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Trump Fires Acting Attorney-General For Doing Her Job


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As someone who just did constitutional law, I can't tell you what a worrying precedent this sets up.

She got fired precisely for doing her job, not failing to do it. The US Justice system is not there to rubber stamp the President, or to support any executive order or law introduced - in fact, to do so would be antithetical to their role. They are there to provide a check and balance. They must ensure that government power is used in a lawful and constitutional manner. This separation of powers prevents a democracy becoming authoritarian.

With all this in mind: the Attorney-General advised Trump that his executive order might be unconstitutional, so he fired her. The message? Anyone who criticises me risks facing the chop. People who stand in the way of what I want are not doing so because their duties mandate they do so, they are just antagonising me and "betraying" (the White House's literal words) their department.

Does anyone realise how dangerous this is? Does anyone care?

Before the election, we said that even if Trump gets in, the checks and balances of the system will restrain him from doing anything too stupid. But in the first week, he has shown his utter disdain for these same checks and balances and set a precedent to weaken them. At least the Trump voters got what they wanted: he really is running government like a private business.

Anyone not worried about him is simply ignorant of history, politics, and the way our legal system works.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago