Critical Analysis of Twilight How should we celebrate?

Dearheart posted on Feb 28, 2010 at 12:30AM
Hello, my dear, adorable, crazy kittens! Momcat here! As I'm writing this, we have exactly 846 fans...and it won't be too much longer before we hit 1000. If you ask me, that's something to celebrate!

I've had it in my head for ages now that we should all get together and do something really big and special for when we finally reach the 1000 mark; and I've been brainstorming up tons of ideas. But I'd really like your input, too! I know it's a bit early, but if we want to do something big or collaborate on anything, it'd probably be good to start planning ahead now.

Should we do a real party, with presents, games and activities on the CAT? Or should we do something smaller, like contribute something extra special or exchange props? If we DO have a party, how big should it be and how long should it go on for? And what sort of games and activities could we do?

Some of my celebration ideas are as follows:

- Give props to our lucky 1000th fan.

- Invite members to PM and tell me ONE THING they love about the CAT. After I get everyone's responses, I'll put them all together in an article, post it up and let the kitties bask in the warm, fuzzy glow of it.

- Have everyone doodle or photograph their cats (or a cat they think is cute, if they don't HAVE a cat pet), upload it to photobucket, put their username and which "team" they're on in the picture and decorate it CAT-style.

- Come up with a silly CAT/Twilight-related limerick or haiku. Won't matter if it's pro, anti or something in-between, but it HAS to be fun or silly and comply with Da Rules.

- Play "Hit or Glomp". I upload one picture of Edward Cullen and one of Bella Swan, both with big red targets painted on them, and you have two choices. Those choices are...nevermind, the title makes it pretty obvious. xD If you can't decide between hitting or glomping or don't feel like doing either, you have the option of saying five words or less to them instead.

I do have a few more ideas (plus a few little surprises up my sleeve which I won't tell you about until later, mwahaha) but I want to hear some of yours before I share any more. I refuse to do all the brainstorming myself. =P

last edited on Feb 28, 2010 at 12:50AM

Critical Analysis of Twilight 5 replies

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over a year ago katiecain said…
Have everyone doodle or photograph their cats (or a cat they think is cute, if they don't HAVE a cat pet), upload it to photobucket, put their username and which "team" they're on in the picture and decorate it CAT-style.

I vote this one!
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Agreed with katiecain - that'd be awesome! I would love to do something big and extravagant. I don't really know what though. I've been on holidays too long all creative ability has left me. Hit or Glomp also sounds like a lot of fun.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Excellent ideas. I love the haiku one. Hit or Glomp also sounds fun. Gah, I can't choose!
over a year ago Dearheart said…
Well, who says we can't do more than one? =P
over a year ago rachaelwsz said…
Have everyone doodle or photograph their cats (or a cat they think is cute, if they don't HAVE a cat pet), upload it to photobucket, put their username and which "team" they're on in the picture and decorate it CAT-style.

I think I have the perfect pic. =D