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Ohio lawmaker introduces bill regulating men’s access to Viagra


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bri-marie said:
So, obviously the article itself is pretty interesting, given all that's going on about women's reproductive health right. However, a lot of the comments bring up some interesting points.

"Two wrongs don't make it right. Let's not get in a race to the bottom, let's increase citizens privacy rights, especially with regard to health care."

"Someone put up a Bill that not only limits men's ability to get Viagra, Cialis, Penile Implants, Penis Pump etc, but stricter limits on Vasectomies as well. If you snip him, that will PREVENT the Sperm from dancing with the Egg and thus preventing all the pregnancies the RW Fascists want to foist on women.
And while were at it, how about a Law that requires Condoms to be sold BY PRESCRIPTION ONLY? After all, there are men and women in this country that are allergic to Latex and the use of a Condom by the partner could cause a nasty allergic reaction. In order for a man to get a package, which will now quadruple in price, his partner would have to submit to testing to prove she or he is not allergic first. Of course all this testing would have to be paid by the partners.

"Why not restrict accsess to vascetomies? Isn't that an actual equivalency, and, unlike the pill, the only reason for a vasectomy is as a contraceptive?"

"Limiting coverage in insurance plans? That wasn't by government fiat, Madam Senior (An Ohio state senior Love it). That was by private choice.
Let's just have the government pay for our aspirin too. I've gotten a headache dealing with Prog's childish behavior.
posted over a year ago.