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"No on Prop 8" Rally Gets Ugly



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Cinders said:
I'm not sure why this was rated so low.

It's true that there is ugliness on both sides of the fence. The amount of footage of violence I have seen is pretty much equal for both sides.

I think the thing about prop 8 is that it riles everyone up who has an opinion about it. It's supporters get overly excited about it, and those who are against it get overly upset.

It's never cool to stomp on a cross. Don't do drugs, don't stomp on crosses. Just say no, kids.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Dearheart said:
Meh, I don't really care how people rate this. If it's just a dumb tit-for-tat thing, it's not worth wasting my worries over. ;-)

And yeah, I totally agree with you on that. I remember seeing footage of a "Yes on prop 8" rally getting ugly. After watching it, I felt depressed the whole rest of the day, lol. I mean sure, I believe that "marriage should only be between one man and one woman" and that homosexuality is wrong...but treating other people like trash because of it? That's just as wrong (if not more so).

Love the sinner, shun the sin...why can't more so-called "Christians" wrap their brains around that simple concept?? *sighs* Now I feel depressed again.

Excuse me while I watch another episode of Fullmetal Alchemist to cheer myself up, lol... :p
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Cinders said:
FMA could cheer anyone up. I recommend episode 5 or 37. One of my favorite lines is in episode 5, and 37 is just plain funny.

Indeed. In "Religulous" Bill Maher thanked a congregation for being "Christ-like" and "not just Christian." Because these days, not everyone who calls himself a Christian is Christ-like.
posted over a year ago.