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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

Does anyone else feel that they can't STAND Renesmee Cullen? Do I sound really tight?

 Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

Nicoleandjames said:
I can't stand her either she is a verry unessicary character. There was no need to even put her in it she just ruined twilight even more then it already was. Does any body else feel that she was imposible to begin with.
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posted over a year ago 
yea I think so too-I really thought she was gonna die
summerfrog posted over a year ago
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
she does really ruin twilight and i hate her so much! edward and bella should've get rid of that little thing!
mommylove123 posted over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 said:
Lol, no. She's just a child, she doesn't do much either way. There's not much to hate about her.
Most of the reasons people give for hating Renesmee are too funny. Especially "She's well behaved" or "she;s not a normal baby". She's not supposed to be a normal baby. I wouldn't find it so humorous if the Bella DID have a normal human baby who was supposed to behave like a normal human baby.

As for the "she shouldn't exist" argument, I just think most people haven't really thought about it enough. It's plenty plausible in my head.
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posted over a year ago 
Especially considering all the other dhampirs that came before her. I don't like Renesme, but I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.
November99 posted over a year ago
Renesmee isn't a bad character, it's just in the movie they chose the wrong actress to portay her. Otherwise, she seems nice in the movie, but WAY TOO perfect in the book.
doremi1234ify posted over a year ago
jacob4ever57 said:
Oh the ways I hate that child...How shall i start? Hmmm the choices.
Well one like everybody else said, it's so impossible for her to even exist it's not even funny. There's no way on earth Edward could've have had a kid with Bella. (I say Bella cheated. Lol jk jk).
But yeah and then she grew up in like 2 weeks! Wtf? that was just....ridiculous!!!! And oh Jacob imprinting on her?! That's what really got me. THAT'S SO SICK!! SHE'S NOT EVEN A DAY OLD AND HE'S IN LOVE WITH HER!!!! I am so team Jacob, but i really don't like him after he imprints. He doesn't seem as fun anymore. (Same with Edward he seems more annoying in BD)
*Sigh* I just hate that demonic little thing so much. The vultri should've killed her...Excuse me. It.
OHH!!! And i forgot! Another thing is the way Bella wanted to keep the little thing!! It was so stupid! She could've died, but yet "Oh no it's not a thing!! Shut up! I love the little monster!" Good God get real.
Woooo that was a long rant! Alright well I'm done now! I usually just block the whole Renesmee thing out of my mind anyway and just forget BD ever happened, and that Eclipse ended with jake coming back, and imprinting on someone, oh i don't know someone a little more realistic than a half vampire - half human!

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posted over a year ago 
Ah such true points.
Free_Spirit posted over a year ago
i still got a creepy feeling that so many pedophile rejoice watching the imprinting scene in the movie...
ClaireVoyant posted over a year ago
u r so right she is alittle monsyer
khaliah107 posted over a year ago
You hate her for a bunch of things she didn't do?
cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
PlaceboEffect01 said:
Yes. Besides the fact that (and I know this has been repeated so many times) Renesmee is physically IMPOSSIBLE to conceive, (EDWARD HAS NO SPERM) she is PERFECT and those characters always annoy the hell out of me.

I remember this.

Renesmee: It's my fault isn't it.
Everyone else in the room: No, no! Of course not!

Yeah it ain't your fault, you demon baby Mary-Sue but it's your creators. Bella, Edward and Stephenie Meyer.

Renesmee is cute, Renesmee is smart, Renesmee is adorable, Renesmee is complete bull.

That is all.
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posted over a year ago 
kellysimona posted over a year ago
I agree. I always thought Renesmee was more Mary-Sue than Bella. The 'perfect' little girl from the 'perfect' couple...
katiecain posted over a year ago
Haha thank you.
PlaceboEffect01 posted over a year ago
Indi124 said:
Dude don't be a bitch. If you read the WHOLE book without skimming it like a lazy asshole you would understand How Nessie became what she is. Her father is A Vampire, A smart one at that, so why not make her smart? Stephanie Meyer is like any other Author writing a book just for the hell of it. No one cares that you don't like Renesmee, we'll live. How does a vampire on twilight have a baby? Men don't don't have a woman's body dead or not. Men can have a freaking a freaking baby when ever they want 100 or 13. Unlike a woman who, menopause. There are also many other character's in movies like twilight that has Vampire and half Human Children Like blade. No one cares how he was born. Your only acting like a douchebag because it's twilight.
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posted over a year ago 
dinglebell14 said:
no and yes. no because she sounds really cute ! but yes because she is from twilight -.-'..... and she sounds ... well... never mind... XD
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posted over a year ago 
she's a little demon who needs to be slayer by buffy
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
Ha ! That would be funny! XD
dinglebell14 posted over a year ago
She would be wed to Lucifer...
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
renrae said:
I like the anti-fanfiction version of her more than her.

