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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

For those who watched Eclipse. What's your opinion on it?

Honestly, I was REALLY bored. It kinda helped that my friend kept saying funny comments on every scene. Although the fight scene was kinda cool...that was definitely my favorite part...
Oh, and Jake's line "Let's face it, I am hotter than you." Everyone in the theater started laughing and clapping :D
It's SHIT compared to the book!
gwenmyers1997 posted over a year ago
 silverandgreen7 posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

moo000 said:
I was let down, because everybody has been saying how it is so good, and way better than the other two films. But I had pretty much the same issues with it as I did with Twilight and New Moon.

Firstly, would it kill them to smile, like once? I mean, it went for two hours, I think they could have spared a few happy moments and still have plenty of time left for moping and staring dramaticly into space. They are meant to be in love, you would think that is something to smile about? Obviously I'm getting love all wrong, because it seems to make them utterly depressed.

Another thing was the oh so cheesy lines.They were bad enough in the book, but when sombody actually says them outloud, they become that much worse its cringe wothy. I'll admit, there were not as many 'laugh out loud' (at the film, not with the film) moments as there were in New Moon, but there was still more than enough. I think the acting contributed to this, as well as the actual script.

There were also a few other, more trivial things that annoyed me. One was Bellas hair. It was so frizzy, I couldnt concerntrate on her face (maybe a good thing?) because I just wanted to fix it up somehow. Jaspers hair was pretty awful too.
Jaspers accent also annoyed me. I know he is meant to be from the south, but he never had that accent in the other films. And it was not exactly the most believable accent in the world.
Carlisle also had an accent (English) which he didnt have in the other two films.
Oh, and one more thing; The engagement ring was hideous!! As soon as he pulled it out, I was just like 'ew' (which I said outloud, quite loudly- very embarassing), who seriously thought THAT was a good idea? Its so big and bulky, it looks like sombody squished a disco ball to her finger.

On a lighter note, I did quite enjoy the fight scene. I enjoyed all the bits with the newborns actually. The city and the clearing were both very dramatic settings, which I really liked.
I didnt like how when they ripped their limbs off they looked (and sounded like) the vampires were made of glass or something. I was expecting more blood and guts, but I tried to make the best of it.

The "I'm hotter than you" line was funny and clever, and I would have enjoyed a few more light hearted moments like that to lighten the very dark mood of the whole thing.
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posted over a year ago 
wow, I didnt realise I wrote som much. Yep that my essay :]
moo000 posted over a year ago
I completely agree :) I was kind of confused about Jasper and Carlisle's accents...Why didn't they have them in the beginning? My friends and I also said 'ew' when we saw the ring xD Seriously...Lastly, it DID seem like the vampires were made of glass! I expected more blood..what's a vampire movie without blood after all? Meh...
silverandgreen7 posted over a year ago
lol :] True.
moo000 posted over a year ago
mandapanda said:
I actually really liked it. I went in with really low expectations, and I came out pleased.

Despite what everyone will probably say about Edward, I thought he looked the best in this one. The make up was better. The close ups, you couldn't see the powder on his face, which was an improvement. Lol

The wigs were terrible and sometimes distracting, but I still enjoyed the scenes nonetheless.

There were alot of lines that were pretty funny. Charlie stole alot of the scenes. Well, I hated that line since I don't like Jacob. But, it wasn't meant to be literal.

Edward and Bella were cute. The fight was pretty cool. Edward being able to fight was refreshing. I'm tired of everyone calling him a pussy. I'm glad he actually got to do some action in this one. :)

But MR completely screwed up the end speech what with Bella not wanting to be a vampire for Edward but for herself as well. It's bullcrap. It's out of canon and not true to the book. Plus, it seems like Bella just wanted to be a vampire with powers. It's superficial and comes off terrible.

