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How To Set Up A VPN After Congress Voted To Sell Your Online Data | IFLScience



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zanhar1 said:
Useful. Will probably use. I don't want the government to know that this anarchist asexual is actually a furry with lots of furry nudey pics.

But in all seriousness the things I have to search up for my stories and fics are a lil' awkward even for me lol.
posted over a year ago.
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I honestly don't get why they did this, at all.

I can decipher the rationale, even if it's totally flawed, behind their other policies. Like, Muslim ban: "Idc how authoritarian and unconstitutional and counter-productive it actually is, imma ban citizens from 7 countries so it looks like we're tackling terrorism to people who don't know any better". Or repealing endangered species acts, gutting the EPA: "part of my virtue-signalling as a Republican is not giving a shit about the environment"

But repealing laws that prevent internet providers from selling their users's sensitive data? Why? Why did almost all Republicans vote for it? Is it just that all regulations are bad, no matter how good they are? Again, I don't get it.

Reminds me of link though. The Trump campaign spent millions on an extreme targeted advertising campaign that used people's sensitive data.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago