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Stumping Anti-Abortionists



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Cinders said:
To be fair to pro-lifers, their goal is prevention. They believe that if abortion is illegal, then it would decrease the instances of abortion.

Similarly, I believe that there ARE pro-lifers who believe that a woman should spend time in jail for obtaining an illegal abortion. You know, if she's not dead in the street by then due to the likely unsafe and unhygienic circumstances.

However, there is another point here: The point of outlawing something is fear of reprisal. If women are not punished by the law, then what should they fear from the law? It's like when they make marijuana illegal but make it their lowest priority. If you don't enforce the law there's no point in having a law.

Less radical pro-lifers (those who believe abortion is wrong but don't necessarily protest outside clinics), may have more interesting responses to this question. Like I said, I wouldn't doubt if some of them believed that a woman who obtained an illegal abortion should be punished in some way.
posted over a year ago.
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In my country abortion is mostly illegal and for woman who had an illegal abortion, there's no any punishment. Only doctor is punished. I think that's stupid. In my opinion woman who had an illegal abortion should go to the jail.
(sorry for my english)
posted over a year ago.
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Dearheart said:
I am strongly pro-life, but I also strongly believe that the woman should never be sent to jail. The pressure from other people to do it, the guilt and depression that come as a result of going through with it...abortion makes HER the victim as much as the baby. :-(

There are some instances where abortion is the lesser of the two evils in my opinion, though. If the pregnancy endangers the mother's life or would end up killing both her and the baby in the end...well, it's better to sacrifice one life than to lose two. So I'm not sure abortion should be COMPLETELY illegal or not. That's still something I'm trying to decide for myself.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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harold said:
This is interesting. Has it been this way in your personal experience? The people I've talked to who are against legal abortion are all pretty decided on what the punishments for convicted "offenders" should be, whether it be fines, various sanctions, or prison sentencing. I've never talked to anybody yet who hadn't thought out what the consequences of breaking the law they envision would be.
posted over a year ago.
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adavila said:
so this is just another religious movement I thought it was something more serious
posted over a year ago.