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There Were No "Macron Leaks" In France. Politically Motivated Hacking is Not Whistleblowing.

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Background: Macron emails and other documents were deliberately leaked right before the media blackout in France (two day ban on outlets covering the campaign). Some were genuine, but there were also fake, doctored documents. The media weren't allowed to cover the fact that the real documents had nothing incriminating.

It's interesting how non-right wing opponents are always the ones hacked, ain't it? Just pure coincidence, I'm sure. Not something that has been repeated in many elections.

1. Centrist, centre-left or left opponent in the lead
2. Make fake documents to try and damage them
3. Hack anything you can about them
4. Even if the hacks are nothing, scream loud enough to make it seem like it's something. Have accounts on twitter producing mass hysteria.
5. Leave the right wing opponent alone. People who align themselves with Putin don't get their shit leaked.

I wonder when we're gonna stop tolerating this stuff. The name of an employee for Russian government security contractor Evrika appears 9 times in metadata of the leak archive... I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but considering that Le Pen met very cordially with Putin and they expressed support for each other... as well as the fact that Russia wants anti-EU presidents in power because it would benefit them... come on now.
posted over a year ago.