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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

Name ONE GOOD, LOGICAL REASON Twilight is good

'Cause I have no idea what makes Twilight so special. I know a lot of people who are die-hard Twilight fans, but I just can't see ANYTHING GOOD about that saga! And don't give me the "It's so sweet!" or the "It's like the best romance of the era!" or the "You just don't get it!" crap. Every fan tells me these (or a version of these), and I can't see any of it in the series.

I'm just kinda wondering (plz don't arrive at my house with pitchforks and torches!)
I'm a fan, but I find the angry "Twilight is good because it is!" sentiment perplexing. It reminds me of those Apple Jacks commercials (Adult: Why do you kids eat this stuff if it doesn't taste like apple? Kids: (shocked silence) ...We just do!).
Dragonclaws posted over a year ago
You have more than 10 reasons here. Hehe. I really don't like Twilight, but it's good to look at it's good parts from time to time
TrueHufflepuff posted over a year ago
I used to love Twilight, I actually still do, but i've read the books when I was quite younger, they were 4 of my firsts book. And I was a total twihard, I admite it, but I grew up. I've read more books. And realized they were not THAT good as I thought they were.
Miss_Salvatore_ posted over a year ago
in my personal opinion, the best books for young readers are Suzanne Collins' trilogy, "Hunger Games" I really loved'em!
Miss_Salvatore_ posted over a year ago
 partypony posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

GemonkDruid said:
It promotes healthy eating?

I don't know, lol.
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It promotes healthy eating?

I don't know, lol.
posted over a year ago 
lolz XD
partypony posted over a year ago
ros59 posted over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 said:
I have personal reasons for liking it.

There are many aspects of the series that I relate to (the ones people have deemed unrelateable. Go figure) Some small details, some general themes. It's nice to finally find a series that hits so close to home that doesn't try to guide me to a specific decision. I'm not looking for advice, so I don't want a book that will send me a posetive message that I should incorperate into my everyday lifestyle.

It's just nice to know I'm not the only person who can relate to certain things (obviously, Stephenie Meyer can, or can at least understand that a person can)
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posted over a year ago 
Good girl
youknowit101 posted over a year ago
TrueTwi_hard said:
this is my main reason:
I like twilight because of the storyline, the sentences and the actions.
When I read twilight, i think of my choises, and what I would do. I think of how I show my loved ones that I love them, and I think about what I would do for true love.
When I read New Moon, I think about what I would do for the people i truly love. And I realize, that I would hurt myself. I would do everything for them. I know that I would make sure they are happy, and if that's by making myself ripped apart, I would happily be ripped. I would match them to my enemies, if that's the way to make them feel love, without being hurt.
When I read eclipse, I imagen how it would be to be on the same front as my enemy, and I have desited, that it doesn't matter. As long as being on that front, would make sure my loved one is save, I would go through eveything, see them kiss in every possible way, just to make sure she won't get hurt.
When I read Breaking Dawn, I realize, ones again, That I would happily live through every pain people can imagen, to love my loved ones. When that means that my ribs are broken, my lungs half beaten and my stumach ripped apart, I would be glad. That means I'm still alive to see my loved ones. I would welcome death, if it saved my family.
The whole sage, makes me think about life, and how less I care about my own. I think, and I know, that, as long my loved ones are still alive, I would walk straight in the arms of death.

also because of this:

It makes me look at my live because I imagen myself in her live. When I do that, I see the things I do wrong. I see what I should, and would, do for everybody around me. Bella is quite selfish. When I read Eclipse for the first time, I realized I am too. I wás quite selfish. Now, I ask my family and friends to tell me when I go that way again. It helps. I'm not that selfish anymore. A lot of Bella's bad things I have to. When I read her mistakes, I see what I can do to don't make them myself.

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posted over a year ago 
November99 said:
First, not a hate spot.

Second, although I don't care for the series, I liked the Cullen family. Not Edward, but the rest of them weren't bad. They were nice, but still had that vampire quality that made them dangerous. I also really liked that Edward pointed out that having powers wasn't all it was cracked up to be (thanks, mandapanda).

As for the things the die hard fans have said, I can't agree with those no matter how hard I try.

