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Trump Pulls WHO Funding Amid Coronavirus Pandemic



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Ah, defunding the world's peak health body in the middle of a global crisis. I'm sure history's going to paint an incredible picture of this increasingly paranoid, self-promoting autocrat.

The WHO should've taken a stronger stance against wet markets in China, but the worst possible "solution" is pulling American funding from it. Without funding from the US, who's now the one of the largest funders of the WHO? China. Who's about to gain a lot more international soft power at the expense of the US. Lol. Good fuckin job you absolute dropkick

Trump is always looking for someone else to blame for his incompetence. While WHO was declaring a pandemic and preparing emergency responses, Trump was claiming that people's worries about Covid-19 was a "democratic hoax" and comparing it to the flu.

We don't realise all that the WHO does, but they're a very signficant part of the fact that we can live mostly without fear of catching terrible contagious dseases. They've nearly eradicated polio, and they eradicated smallpox completely. They managed and contained the ebola outbreak. They've cut tuberculosis cases in half, and saved an estimated 7 million lives through treatment of it. They're responsible for immunisation in many of the world's most vulnerable countries. They've greatly improved sanitation from what it was only a decade ago (diarrhoea from bad sanitation is the leading cause of death for children under 5 - its kills over 2000 children every day). They've improved food security and nutrition. They've implemented measures to encourage safe sex / basic contraception / reproductive rights in the developing world. They're the body responsible for keeping track of global health data (an extremely important epidemiological tool), monitoring health risks, and setting international health standards/guidelines to inform government policy (governments absolutely depend on this). During the coronavirus pandemic, they've been helping contries monitor for sick people, test samples,treat patients, amd control infection in hospitals.

This is projection and blame-shifting from a narcissist that will unfortunately have massive global ramifications. The WHO's funding has been gutted for the sake of one man's ego. Trump indirectly kills people with a stroke of his pen and will kill innumerable more. He is the absolute worst combination of evil, powerful and incompetent.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Step one: Fuck up your country's response to the pandemic
Step two: Blame the WHO for your own ineptitude
Step three: ??
Step four: maybe get re-elected for another four years

Defunding the WHO is the worst possible thing he can do at the moment. He'd be more useful if he was firing machine guns through people's windows.
posted over a year ago.