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The Arizona Republic Endorses Democrat Candidate For the First Time in Its 126-Year History


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The link is absolutely brilliant and well worth a read.

It’s rather long so here are some highlights:

"The challenges the United States faces domestically and internationally demand a steady hand, a cool head and the ability to think carefully before acting. Hillary Clinton understands this. Donald Trump does not.”

"When the president of the United States speaks, the world expects substance. Not a blistering tweet."

"Trump’s long history of objectifying women and his demeaning comments about women during the campaign are not just good-old-boy gaffes. They are evidence of deep character flaws. They are part of a pattern.Trump mocked a reporter’s physical handicap. Picked a fight with a Gold Star family.Insulted POWs. Suggested a Latino judge can’t be fair because of his heritage. Proposed banning Muslim immigration.Each of those comments show a stunning lack of human decency, empathy and respect. Taken together they reveal a candidate who doesn’t grasp our national ideals”

"We understand that Trump’s candidacy tapped a deep discontent among those who feel left behind by a changed economy and shifting demographics. Their concerns deserve to be discussed with respect. Ironically, Trump hasn’t done that. He has merely pandered. Instead of offering solutions, he hangs scapegoats like piñatas and invites people to take a swing.”

"The president commands our nuclear arsenal. Trump can’t command his own rhetoric"

"Her [Clinton's] approach to governance is mature, confident and rational."
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago