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ANNE PAULK: former lesbian



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Cinders said:
That's an interesting point of view, and I'm glad she found a way to be happy. Good for her.

Most lesbians and gays that are out that I know are happy, though, and none of them were abused as children. So while a good case study, it's still just one person's story. Still, a good story to hear.
posted over a year ago.
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Well yeah. I just feel, and yes it is just my viewpoint, is that it is a choice. I also feel it IS between them & God and nobody has the right to judge.
posted over a year ago.
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Cinders said:
I can't really argue with that then. Believe what you will, so long as one doesn't impose those views on others.

Sometimes, even I break this rule when I try and "convert" people to my line of thinking. But I think it's true. Share your ideas and beliefs and explain why you believe that, but... don't necessarily expect that person to drop their beliefs and take up yours. LOL.

It's like I said, everyone believes what they do for a reason. Talking about it is how we understand each other.
posted over a year ago.
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As someone of faith in God & Jesus, it is the best way I can put it, as my brother made me realize. He was a Salvation Army officer, but left for personal reasons. But he still holds onto his title as minister of the Assembly of God. I always went to him, my late father (rest in peace, Daddy) and mother with all my issues. That's what they helped me see is that EVERYONE is flawed, sinful, and have no right to judge others.
What other people do, believe, and feel is between them & God alone. You cannot make anybody believe in God. As a Christian, if we are to be worth our wieght in salt, is to 'present' our faith, but it is up to that other person to choose the faith as their own.
posted over a year ago.