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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Gross - Jon Stewart Responds to Limbaugh



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Cinders said:
"So it's Rush Limbaugh! Is it particularly vile Rush Limbaugh, of course. That's like saying, 'This is a particularly pungent bucket of raw sewage mixed with rotting cow guts and typhoid...' He's a terrible person."

Every time I lose faith in humanity, Jon Stewart restores it.
posted over a year ago.
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Cinders said:
Oh, and also!

"Two things, all right, two things. One, this isn't about paying for women to have or not have sex. It's about an insurance mandate from the government covering contraceptive medication as part of women's overall healthcare. And two, it's not your tax money that pays for it, but I'm not even gonna get into your roundabout argument about somehow money is taken out of your pocket to pay for Georgetown's private insurance plan whose contraception coverage would ultimately bring insurance rates down. I'm not even gonna get into that, and I'm not gonna get into the Catholic church, because you don't even pay taxes at all... I'm just saying to the people who are upset about their hard-earned tax money going to things they don't like, welcome to the &^#$ing club. Everyone, everyone pays for &%$# they don't want to all the time. You know what, reimburse me for the Iraq war and oil subsidies and diaphragms are on me. Nah, prophylactics are on the house."
posted over a year ago.
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Me: "Fuuuuuuuuuuuu-" Rage face.

Stupid Australia, being the epitome of nowhere. Stupid american website, not letting South-Somewhere partake in the joy of their videos.

I feel so unloved :'|

posted over a year ago.
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Cinders said:
I'm sorry! I know Canadians and Europeans can watch it. Dunno why Australia is excluded. :/
posted over a year ago.
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Haha lol we are forever forgotten xD

No need to apologise! :D
posted over a year ago.