But other than that, I wouldn't really change anything. Just would have made some scenes longer.
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posted over a year ago 
The wigs were terrible.
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
SimplyLaurel said:
It was definitely the best out of the three, but it still wasn't good. I kept finding myself being really taken out of the moment by little things. The biggest one was probably facial hair. The producers REALLY should have made all of the guys shave before takes. Some of the vampires had 5 o'clock shadow in a few of the scenes and Jacob had this weird little thin-mustache thing going on. It would be this very dramatic scene, and I would be sitting there giggling with my friend about stubble. :P Rosalie's eyebrows were a bit too dark, as well. It was incredibly distracting.

As with the previous movies, the wigs/hair designs were horrendous. Kristen still had a mullet after working on another project, so she had to wear a wig, and it was really obvious. I'm not sure what they did with Jasper's hair, but it ended up looking like he had greasy helmet-hair. :/

Jasper's accent also bugged me. He didn't start using it until about halfway through the movie, then it got progressively thinker and thicker. I'm guessing the director didn't start telling Jackson Rathbone to start using one until they had already filmed some scenes, then kept telling him to make it thicker and thicker.

I think my favorite part was Rosalie's back-story. I really liked her "I was a bit more theatrical back then," line.

I hated the ring. It was so big and gaudy. It looked like really cheap costume jewelry that a 12 year old might wear when she played dress-up.

The acting was pretty dreadful. Most of the Cullens were okay, and Taylor did a pretty good job(his lines were REALLY choppy, though. I'm not sure how he pulled any of that off). Kristen Stewart was...ugh. The school kids were really good. I was sort of wishing the valedictorian speech at my graduation was more like the one in the movie. :P
I didn't really like the fact that the vampires sort of shattered like glass. That wasn't how I pictured it, at all. And then, that didn't really work with the fact that, judging by the way Victoria lit up, vampire bodies are quite flammable. I don't know, they had creative freedom with that, and they certainly used it.
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posted over a year ago 
snusnu13 said:
i thought the film was ok. Jake's line was funny and some of Charlie's lines were funny as well. The fighting was ok and I found the start very interesting.

My friend kept joking Edward was a cat and I kept laughing, even in dramatic scenes. He does look like a cat with those outrageous yellow eyes.
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posted over a year ago 
In the ook he has topaz eyes.
HecateA posted over a year ago
Oh yeah, Charlie's awesome ^___^
silverandgreen7 posted over a year ago
in new moon and eclipse they overdo the eyes,
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
ramengurl said:
I just stared blankly at the screen thinking "God, is this a two hour movie? This is so dull that I'd rather listen to Ben Stein reading the phone book!"

Charlie's lines were the only redeeming quality of the entire movie. Oh, and that Jasper FINALLY had a southern accent. Oh, God, his wig was terrible. I heard Last Airbender was terrible, too, so he shaved his head for nothing.
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posted over a year ago 
KatiiCullen94 said:
i thought it was brillant!
FUCKING BRAVO! this one is better then both movies put together and more.
This film was soooo loyal to the book, like every quotes , most scenes, !!
THING JUST GOT A MASSIVE UPGRADE! i reallllly reallly enjoyed it!
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posted over a year ago 
tooch said:
I actually really enjoyed it. The fight scene was by far my favourite part. And I loved the part when Jasper was training his family and wolves on how to fight the newborns.
I love the proposal. That was sweet, but I think the scene was too short; Same with the graduation.
And the parts where Jacob and Edward have their charms on Bella's bracelet, I think that was meant to be a more meaningful and deeper scene (Yes, Jacob gave the bracelet; That was sweet. But when Edward put his diamond thing on it, that part just went too quick.)
And yes, Jacob's line was the best xD
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posted over a year ago 
la-la-la-45 said:
I loved it!It was much better than I though it would be.My favorite parts were the fight,Rosalie's story,and the graduation.And I absolutely loved Jacob's line.
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posted over a year ago 
scarxtardis said:
I loved that line! in the theater everbdy laughed their heads off.
A few minutes later, me an dmy friends skittles packet dropped and all the skittles over the floor under the chair in front of us, and everybody cracked up.
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posted over a year ago 
GemonkDruid said:
Eh... it was okay... but I was really hungry, so I didn't pay attention.
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posted over a year ago 
lmao xD
silverandgreen7 posted over a year ago
I sneaked a mcdonalds in with me when I went to see it, people got a little mad with me for making noise though.
Myf_1992 posted over a year ago
snoznoodle said:
Unfortunately I don't think I can be objective about these movies anymore. When I saw New Moon I really liked it. I think Eclipse was probably better (there's no denying there is actual action in this one which is pretty awesome) but I think I'm so sick of the whole thing I couldn't take it seriously anymore. I went with about 8 friends and we basically spent the time laughing at it. Whenever Jacob kept turning up shirtless I couldn't help it I lost it. The "Let's face it, I am hotter than you" was totally worth seeing it though. It was hilarious!

I think I finally can't take one more soppy conversation between Edward and Bella or one more "I'm better for you than Edward" conversation between Jacob and Bella.
It's sad though because it was my favourite book in the series. There was a time when I couldn't WAIT for the Eclipse movie to come out. Now I just don't really care.

In short: action - good, Bella/Edward talk - far too excessive, eye candy - pretty good in a deeply sarcastic way (I think I'm Team Jacob's Abs or Team Riley now), love triangle - hilarious.

I still think that by Twilight's standards it was good. It's just that Twilight is really bad so you can't expect a masterpiece.
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
I was a little disappointed with how they portrayed Rosalie's story. I guess I was expecting a more in-depth look. But overall, I liked how they did her story. :)

I really enjoyed Eclipse.

I liked how they shoved the fights between the newborn vampires, the Cullens, and the werewolves. I thought the action was pretty impressive.

There were also hilarious parts in Eclipse; such as Jacob telling Edward, "Face it, I'm hotter than you," and Bella having to tell Charlie she was still a virgin. Lol XD

I'm going to see it again today, because my father (who I barely knew until seven months ago) and I have to do something special today. I chose the movies, and the movie I wanted to see wasn't playing anymore. None of the other moves looked pleasing, so I chose to see Eclipse again. Not because I'm an obsessed fan.
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posted over a year ago 
pmsl, when I saw Eclipse my first comment was "well done Twilight you made a funny!" They're learning, first they conquered the action scenes and how not to make them cheesey, second they made it funny, who knows maybe one day they can make a real cliff hanger. Fair play though I liked Eclipse.
Myf_1992 posted over a year ago
Myf_1992 said:
Well to be honest I've given up of critisizing Twilight on all its flaws. I saw the film with my best friend who is Twilight mad, but she dislikes Edward and Bella, so we just made fun of them. Jasper was pretty cool during the film. But it wasn't a bad film. Felt bad Jakey-poo though, Bella is such a B***h to him throughout the film.

Not gonna say it was my fav film of the year, but I don't think it was aweful. Was ok entertainment. Still parts of it that I didn't like though. For example, the way the film made Edward look amazing, and Jacob the compramising angry controlling guy, when he's just human and in love. How the film made Edward look invincable (sorry for any bad spelling) and Jacob gets hurt. But to be honest thats always bothered me even in the books, how Edward is made to look like a God and Jacob to look like a dog (yes i did it on purpose). If I had to pick I am so team Jacob, a man with a heart please =D
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posted over a year ago 
I'm Team Jacob too :D
silverandgreen7 posted over a year ago
Because your'e cool :D like me :P
Myf_1992 posted over a year ago
Arielbabygurl81 said:
i thpought d movie was gudd buh dere was nun exciting d only i liked really wass wen he said that i amm hotter than you soo i really tjhought ther cud of been less moments wid edward be cuz bella really nedds too get hera act together b4 she loses jacob 4 eva . any way it end stupid and the next movie is dumbb too all it is bout bella nd edward hads sme fun and she got pregnant and kept the baby and jacob looks different lk wen he was youger or older couldnt really tell .. nd theyt practily kissed the whopole movie soo idk i really wouldnt want too see it howw all the odas wass i think the book iss the best thing taa go wid
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posted over a year ago 
zanesaaomgfan said:
My friend and I went to see it. Shes like a Harry Potter freak. She said this


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posted over a year ago 
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