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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

How is Twilight like Romeo and Juliet?

I've asked this on the Twilight spot but to no avail. I honestly don't understand how people --Twilight fans-- can compare Twilight to Romeo and Juliet. They are completely different. Seriously, could someone (preferably a Twilight fan but if you aren't and understand the concept that's great too) please explain this to me? Twilight's not about forbidden love, it's not a satire, Edward and Bella don't commit suicide at the end, Edward is nothing like Romeo...
 renrae posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

GemonkDruid said:
Well, Bella and Edward did come close to committing suicide... and didn't both relationships start, like, after ten seconds?

And people say that R and J is a tradgedy. Twilight is the same. It was a tradgedy... it was ever written. :/
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posted over a year ago 
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
PaulInDaHood said:
Like everyone else said, there ARE some similarities. I don't think it was based off of Romeo and Juliet, but if it WAS then it was rather loosely based, anyways, the love isn't exactly forbidden, but he's a vampire and she's a human, so it's sort of difficult, especially when you consider the fact that he has to resist eating her whenever she'd nearby.

Also, they "Fall in love" way too fost. It's sort of a love at first sight/rushed sort of thing, like Romeo and Juliet see each other at a party, and after barely exchanging a word, they're in love. Same pretty much with Edward and Bella, only they meet at school.

To add to the whole "forbidden" thing, yes, their parents don't exactly oppose it in the books, but Charlie doesn't really like Edward very much, at least at first. Plus, how do you think he'd react if he found out his daughter is dating a vampire? Probably in a similar way to how Lord Capulet would react if he knew Juliet was in love with Romeo, except of course, different century, different punishments, XD.

Also, they both get married young, qnd their ages were rather far apart when you consider it, I mean, Juliet was 13 and Romeo was 17, not such a huge difference when you consider the fact that Edward is almost 100 years older than Bella, but still...........

Though they don't actually DIE in the end, there is the whole almost-battle with the Volturi.

Hope this helps, and yeah, I agree they arent the most similar books in the world, but they do have thier similarities. whats funny is that most of the things I don't like about Romeo and Juliet, those characteristics are shared with Twilight.....weird.
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Like everyone else said, there ARE some similarities. I don't think it was based off of Romeo and Juliet, but if it WAS then it was rather loosely based, anyways, the love isn't exactly forbidden, but he's a vampire and she's a human, so it's sort of difficult, especially when you consider the fact that he has to resist eating her whenever she'd nearby.

Also, they "Fall in love" way too fost. It's sort of a love at first sight/rushed sort of thing, like Romeo and Juliet see each other at a party, and after barely exchanging a word, they're in love. Same pretty much with Edward and Bella, only they meet at school.

To add to the whole "forbidden" thing, yes, their parents don't exactly oppose it in the books, but Charlie doesn't really like Edward very much, at least at first. Plus, how do you think he'd react if he found out his daughter is dating a vampire? Probably in a similar way to how Lord Capulet would react if he knew Juliet was in love with Romeo, except of course, different century, different punishments, XD.

Also, they both get married young, qnd their ages were rather far apart when you consider it, I mean, Juliet was 13 and Romeo was 17, not such a huge difference when you consider the fact that Edward is almost 100 years older than Bella, but still...........

Though they don't actually DIE in the end, there is the whole almost-battle with the Volturi.

