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Carolyn's Secret Pain - Abortion seemed like the quickest choice, but healing will take forever



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Cinders said:
It's true that a decent percentage of women who decide to get an abortion without knowing the facts regret it. I think this is an excellent example of why abortion should not be a decision made lightly. Though the title sounded a little sensationalist, the story is a nice cautionary tale without blowing things out of proportion. I think the title bothered me because I hate it when people refer to abortion as a "quick" procedure.

Pro Informed Choice.
posted over a year ago.
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this article actually made me really angry. i think it's absolutely horrible that every person in Carolyn's life made her feel dirty and ashamed because of the decision she made. she obviously had no support at all throughout the whole thing, and now there are only people around her telling her she has to be "forgiven" for having an abortion? no one wonder she's so traumatized. this pretty much summed up everything i have against Christian pro-lifers.
posted over a year ago.
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I wonder if Carolyn had an abstinence only sex ed class or a bad health teacher. By sixteen she should have known that you can get pregnant while menstruating. People need to be informed before they decide to have sex or get an abortion.
posted over a year ago.