Also, Twilight is not a "saga". It is a "series".
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posted over a year ago 
well, alot of people here keep calling it saga for some reason...
partypony posted over a year ago
Oh who cares what it is. That which we call a rose by any other :)
-Grace- posted over a year ago
A rose can be called a lily, but still looks like a rose.
November99 posted over a year ago
snoznoodle said:
I don't like it anymore but I do give it credit for starting a trend with my friends and I. If you turn off the CAT within you and just go with story and just enjoy the cheesiness and crapiness of it all you can actually have a good time. Thanks to Twilight my friends and I have basically started an unofficial book club where we read cheesy young adult books and can just talk about the hot love interest etc. It's immature and we all know better but it's just fun to switch off and go with it sometimes. We know its all crap, and sometimes the crapiness makes it even more fun. (E.g. City of Bones - the love interest... meant to be her brother. HILARIOUS and so bad it's just awesome)

We all can't stand Twilight anymore but it did start the trend and I'm happy for that.
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posted over a year ago 
"I don't like it anymore but I do give it credit for starting a trend with my friends and I. If you turn off the CAT within you and just go with story and just enjoy the cheesiness and crapiness of it all you can actually have a good time." Same.
rachaelwsz posted over a year ago
Just wondering... Is The Mortal Instruments any good? I've seen them on the book stores' shelves but I don't know whether I should try them out. And from your comment, I'm getting the impression that it's bad.. So, is it bad? lol
rachaelwsz posted over a year ago
Ahhhh.. I see.. But still, uhhhhh. That sounds mighty awkward.
rachaelwsz posted over a year ago
Sugartooth900 said:
The Fire xD
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posted over a year ago 
tomfeltonfan44 said:
There is no answer to that question cause Twilight ain't good...its like a toilet
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posted over a year ago 
go away if you don't like it then,why are even in this spot
ros59 posted over a year ago
It's fine, ros. This is a place to discuss the good and bad, not necessarily a place for liking.
cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
yeah, i know, i could not think of a answer so i just posted that.........
tomfeltonfan44 posted over a year ago
theblondegirl said:
I think it's a fun book to analyze. It reminds me of the media criticism- courses I attended at school. There's so many underlying messages and contradictions there.

Personally I also appreciate the fact that it opened my eyes as to how whiny and negative a person can be even if they're not complaining out loud. I try to look for the bright side of life by thinking that "wow, this is exactly what Bella would think" if I start to feel too negative about something. That certainly helps me to not get whiny!
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posted over a year ago 
partypony posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
I liked Twilight for the general story line and some of the minor characters. I also liked that you didn't have to over-analyze everything (like some books *cough*HarryPotter*cough*). It was nice to just sit and read and not need to think.
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posted over a year ago 
not need to think... I think too much then... impossible...
partypony posted over a year ago
bri-marie posted over a year ago
No, you don't NEED to. But leading up to the seventh book, you sat and thought about what everything meant, try and figure out what was going on/what would happen. There was no reason to in Twilight - everything was cut and dry.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
Renarimae said:
Well, I'm actually quite a bit of a fan, and I will say that many of the characters are good. I like most of the characters, though I'm starting to really dislike Bella and Edward. Though the sparkling is a bit lame, I will admit, I do think that having powers is a very interesting thing. And it's also very fun to analyze.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree
ros59 posted over a year ago
i agree too
Tavril posted over a year ago
TeamSiriusBlack said:
I guess it teaches kids abstinence?
One of the reasons I hate Twilight is that Bella gets pregnant at 18. She's too young for that (I think so) so it teaches people the concept of no sex when you're a teenager becasue most aren't reay. She certainly wasn't. (Especially with a demon baby.)
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posted over a year ago 
On the surface, yes, it promotes abstinence. Yet, at the same time it doesn't because Bella is horny for Edward troughout the series. Basically the message is: if you love somebody it means you are obsessed with having sex with them up to the degree of having them blackmail you into marriage. And if you really love someone you let that person decide everything when it comes to sex. Girls identify with Bella, not Edward - if they start putting their sexuality to the boy's hands, chances are the boy's aren't going to say no like Edward did.
theblondegirl posted over a year ago
xxXsk8trXxx said:
Charlie is the only awesome character in the series. Oh, and his mustache.
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posted over a year ago 
lilcherrywine posted over a year ago
Mmmm No,not to me any way
ros59 posted over a year ago
We all have different opinions.
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
ros59 said:
Because it is.Don't question its power.
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Because it is.Don't question its power.
posted over a year ago 
Because this is a valid reason...
i-am-mariella posted over a year ago
it is a highly valid reason :)
bluecementicing posted over a year ago
*bows at sarcasm hand*
HecateA posted over a year ago
RavenclawRocks said:
There is NO good reason. It is rubbish
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posted over a year ago 
Tavril said:
well.i really dislike Edward and Bella .
and i dislike the sparkle thing.vampires don't sparkle
and that she selfish because she let 2 boys fighting around her
but the only good thing about twilight is the Cullen family .i love them all but not Edward
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posted over a year ago 
how can you not like edward? he's the best thing about the books except...can't think of anything
bluecementicing posted over a year ago
okay :D
Tavril posted over a year ago
XChatterbox14x said:
That the vampires aren't dressed in stereotypical black leather and red clothing. To be honest after watching the movies and reading the books thats the only thing i can think of that's actually good about twilight! :)oh and also charlie, because in the movies he's normal, and he creates a different atmosphere rather than the sci fi, dark, vampire stuff. (Not a very good word stuff, but i wasn't sure what to type) He also sometimes brings a bit of humour.
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posted over a year ago 
bluecementicing said:
it makes you feel good cuz your own life isn't so shit.

