete your ask and block you.
Not entirely, no. And due to some unfortunate circumstances, it’s unlikely that our translation wiki will ever be finished. Ili’s summaries are awesome, though, and maybe this is your chance to brush up on your Japanese. (the Japanese used in Diabolik Lovers is pretty low level, you will find)
Short answer? No. Long answer: I’m not the only person responsible for the translation wiki, I’m just the one who kind of pulled the project together so I’m not the right person to ask. I might translate the odd Ayato scene if I feel like it in the future, but I think that on the whole, everyone’s moved on to other endeavors. Motivation really dropped off after that whole debacle a while back and let’s face it, nobody really wants to finish translating when there’s a chance that someone will just steal the translation to make a patch or subtitle gameplay videos on YouTube against our wishes. ヾ(:3ノシヾ)ノシ
Please do not pressure me into liveblogging. I will liveblog MORE,BLOOD as much or as little as I want to, as time allows. When I liveblog on Tumblr, I have to be in front of my computer with my PSP plugged in for screencaps. It gets tiring and obviously I’m not always in front of my computer. It’s much more efficient if I can play the game when I want to, which often amounts to a few minutes here and there—waiting in line, between classes, when I’m downstairs watching my grandmother, etc.
Which Diabolik Lovers character is your favorite?
Ayato. *nervous chuckle* My favorite Mukami is Kou.
When are you going to scanlate Subaru’s prequel and sequel chapters?
Due to various reasons, Mitsu and I will be working together to scanlate Subaru’s prequel and sequel chapters. I can’t promise a release date right now but it’s looking to be a pretty quick cleaning process so hopefully both chapters will be done soon.
Please note that hassling us over the scanlation will not make it come out any faster. |D
I don’t take translation requests because I’m pretty busy. If it’s Ayato-related, I might do it even without being asked, but yeah sdlfkjsdlfj. If you absolutely must have something translated, my commissions information is here.
Diabolik Lovers is terrible and misogynistic and romanticizes violence/abuse and you should feel bad for liking it!
think you should feel bad for kink shaming and forcing your misinformed opinions on me, but we can’t all be winners, I guess. No but seriously, related to that last point, I’m very tired of arguing against misinformation related to this series, so I won’t bother anymore. As in, I won’t go out of my way to jump on a post that’s unrelated to me. |D It’s one thing if you have a legitimate question, but it’s another thing entirely to attack me for what I like and just assume that whatever you’ve already learned about the series must be the gospel truth. I untracked the tag and I’m happy that way because I’m trying to make my blog a more positive space for myself, at the very least. Otome games are a hobby. I play them for fun. Once it gets to the point where I dread opening my inbox and logging onto Tumblr, there will be a problem.
Right now I’m pretty okay with the state of things and it’s been a lot of fun meeting new fans and getting more people into the series now that it’s more accessible. Glad to have you! <3 If you have any other questions, I’d be happy to answer them. Just…slowly, probably. ヾ(:3ノシヾ)ノシ There’s no such thing as a stupid question, just an impolite one. |Db
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