(fanfic version: lesbian, runs away from the Cullens, changes her name to Rena, and finds a way to stop glowing in the dark.)
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posted over a year ago 
YES thats a way better story!
summerfrog posted over a year ago
OH MY GAWD! 'Mazing! :)
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
okii dokii i have other words!
Myf_1992 posted over a year ago
snoznoodle said:
She's the last straw of sanity which snapped. I had no problem whatsoever with the books until her. "Renesme Carlie"?? are you serious?! And there's been plenty of discussion - it's not possible for her to exist in the first place! Maybe I should thank SM - if it wasn't for the wrongness of Renesme I would have never realised that the whole series was extremely bad. No I realy CAN'T stand her.
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posted over a year ago 
Not the only one then. :)
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
She's created vampire laws just to completely went against them!
Vikitoria posted over a year ago
jacob4ever57 posted over a year ago
summerfrog said:
I think everything about Renesmee is ridicules! its like S.Myers got so excited that everyone liked her book that she had to take it further! and Edward doesn't even to the bathroom how did he make a baby?! it was more like S.Myers wanted to make a teen drama than a vampire story by making Nessi
but thats just me
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posted over a year ago 
I know! I thought vampires were dead. And everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is supposed to be dead, but, oh! Wait a minute, these vampires don't burst into a fiery flame when they're in the sunlight, no. They SPARKLE, with diamondy elegance....... THUS ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE!
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
The first HP book is my fav. Sorry I didn'y answer earlier...
Phoebe_Gabriel posted over a year ago
lolzz its okay even i havent been on fanpop alot these days
chagrin91 posted over a year ago
chagrin91 said:
i really cant stand her either i mean who is she? i hate her alot i cant stand her coz she is only 2 or three years old in just one week wich is impossible and she already knows that her mom and dad are in stress and she is calming them by saying everythn will be okay i mean wtf i hate her i really do ( though am a big twilight fan but renesmee kind of ruins it for me some time)
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posted over a year ago 
HA! "i mean WHO IS SHE?" Gigggggggggles!
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
lolzz yeah true she acts like a 60 year old being hardly three year old
chagrin91 posted over a year ago
Myf_1992 said:
Renesme is annoying to me because she is so illogical. SM ignores obvious impossibilities to play happy families.
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posted over a year ago 
Free_Spirit said:
NO i am totally with you. Renesmee is so annoying. She's too perfect. Why can't one of the vampires have a flaw. Anyway she's actually a little bit hm i can't find the word, but i feel she wants to be the best at everything like when she getsupset when she see's Bella as pretty.

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posted over a year ago 
exactly you just took that from my mouth i mean that tooo
chagrin91 posted over a year ago
kellysimona said:
I hate her! Maybe more than I hate SM! Ok, definitely not more but she's second. She spoiled the whole book (not that the horrible writing was helping Meyer!), it was just awful! I mean one moment Jake hates her and than he's all lovey-dovey ??? Puh-lease! Him and Leah are way better, but that goes agains Meyer's policy that love happens at first sight, and you can't love someone you hated! Woman, read Pride and Prejudice, the people who fight are usually like that because they have feelings for each other! Renesmee ruined the book for me mostly because of Jake, but also because she's a spoiled little brat! When Nahuel came I was jumping up and down and scraming "Take that, you're not really one-of-a-kind are you!" And I know she's a baby (oh, and fictional), but she shouldn't be so perfect, she is half human! I'm perfectly all right with Rosalie for instance or Emmett because they have character flaws (vain,childish) but Edward, Bella and Bratsmee are way to perfect to be not annoying!
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posted over a year ago 
He he Bratsmee!!!!! lol!!!!! I totally agree with everything you said. I mean who is she? She's half Bella correct? And the human Bella did have flaws. But Renesmee... no she has to be perfect just because SM is obsessed with children. And SM has always wanted a daughter right? If I was one of her SONS I would never talk to her again!
Phoebe_Gabriel posted over a year ago
lolzzzz its soooooooooooo true renesmeee did ruin the whole book for me tooo
chagrin91 posted over a year ago
horsemad1110 said:
I absolutely loathe Renesmee. Not that I don't adore Jacob and the Twilight Saga, (Though I wish James had killed Edward and Bella...) No-one can be perfect. Stephenie Meyer made her sound like a Goddess, which she is clearly not, and obviously, ruined Jacob's life. SM added a completely unnessasary and impossible chapter to B.D. as Edward, a vampire, is dead, has no beating heart and no pulsing blood, had a baby with a living, breathing, moronic girl named Bella. Then there was the disgusting part of Renesmee breaking bones, causing bruises and mentally ruining Bella. I agree that Renesmee is a total fantasy.
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posted over a year ago 
sm made renesmee like that daughter of corner in angel series in wich she takes over the world and everybody likes her and everythn
chagrin91 posted over a year ago
shriekingshack said:
I really can't stand Renesmee. I mean a half-vampire/half-human baby? That ridiculous. And first of all, how was she even created? I mean how did edward and bella manage to make her? Edward's a vampire. And she grows sooo fast. It's actually quite annoying and .. weird. And jacob imprinted on her?? That is so weird. So if he can't have bella he'll have her daughter? And S Meyer made her seem so perfect and beautiful that it's so annoying
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posted over a year ago 
mommylove123 said:
Yeah I know!! ITS FREAKING WEIRD!!!!! what the hell is a half human half vampire?????? She's making twilight not my favourite series anymore!!!!!! And what's a name called "Renesmee" ? I know Edward or bella gave her the name.. I don't blame these two.. All I'm thinking about is renesmee and he way she smiles and she show her teeth!!
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posted over a year ago 
khaliah107 said:
I hare that little devil she is so ugly that every time I see her the trash can screams but let me make a list of all the stuff that I hate about renesmee.1.she is a mistake to begin with 2.she is a horriable little monster 3.she stole my man cause I'm team jackup and I saw a preview and she was all cuddle with my man and that just made me mad and made me want to gp to Hollywood and go up to her face and start punching her face until it bust open and she dies
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posted over a year ago 
TriaRose said:
I really, really, really loathe her, even more than I hate Bella (and I hate Bella a lot). She is obviously Meyer's perfect daughter. I really hate how she's all "Renesmee was beautiful, she was so smart, she was so talented, everyone who laid eyes on her loved her" especially the last one. Seriously! And the fact that she NEVER cried or did anything wrong! She was such a Mary-Sue, and she was soooo annoying to read about! And I won't even start on the imprinting or the fact that she really shouldn't exist. Yes, I do hate her, and I think a lot of other people do to.
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posted over a year ago 
Babies cry because they can't talk. They have no other way of telling people what they need. Renesmee didn't need to cry because she had the power to tell anyone whatever she wanted by touching their face.
cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
I didn't hate her just because she didn't cry. I hated her because she was a Mary-Sue, and she was boring and pointless and annoying to read about. Her perfection really bugged me, because I really hate Mary-Sues and she was the definition of a Mary-Sue, even more so than Bella.
TriaRose posted over a year ago
The point of Renesmee is so she can be the protagonist of the next book.
cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
Please God no, don't tell me that there's going to be another book!
TriaRose posted over a year ago
alexisn10 said:
I don't see why everyone hates her so much. Like Cassie said, she's just a child. I found her character enjoyable. But then again, I haven't read the books in years. Maybe I'll change my mind if I were to read them now...
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posted over a year ago 
graystone said:
Yes, count me in. She is way too perfect, the perfect hybrid of perfect parents. Oh, everyones loves her too(even the enemies). She's portrayed as being more mature for her age, can take her of herself and grows at an exceptional rate( so that Jacob doesn't have to wait long).
Summary: Annoying
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posted over a year ago 
ayygurl said:
I don't like her either, I love Bella and Edward's love story not her.... I mean she is okay but I only want to watch the movie because I love Bella and Edward's connection!!
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posted over a year ago 
This might just be me, but, I don't like her b/c when Bella is thinking about her, it kind of takes the Edward away from Twilight...
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posted over a year ago 
Melanie_84 said:
Yes i hatw Renesmee. Such a pointless character who adds nothing to the story.
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posted over a year ago 
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