also it just is.
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posted over a year ago 
so shit? yes, the horrible things Bella goes through. Being forced to apply to college she doesn't have to pay for, becoming beautiful, dating the man of her dreams while another hot guy drools after her, being one of the most popular kids at school and ending up living in the same family with the richest fictional character in the history of literature. Oh, woe is her!
theblondegirl posted over a year ago
Darkshine said:
Tyler's van.

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Tyler's van.
posted over a year ago 
TrueHufflepuff said:
All the simple humans: Jessica, Angela, Mike, Charlie, Renee, Ben... they worth reading for: just simple, casual every-day people but yet realistic.
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posted over a year ago 
darkaqueltis said:
I totally agree. Twilight is stupid. The vampires bask in sunlight, fall in love and basically it is a mockery of all the vampire legends! They twisted this story too much. It is some stupid romance novel that made the characters supernatural. SPARKLES???? come on. t
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posted over a year ago 
XbloodyXroseX said:
Honestly, I don't exactly hate the Twilight series but I don't love it either. (For me)The ONLY logical reason Twilight is good is the fact that it proved to me that some people that I had many doubts on their ability to read ANYTHIG actually read a book, even one as bad as Twilight.
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posted over a year ago 
Gred_and_Forge said:
Leah Clearwater.

She was the only likeable character in my opinion. I felt sorry for her that she never got her own happily ever after (I hate you for that SMeyer). I don't know why the pack thinks she's a bitch. She had every right to feel that way. At least she didn't try to kill herself when Sam left her (*cough* Jacob *cough*)

As for the bloodsuckers, Jasper was cool, but mostly because Jackson Rathbone. I don't really like Alice after the way she treated Jake in New Moon.

[My choice for the casting of Leah before Julia Jones was chosen]

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Leah Clearwater.  

She was the only likeable character in my opinion.  I felt sorry for her that she never got her own happily ever after (I hate you for that SMeyer).   I don't know why the pack thinks she's a bitch.  She had every right to feel that way.  At least she didn't try to kill herself when Sam left her (*cough* Jacob *cough*)

As for the bloodsuckers, Jasper was cool, but mostly because Jackson Rathbone.  I don't really like Alice after the way she treated Jake in New Moon.

[My choice for the casting of Leah before Julia Jones was chosen]
posted over a year ago 
ladywyze said:
Jacob Black.

For me, he is the only one reasonable character in the Saga. I'm his fan. Twilight is nothing without this happy wolf-man. :)
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posted over a year ago 
yes yes yes
kava posted over a year ago
xDark_Angelx said:
Some people just can't see through the books, I guess. I understand. I was like that at first, but eventually, I got to understand SOME good qualities there to Twilight. One way the series is good is that it's creative in ways. Meyer decided to make vampires sparkle. I know what you're thinking: "How stupid is that?! Vampires don't sparkle!"

But the fact that vampires exist allows the possibility of vampire qualities to expand widely. There is no limitation to what you can make vampires do. Meyer is someone who was daring enough to jump out of the "coffin-sleeping, burns-into ashes-by-the-sun, murderous vampires" scenario, and made vampires who shine in the light and can control themselves and fit into society if they want to. While some think of it as ridiculous, I and some others might find it as interesting and creative.
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posted over a year ago 
BlueBrooke said:
In my personal opinion, there are a few little gems in The Twilight Saga that seem to shine through the gushy romance, and baseball (._.) and a lack of plot. To keep it nice and simple, here's a list:

1. The Best Book is the Book You Relate To ~ The Twilight Saga is written in first person, that makes it easier for people to put themselves in Bella's place. When you do that, it becomes magically wonderful.
2. It Makes You Think ~ Admit it, when you first read the passage where Edward sparkles like a shiny sparkle rainbow, you thought about it long afterward. I know I did, especially the whole dynamic in the Southern Vampire Wars, and the Volturi, for a time, it fascinated me. That makes it memorable, that captures your imagination, which makes it good.
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posted over a year ago 
shibo226 said:
Well I'm not a fan anymore, but when I first read the books I liked them.

I guess I liked them because they appealed to my inner-girlyness thing. It was a bit like reading a crappy romance book, when you read it a second time and think about it, it's not that great. But the thing about twilight is, it's not meant to be read then thought about. It is essentially a crappy romance book that you read when you are feeling down.

...I'm trying to say it's not a very good noval,as when you read a noval you want to be not only entertained, but also be thinking, you know trying to figure characters out and the plot. Twilight would have been better off as a single, shorter story....

And I think I strayed from the original point
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posted over a year ago 
adelissa said:
ok, I am 30 years old and I read the series and loved them. Now, maybe it is due to my years or I think too hard but to me it is so much more than just a story. My favorite thing about it is the one liners. I laughed so much. Also, it made me think about a lot of spiritual issues. The idea that one person fulfills all your needs is so wrong on so many levels. It is fun to read but it reminds me that as a Christian only Jesus as a right to be my center. It made me think about how the way Bella can see so much more clearly as a vampire, that is how it is going to be in heaven. The clarity. The idea of suffering for love, I thought of Christ dying on the cross...Now I am not mormon and I know the author is and I have heard that is why she focused so much on the marriage being the end all to happiness (they believe that people are married in heaven) but as a Christian, I was struck with all the illustrations of Christian doctrine in the book. Also some of the pitfalls of human females when it comes to lust...
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posted over a year ago 
-Grace- said:
Firstly, I'm not going to claim that Twilight is good. I don't believe that books can be "good" or "bad". You can have good/bad literature, because that can be measured objectively, but not good/bad books. Whether or not someone likes a book is based on personal preferences. It's too subjective :) It wouldn't make sense for me to say "Twilight is good because it has these elements", just like it wouldn't make sense for you to say "Twilight is bad because it has these elements". We can only say "I like/dislike Twiight because it has these elements, which I personally like/do not like".

So I will do my best to explain logically why I like Twilight :)

I love the characters. Characters are the most important part of a story to me. They have to be funny, humour is important. They have to be the kind of people I would be friends with in real life, and the Twilight characters are!

I also enjoy SM's vampires. I love the air of mystery, and kind of dark glamour they have.

Also I'm a romantic, so of course the romance is appealing :) Especially Alice and Jasper's relationship. That's the kind of relationship I will have.
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posted over a year ago 
Me_Iz_Here said:
Twilight is like soccer.

You sit through 2 hours of people running around and no one scoring, and then you have a million fans claiming that you "Just don't understand."


It's just nice to read, I guess. It's kind of exciting. I honestly have no logical reasons that I can think of right now. Ask the fourth-grader-me, the girl who was on a Twilight obsession kick. I'm sure she'll have some good reasons.
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posted over a year ago 
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