Critical Analysis of Twilight Anything noteworthy?

xmirage posted on Jun 14, 2009 at 02:37PM
Yay! Let's get the ball rolling! :D

Since there will definitely be many negative things coming along, let's start with something nice and friendly first~

Which parts of Twilight are noteworthy? Or at least interesting and/or something you like.

(please no 'EDWARD CULLEN!' spams, thanks...)

Critical Analysis of Twilight 11 replies

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over a year ago Dearheart said…
Kudos to you for starting on a positive note!

I'd have to say the one thing I loved in both the books and the movie was Bella's dad, Charlie. He is such a sweet, caring, thoughtful guy. It ticks me off that Bella was such a twit to him in the book. (Bella was plain unlikable in the book, PERIOD. She was a better character in the movie, I think. Kristen Stewert did a halfway decent job of her.)

Anyway, yeah. Dads are awesome. Screw Edward; I'm team Charlie! =D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago moon_rose said…
I agree; Charlie is best part of the books.
... well, he’s pretty much the only character I like.

What has been bugging me, though: if Charlie, a cop, is Bella’s father... how did she end up so ignorant? One would think that the daughter of a police officer could defend her self... or at least know what shouldn’t count as okay behaviour.

Makes me wonder how different the books would have been if Charlie had raised her from the start ^^
over a year ago Dearheart said…
Haha, good point. You'd think the daughter of a policeman would be able to recognize mental abuse when she sees it...or at least know to never walk at nighttime by yourself and STAY AWAY FROM DARK STREETS WITH CREEPY MEN. *coughCOMMONSENSEcough*

But then, Mr. Stalkerpants--er, I mean Mr. Sparklepants wouldn't get to swoop in, in all his glorious shiny volvoness, to heroically save her! teh GASP!!1
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago renrae said…
My noteworthy part of Twilight is also a character, Angela. She is levelheaded, kind, and doesn't completely obsess over her boyfriend, Ben. I also like him.

Charlie is awesome, too. And the books would be very different if Charlie had raised her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xmirage said…
I actually liked the ending of the first book, where it was left somewhat mysterious as to whether or not Bella would be turned into a vampire. It left room for the readers' imagination and was a pretty satisfactory ending. Unfortunately, the other books kind of ruined that ending :X
over a year ago moon_rose said…
An other question concerning Bella: does she have a personality? At all?
I know the book is written in a way that you can substitute yourself in her role, but I never would have imagine that someone could write a character so bland.
That’s an accomplishment on its own.

I couldn’t do that even if I tried O_O
over a year ago electric_ninja said…
I tended to think the characters were interesting minus Edward. There's probably one character I consistently like and that's Alice.

Oh,and while we're on the subject of Charlie's unpolicemanfather behavior, why did he seem to care about Alice so much? (Yes I read all the books.)
over a year ago liissaaxx said…
That's what I thought too. It was strange to me why Charlie thought so highly of Alice.

I've read all the books and Alice and Jasper are my noteworthy parts of Twilight. I have to admit I do like the books a certain amount but I hated the movie.
over a year ago housefrk said…
I actually did like Alice, I didn't have a problem with her. I didn't have a huge problem with Jasper either, but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that he didn't talk all that much.

Anyway, Alice was my noteworthy character
over a year ago housegrl32 said…
I'll jump on the Alice bandwagon; she was the only character I really liked in the book. If someone had written a series starring her, I would totally be on board.
over a year ago xmirage said…
Agreeing with the Alice thing, she was my favourite character (: