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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

If you like Twilight, then why?

Tell me why you like it. I ask those who would comment ''because Taylor Lautner'' or ''because of Edward Cullen'' or any other actor and/or character to either think of a normal reason to like the books and/or movies or not to comment. It's you who give us bad names.

Now my reasons:

My name is TrueTwi_hard. Not because I am a true fan of Twilight, but because I am a fan of the true Twilight.
You see, every book is written to teach you something. And I think Stephenie Meyer did a wonderful thing by writing Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Every chapter of the books shows you to love, to surrender, to fight for those you love, and to sacrifice yourself, if nessecary, to save those. It teaches you that, when you do a good thing, or you just live the way God, Karma, the universe, or wathever it is that is watching us, wants you to, you will get something that is worth living for.
Those are my reasons. I like Twilight because it teaches you to live.
 TrueTwi_hard posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

-Grace- said:
Hello :)

Characters, setting, plot. These are the things that I value in a story :) I couldn't care less about literary merit. So long as the writing is at about the level of good quality fan fiction, that's good enough.

Character personalities: I find the characters in Twilight very endearing :D They're amusing, humour is important! I enjoy their distinct personalities and the way they bounce off of one another. Of course characters also have to be moral, and the Cullens are so enough for me. I find Carlisle quite inspiring, as it's my dream to become a doctor ♥

Setting: In the case of Twilight, the vampires and the love. I don't think setting is the right term, but basically, whatever it is about the story that you want to experience. When you read Harry Potter you want to go to Hogwarts, LOTR you want to travel with the fellowship, and in CHERUB you're a spy ^_^ With Twilight, you want to be a vampire, and in love. It's in the nature of the magic of stories that they can take you anywhere. Where exactly is one of the most important parts :) I like the vampires in Twilight, I'd love to have an indefinite period of time to learn and experience and just live :)

Plot: Self explanatory. It's not as important to me as the other two, but still a major :)

That's all for now ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
Misguided_Angel said:
When I first read twilight I was a fan of Edward, and that was it. But as I've gotten older (because I read the books in like 2007) I've come to see it in a diffrent light. Im not an Ed-Head anymore. I like Twilight because it lets me see some pretty basic life-facts,and helps me get through them, but adds a mythical sort of sense.
Twilight deals with love, and life, and friendships. As well, as growing and changing as a person, and learning to see the world in different lights.
Plus, I just love vampires. and Romance.
I also love the characters. Particularly Rosalie and Esme.
Most people can't honestly say that, but I can. Rose and Esme both delt with something that I myself lived with for a long time, rape, and abuse. To see their characters having delt with that, but still being happy, beautiful, and in love, it gave me hope.
And thats a big deal.
So I love Twilight because it helped me through a tough part of my life, and introduced me to some of the greatest people on the planet.
My friends, who are also Twi-Hards.
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posted over a year ago 
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