Hope this helps, and yeah, I agree they arent the most similar books in the world, but they do have thier similarities. whats funny is that most of the things I don't like about Romeo and Juliet, those characteristics are shared with Twilight.....weird.
posted over a year ago 
While the stories have elements in common, the exectution is entirely different in both stories.
renrae posted over a year ago
Just have to I totally agree
cmr1200 posted over a year ago
shibo226 said:
First off I apologize for any bad spelling.Ok I studied Romeo and Juilet last year in english and had to do an exam on it. In my opinion, I don't think Shakespeare meant it to be a 'love story' but a tradgity, and focussing on how Romeo and Juliet rushed into it and their stupidity.
Twilight relates to it in the sense that they rushed into love. That is all that is similar, it's not forbidden(As I see no one stopping and by Ra has the human/vampire couple been used to death) no one dies (it's a vampire book and no one died...come on! death comes with the teritory!)
I would also like to contradict myself, earlier I said it's similar cause they rushed into love.I lied...sorta(like science teachers) It is not exclusive to Romeo and Juliet. I see it almost everyday...teenagers rush into relationships and 'love' all the time. It's nothing new or's as common as the common cold.
So no Twilight is not like Romeo and Juliet.
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posted over a year ago 
Friendly_Girl said:
It's not. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, they both die in the end and everybody try to separate them. In Twilight, the story is more like an old-fashioned fairytale. The characters live happily ever after in every way possible, and the only one who has doupts about their relationship is Edward himself because he thinks he's too dangerous for her. I never saw it as an examble of a forbidden love.
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posted over a year ago 
NomyCake said:
I've never really understood it, either. I think it would have to do with "forbidden love" because Edward is dangerous and whatnot. Maybe the "twoo wuuv" between them. That's just my theory, though.
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posted over a year ago 
...but it makes no sense! *is braindead* Urgh. I think you're right, but people who compare them are still Missing the Point.
renrae posted over a year ago
Indeed they are.
NomyCake posted over a year ago
well, It was kind of forbidden thanks to the Volturi and the Werewolfs. The Volturi protecting their "family" vampires, and the werewolfes protecting their human "family" . It was just thanks to good friends (basically the Cullen-family) and time and the use of head that kept them from the same destiny as Romeo and Juliet. That's how I see it, however.
Medieval-lover posted over a year ago
Karipoof said:
Um I'm a Twilight fan but I honestly don't see how it relates to Romeo and Juliet and that's weird because I'm going to be studing Romeo and Juliet this semester. Maybe because Romeo and Juliet were forbidden to love each other and Edward and Bella were forbidden to love each other because one was human and the other wasn't.......but I don't really know. At the end of the semester I'll tell you what i think about the comparison, after I study Romeo and Juliet.
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posted over a year ago 
Ah, than you. As somewhat of a Shakespeare nut, it really bugs me when people compare them because the themes of both of the stories are very different. :)
renrae posted over a year ago
oh well I guess I'll find that out during the semester.
Karipoof posted over a year ago
Oops at the end of the year.......just found out I'm studying it for the entire year............
Karipoof posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
Because neither one is actually about "love." Romeo and Juliet's relationship is lust. So is Edward's and Bella's, if you think about it. The only "forbidden" part of Edward's and Bella's relationship was that he was a vampire and she was a human.
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posted over a year ago 
...that's mostly my point, kind of. The thing is that while from a fan perspective of Twilight, Edward and Bella's relationship may be considered 'true love', as well as from the author 's perspective.
renrae posted over a year ago
HecateA said:
Ha! StephM does admit Twilight is lust!

No, I don't get it either, Romeo and Juliet are much younger, people will be reading it in 400 more years, people don't die in Twilight, Juliet is not that hard to please and it is really well written.

Personally I think its just to say its a love story, even if Romeo and Juliet is lust.
Also maybe they compare Jacob to Paris, as in he likes Juliet (Bella) but Juliet (Bella) likes Romeo (Edward).

