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Justin Humphrey Calls Pregnant Women "Hosts" for Foetuses



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Justin Humphrey, a "host" for "a diseased pile of shit where the human brain is normally held", is pushing through some A-grade, mega-misogyny here.

Women will die.
posted over a year ago.
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Fanpop is being a dick. Read the article link.
posted over a year ago.
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^I laughed and people looked at me

Links today on fanpop don't want to work apparently, but I read about this elsewhere. How some douchecanoe in Oklahoma legislature said pregnant women are “hosts” whose bodies no longer belong to them once they are “irresponsible” enough to have sex. Some good ol' fashioned sex-shaming, don't you love it? Like you have to be a virgin forever if you're not prepared to have a child. He then introduced a bill that would force women seeking an abortion to get written consent from the foetus' father. Like it should be some other person's choice whether she has to go through 9 months of total upheaval and subsequently have her life changed forevermore. Disgusting.

Aside from that slight issue, do they realise that reproductive coercion is a thing? Like where a dude sabotages birth control in order to maintain power, control, and domination within a relationship and over a partner through an unwanted pregnancy? Something that 9% of American women have reported having happened to them and classified as form of domestic violence? So basically this rule would give an even greater ability for abusive partners to control the other, by literally forcing the woman to be reliant and connected to him for the rest of her life.

Republicans are so frickin backwards istg.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago