Critical Analysis of Twilight I REALLY am sorry.

MrsEric_M posted on Jan 29, 2010 at 07:52PM
People, just forget all the stupid stuff I did. I didnt mean it. I was just expressing myself in the first place. And yes a couple of you got mad, and then I felt threatend. I am a sensitive person. I suffer from depression, bipolar, anxiety. So I get panic attacks, and rebell sometimes. If you knew my parents you could ask them. I hate that Im this sensitive but I got to doctors. I feel alone so this is the place I go to to feel like I am part of something. I didnt know or I forgot the rules of fanpop I screwed up on my stupid fanpop spot. So please just forgive me and I will contain myself best I know how.
People, just forget all the stupid stuff I did. I didnt mean it. I was just expressing myself in the

Critical Analysis of Twilight 4 replies

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over a year ago Plenilunio said…
Aw, such a cute puppy!

There is nothing to apology for, honey. Let's just forget it all and let the party continue! I'm happy you changed your mind and decided to stay, I'd love to see you around pointing and laughing or ranting at the rant thread if you feel like crying "enough! I'm so *beep* sick of all this *beep*!"
over a year ago Cinders said…
I believe you. I've seen you around, and I know you don't mean any harm. You're a good user. We still think you're awesome, so stick around!
over a year ago Dearheart said…
If Cinder believes you, then I believe you too. (And besides, anyone who's brave enough to own up and apologize for something is automatically awesome in my book.) ^__^

You know, nobody's perfect and everyone messes up; that's just part of being human. So please don't beat up on yourself. One of my favorite quotes says: "An error is not a mistake unless you refuse to correct it." And you've just corrected it! So you're cool! =D

And I understand it can be hard, especially when you're bi-polar. I don't suffer from it myself, but I have a lot of family members who do. So please know that you are definitely NOT alone and we won't judge you or anything. And if there was anything I said that hurt you, I'm really sorry. It's just that maintaining peace between the pros and antis can get a little difficult, ya know? Sometimes I have to crack down hard to keep a flame war from erupting.

But really, the CAT can be LOADS of fun when all the kittens play nicely. ^__^ We've had some really good times here, and we want you to be a part of it! So please don't feel too worried about anything. Jump right in! As long as you have a good attitude, you'll be sure to make lots of friends and have a total blast.

Oh a fellow anti, I completely understand the need to vent sometimes. So if you'd like to express your Twilight rage a little more, feel free to pop on over to the link =)
over a year ago katiecain said…
Sorry, I didn't see this before I commented again on your answer. Don't worry about it. Do feel free to vent in this spot, we all just have to be respectful about it. :D I too suffer from depression and slight anxiety so I know how hard that can be.