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posted over a year ago 
I honestly don't believe most young Twilight fans know who Paris is.
November99 posted over a year ago
November99, I'm reminded of why I love you.
renrae posted over a year ago
probably not, but the older ones do. I'm pretty sure the Twilight moms at least, they probably don't like Twi for Jacob's abs...
HecateA posted over a year ago
...oh honey if you think Twimoms are not hormone driven I envy your innocence in this area.
renrae posted over a year ago
snusnu13 said:
it isn't. Bella and Edward SPOILERS SPOILERS have a beautiful happy ending while Romeo and Juliet both die because of there love for one another. Bella and Edward don't love each other, they lust each other
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posted over a year ago 
In the book, Romeo and Juliet aren't in love either.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
Only in the biological sense of the word.
renrae posted over a year ago
update: We are studying romeo and juliet and I hate it, well it's better than Twilight but I can't understand it at all
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
qtpievy said:
i think stephanie meyer meant for new moon to be kinda based off of romeo and juliet. It's kinda forbidden love cause edward doesnt want to change her into a vampire and so they cant be together forever, but that doesnt really make sense so i dont know about that. but the whole italy part at the end is suppose to remind you of romeo and juliet, especially cause edward and her watch it in the beginning. But he trys to get those italian guys to kill him and i think that is where everybody gets the idea of romeo and juliet.
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posted over a year ago 
snoznoodle said:
The only real similarities I see is the fact that Edward was going to commit suicide because he thought that's what Bella did. But as usual it only ALMOST happened. Man I wish it happened... Anyway other than that - I got nothing.
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, hey, someone I know! Hi! And where has everyone else gone? :( //off topic. I think you're partly right, there. Apparently New Moon was actually based on Romeo and Juliet? :/
renrae posted over a year ago
Oh hi! I know *whispers* they must think they have "a life"... whatever that is. Why did she have to try to rope her story in with better ones? She's sucky.
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
NO! Shoudn't have happened, the 2 othe rbooks would've been more depression! Is that worst then whta thye are?
HecateA posted over a year ago
Psh, a life. Who needs one of /those/?
renrae posted over a year ago
juste_123 said:
It turns a bit 'Romeo-and-Juliet' in New Moon. In RAJ one of them (don't remember which one, sorry) commits suicide because they thinks the other is dead, and Edwards almost does when he goes to the Volturi because Bella, 'his only reason to live, if that is what he is' dead.
(If that's how the story goes. Or is that more like Mark Anthony and Cleopatra? New moon is like Mark Anthony and Cleopara) I think, but Twilight certainly isn't like Romeo and Juliet. And that's comming from a twilight fan.
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posted over a year ago 
Romeo kills himself because Juliet faked her death, but he didn't know she faked it. Juliet wakes up to find him dead, and kills herself.
November99 posted over a year ago
Confusing, yes?
November99 posted over a year ago
juste_123 posted over a year ago
Oh, I get it now!
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
ArcticWolf said:
I think some BELIEVE they are similar because they are both so-called "forbidden love stories". The fact that Edward is a vampire and can't be with a human is the whole forbidden thing right there. It's not about their love being forbidden by people - it's more or less being forbidden by the laws of nature or whatever. And in New Moon, Charlie's rage at Bella leaving to go to Italy for three days, then being ticked off at Edward for putting her through all the pain, made him, for lack of better term, "anti-Edward". And that seemed good enough for forbidden for all those obsessors.

As other people have said before, it also has a lot to do with the "plot line" of New Moon (well, the remaining scraps of plot the book dangerously lacked until the last hundred pages). And after the fact that Edward was about to supposedly die to save Bella (by SPARKLING - *maniacal laughter* Sorry, I never got over that), it made people come to the conclusion that "Hey - that's kind of like the Romeo-and-Juliet storyline!!!" (The fact that Bella made those painfully obvious similarities throughout the book may have contributed to this belief.) You also might say that both Romeo and Juliet, and Edward and Bella, were similar because they were in lust, not love. But unfortunately, the people who compare the two couples are usually Twilight-lovers, and therefore don't even think about the lust because they believe both couples are in love. So that rules out the the lust theory.

I'd say the only reason people are comparing the two is because everybody knows Romeo and Juliet, so when they hear Edward and Bella also have that "forbidden love" factor, they immediately jump to the conclusion that it's about RaJ, because RaJ is pretty much the most famous forbidden love story of all time, and therefore they should be compared, assuming, of course, that they are both in love, not lust. (Which they are not.) :)

Well, there's my theory.
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posted over a year ago 
lauracullen66 said:
you need to remember that the story (particularly new moon) is LOOSLY based off R + J...

