Critical Analysis of Twilight Why I Think People Hate and Love Twilight

booklover13 posted on Oct 03, 2010 at 04:09PM
This is just my opinion, so dont get mad at me for it!! Thanks!!

People hate twilight because of all the hype it gets. when someone (or a group of people) obsess over something, it takes away from it. when people say they don't like twilight, obsessive fans get all offended, but do they ever realize that THEY are the reason people are so against it?? if there werent team jacob wristbands and team edward tshirts everywhere, there would be less haters!! and people who have never read the book have NO room to talk when insulting it cuz THEYVE NEVER READ IT

People like twilight because edward and/or jacob are their dream guys. and instead of going out and finding their own edwards and jacobs, they bury their noses in books and are happy with that.

i personally have read all the twilight books. i do not think the storyline was poor and teh haracters undeveloped. it was a good plot, a good story, and a good read. i didnt want to read it at firt because of all the hype it was getting, but once i did read them, i enjoyed them. they were by no means my favorite books, but they were good.

again, this is my opinion, so please dont be hating on me, but id love to hear your own opinion, whether you agree with me or not! thanks!!

Critical Analysis of Twilight 8 replies

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over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Um, I don't hate Twilight because it's popular. If that was so, I'd hate cookies and kittens as well. No. I hate Twilight because of the 2d characters, the empty plot, and the sissy vampires.
over a year ago booklover13 said…
but my point is that people arent wearing shirts that say "I LOVE COOKIES" and "TEAM KITTEN". the obsesson it gets is what a lot of people hate, even if they dont realize it.
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
but my point is that people arent wearing shirts that say "I LOVE COOKIES" and "TEAM KITTEN".

In my school, they do. True story.

But MY point is, the obsession is not the only reason, if it WAS a reason at all. You can't just hate something coz people like it, that's just petty.
over a year ago booklover13 said…
Exactly. But people do
over a year ago renrae said…
Um, no. They don't. Everyone I have spoken to has included the hype as a contributing factor to their dislike of the series--the hype as in: it's overexposed, too much of one thing is bad, I don't like having it shoved at me everywhere, etc.

Also, the majority of antis have, at least, read the books.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I don't not like Twilight because there's so much hype. I don't like Twilight because I don't like the plot (or lack there of) and the morals it promotes - e.g. climbing into my bedroom window to watch me sleep is sooo romantic. Um. NO! It's stalkerish.

I It's not just that it's hype, it's that it's hype over something that can be damaging to it's audience. That's different.
over a year ago rachaelwsz said…
i personally have read all the twilight books. i do not think the storyline was poor and teh haracters undeveloped. it was a good plot, a good story, and a good read.

Stephenie Meyer never really bothered to develop the characters, in my opinion. Heck, she didn't even bother to give Paul and Jared each a last name.
Girl, you really have to check out this website: link

It points out A LOT of weaknesses in Twilight's plot and a great many linguistic mistakes in the series (and Meyer's intensive usage of the thesaurus). (Refer to pic.) One page of Bella's miserable life on a day without Edward at school. *shakes head*

People hate twilight because of all the hype it gets. when someone (or a group of people) obsess over something, it takes away from it.

It takes away from what?

when people say they don't like twilight, obsessive fans get all offended, but do they ever realize that THEY are the reason people are so against it?? if there werent team jacob wristbands and team edward tshirts everywhere, there would be less haters!!

You meant that Twilight is overexposed? You can say that.

and people who have never read the book have NO room to talk when insulting it cuz THEYVE NEVER READ IT

Excuse me, your sentence does not make sense. I don't get it. I've read all four books (including Midnight Sun) fyi...

I mainly do not Twilight because of the hyped-up romance between Bella and Edward. I do not find their relationship romantic at all. It takes more than just clinging(or in Bella's case, obsessing over) onto someone and exchange 'Romeo & Juliet quotes' to have a relationship. Bella and Edward's love is very superficial to me. It's all, "You're beautiful.", "You're perfect.", "I cannot live without you.", "If you die, we die together.", "I watch you when you sleep because I love you and care for you.", etc. NO, NO, NO. That is not a healthy relationship at all.

<i>i personally have read all the twilight books. i do not think the storyline was poor and teh harac
over a year ago Mrs_Marbles said…
Well, I've read it.... and througly hated it. Although, I do agree with you that if there were less rabid fans then it would be 99% hate.