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Ann Coulter on CNBC: Jews Need "Perfection"



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Cinders said:
My favorite part:

DEUTSCH: But -- so we would be better if we were - if people -- if there were no Jews, no Buddhists --

COULTER: Whenever I'm harangued by --

DEUTSCH: -- in this country? You can't believe that.

COULTER: -- you know, liberals on diversity --

DEUTSCH: Here you go again.

COULTER: No, it's true. I give all of these speeches at megachurches across America, and the one thing that's really striking about it is how utterly, completely diverse they are, and completely unself-consciously. You walk past a mixed-race couple in New York, and it's like they have a chip on their shoulder. They're just waiting for somebody to say something, as if anybody would. And --

DEUTSCH: I don't agree with that. I don't agree with that at all. Maybe you have the chip looking at them. I see a lot of interracial couples, and I don't see any more or less chips there either way. That's erroneous.

COULTER: No. In fact, there was an entire Seinfeld episode about Elaine and her boyfriend dating because they wanted to be a mixed-race couple, so you're lying.

DEUTSCH: Oh, because of some Seinfeld episode? OK.

OK, seriously, when you use a TV show for your main support in an argument-- and a COMEDY making FUN of things, nonetheless-- you are NOT making a good point.
posted over a year ago.
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Cinders said:
A good comment I found on the article:

"Ms. Coulter, as always, expresses an interesting point of view that echoes in Hitler, Himmler and Heydrich logic and rationale. Jews, as "non-perfected" individuals are not truly human. In the same way, Moslems, Hindus, Budhists and all others who are not Christians are also "non-perfected" human beings. Mormons, including Romney, are non-Christians and are non-perfected. As we wish to perfect the world, we must, as a charity to those who are imperfect, extirptae them. Now, once we do that Ann, we must look at Christians, all that would be left in your world and decide who is "perefected." Anglicans are a splinter group from the Roman Catholic faith; their origins were premised on Henry's greed and lust. We must then kill the Anglicans. Evangelicals - they were not handed the power from Peter, so they are not perefected - liquidate them. Greek and Russian Orthodox, they are not like us, so to the showers with them. Then we can start on the ethnic groups left in the Holy Catholic Church of Rome - Irish, they are all drunks and not perfected, sorry Bill O'Reilly, strip and to the showers. Black Catholics, not mentioned in the Bible - shoot them. German Catholics, we all know they are Nazis - to the camps with them. In the end, there will be the Pope and Ann. Since the Pope is a man, he cannot be perfect. Ergo, there will be Ann left alone but the world will then be perfect.

Come to think of it, are we sure that Ann does not have some Jewish blood, that nose of hers is the giveaway. To the showers Ann, you lack perfection."

-- John Brzustowicz
posted over a year ago.
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HA! Love that comment.
posted over a year ago.