1. Forbidden first love
2. Lovers are from different worlds
3. society keeps them apart
4. There is a thirs guy (Jacob/Paris)
5. they end up getting married
6. being together is dangerous
7. one ends up trying to kill themselves due to belief that their partner is dead
8. both end up dead (vampires ARE dead)
9. conflicts caused by religious beliefs

1. Lovers' relationships with their "parents"
2. one has a relatively happy ending
3. one results in offspring
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posted over a year ago 
Explain. How is Edward and Bella's love 'forbidden'. Nothing is stopping them from just vampifying her. Society does not keep them apart. I'm not accepting the 'vampires are dead' thing here, it's completely different. And how are conflicts caused by religious beliefs?
renrae posted over a year ago
Society doesn't keep them apart, Edward does because of his own moral problems with the situation. Nobody else knows that Edward is a vampire - to 'society' Bella is incredibly lucky. When Jacob finds out he'd quite like to keep them apart but he can't stop her.
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
The Volturies wanted to kill her (which would make Edward kill himself of grief) because human knowing about vampires might be considered a threat, and if Bella would want to become a vampire, the werewolfes clearly said they would have to kill them. So society did try to keep them apart, and it is kind of forbidden, especially to the Volturi. And had they acted as quick and head over heals as Romeo and Juliet, it most likely would have ended the same way.
Medieval-lover posted over a year ago
maryksand said:
Personally, I think even if there are some similarities, they are rather non-specific and common - it's like when sometimes stories about bad boy/good girl or "We can't be together because society tears us apart" are being compared to one another even if there are not alike at all in general, especially in terms of characterization and plot. Same with Twilight and Romeo/Juliet. The only similarity I personally could find is how rushed both Edward/Bella and Romeo/Juliet were in terms of romantic feelings development. Other than that, the genres of both stories, characters and storyline are entirely different. Romeo/Juliet main theme is how parents can ruin the lives of their children by not accepting or respecting their wishes, so the main conflict is not even RJ forbidden love but the way their feelings are treated by their familes that got cought up in wars and fights. Edward/Bella love on the other hand is forbidden because like someone mentioned before, it seems quite unnatural for a vampire to be with a mortal girl - unless he turns her into a vampire, which technically wouldn't be natural too. Romeo and Juliet is a satire/tragedy whereas Twilight is romance/adventure genre so even here there are no similarities. Character personalities are not alike at all as well.

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posted over a year ago 
Well, I recently read something about the similarities between Romeo/Edward and Juliet/Bella. And I'm now convinced they are some similarties to one another. Both Romeo and Edward makes desicions based on their own feelings at the very moment. like Edward leaving Bella because it would keep her safe, and it would be best for her. And with Romeo that kills Juliets cousin, and drinks the poison. All these actions chanced the story entirely for both. (Maybe just a little more dramatic with R+J) And the girls had both a very strong character. Juliet willingly drank the sleeping potion even though she could end up being buried alive or even worse things, and completed it al with the final act where she actually managed to kill herself with Romeos dagger! Name one person that would do that, and by the love of another! She was brave as hell. And Bella did jump of a cliff just to see Edward, and decided to become a vampire just to be with him, and tops it with insisting on giving birth to their child even though it destroyed her.
Medieval-lover posted over a year ago
itisI666 said:
OK, so in New Moon, when Bella goes cliff diving, Edward thinks that she just fell off of the cliff and died. He believes that he cannot live without her so he goes to the Volturi to have them kill him so that he can be with Bella. It fits because when Romeo finds Juliet in her "living death" he kills himself to be with her. Hope this helps!
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posted over a year ago 
LunaNotLoony said:
I think it's just a metaphor people use because they're twihard (rubbish joke...) to convince us that Bella and Eddy are the ultimate love.
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posted over a year ago 
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