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Trump declares his inauguration date a "National Day of Patriotic Devotion"



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jlhfan624 said:
As far back as Eisenhower, inauguration dates have been on January 20th. Obama declared "his" date a National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation. George W declared the 21st a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving. So what's your point?
posted over a year ago.
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The "Totes not Orwellian at all. Nothing to see here peeps." was the point.
posted over a year ago.
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jlhfan624 said:
There's nothing Orwellian about it.
posted over a year ago.
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It's an Alternative Fact.
posted over a year ago.
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"Reconciliation" and "Prayer/Thanksgiving" imply good relations and gratefulness to humanity and/or God. "Patriotic devotion" is fawning loyalty to country and leader. The former sound pretty generic western world, US-style stuff. The latter sounds like something out of North Korea.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Let's break it down, shall we:

A day of "Patriotism" -
Trump has a record low approval rating, his inauguration events had low turn outs, he did not win the popular vote and the day after his inauguration saw one of the biggest American (and global) protests ever in response to his rhetoric. Labeling his inauguration as "patriotic" thus further fuels that divisive rhetoric: you are either a patriotic American who joined Trump on his day of "patriotic devotion"; or you an unpatriotic "loser", to borrow a Trump word. He is continuing to build up that idea that he and his supporters are the true "patriots", the only ones who should be in power and the only ones worth listening to. This supports his extremely narrow view of what America is and should be as all that is "patriotic" and those who don't agree with him are positioned as "treasonous" (or so says crazy old rich white man and rabid Trump supporter Jon Voight).

"Devotion" -
ThePrincesTale is bang on: this is straight out of North Korea and other extremely authoritarian regimes, who merge the ideas of patriotism and devotion so that devotion to the country, the its leader, becomes unquestioning. If you question, you're a traitor to your country. If you aren't pushing that message of "patriotic devotion" (or at least not resisting it), then you are traitor to your country. These are the tactics used to control the masses in North Korea, Russia, a multitude of African nations...
posted over a year ago.